英语艺术节 作文

作者&投稿:英闵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

English Art Festival
In the UK, often held the English Arts festival. The students will be held greatly small recitation contest, sometimes personal reading, sometimes groups of poetry. There are galleries and students craft lesson manual, very beautiful. Art on the eve of the festival, the students will arrange site, filled with flowers and chair. In festival when they also invite their friends and parents come to visit, festival of the arts students is the most happy day.

Today was Saturday.I stayed in bed late. I got up at eight.Then I washed the clothes,taked a shower and brushed my teeth.At 8:30,I had breakfast.I ate bread and eggs,drank a cup of milk,they were healthy food.

After that,I went to the park and did sports.I played the badminton with my brother.He played it well.I lose,but I also happy.After that 1 hour,I went back home and watched TV.

English Art Festival
In the UK, often held the English Arts festival. The students will be held greatly small recitation contest, sometimes personal reading, sometimes groups of poetry. There are galleries and students craft lesson manual, very beautiful. Art on the eve of the festival, the students will arrange site, filled with flowers and chair. In festival when they also invite their friends and parents come to visit, festival of the arts students is the most happy day.


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