
作者&投稿:丙怎 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In view of the current existing conventional the beam pumping unit because of their limited structure, there are installed power is great, the phenomena of Malawi, motor efficiency is low.

The main cause is the conventional the beam pumping unit for crank balanced, start big power.

In order to solve this problem, design a kind of new stepless speed of the pumping unit, in order to achieve saving energy consumption, and reduce the operating cost purposes.

The new design characteristics of the pumping unit is: will the beam pumping unit of conventional reducer become stepless speed device, crank balanced to swim LiangPingHeng, soft start, reduce the installed power, enhancing the efficiency of motor and power utilization.

Realize the donkey head down the way many swung repeatedly, including four bar linkage is the optimal structure.

Its simple structure, high reliability.

The donkey head swinging the reversing stable (the speed is equal to zero), so new CVT pumping unit still using four bar linkage.

For new CVT pumping the donkey head hanging point movement rule of accurate analysis, through the horsehead stroke length, estimate the four connecting rod size, and focuses on the crank shaft torque transmission stepless calculated, write the corresponding computational procedure for different data of income compared to torque curve, choose torque curve smoothly, peak and no small bear of a group of torque as design parameters, the main parts structure design, mechanics analysis and strength check.

The calculations this new type of stepless speed of the unit advantage is that:

1. Stepless transmission torque output value of the pumping unit is 32.9% lower than normal;

2. No negative torque, root mean square torque than conventional pumping unit type small 30%;

3. The average start motor power than conventional pumping unit start-up power low 50.9%;

4. Motor power consumption than conventional type of pumping unit is reduced by 11.4%.

In view of the current existing conventional beam pumping unit because of its own structural constraints, presence of installed power big, big horse car phenomenon, the motor efficiency is low. The main reason is that the conventional beam pumping unit for crank balance, large starting power. In order to solve this problem, design a new type of stepless variable speed pumping unit, to achieve energy saving, the purpose of reducing operating costs.The model design of pumping unit is characterized in that: the conventional beam pumping unit reducer for stepless speed change device, crank balance into the balance beam, can be soft start, reduced power, improve the motor efficiency and the power utilization rate. Realization of up and down reciprocating swing horsehead in many ways, of which four connecting rod mechanism is the most preferred structure. It has the advantages of simple structure, high reliability. Horse head swinging reversing smooth ( reversing speed equal to zero ), so the new stepless variable speed pumping machine still using the four bar linkage mechanism.On the new type stepless variable speed pumping unit horsehead hanging point movement for accurate analysis, through the suspension stroke length, estimation of four dimension, and focuses on the continuously variable transmission crank shaft torque is calculated, the corresponding computational procedure is compiled, for different data which are obtained from the torque curve comparison, selection of torque curve smooth peak, small and no negative torque of a group as a design parameter, the main parts for structure design, mechanics analysis and strength check.Through calculating the stepless variable speed pumping machine has the advantages:1continuously variable transmission torque output values than conventional oil pumping machine low32.9%;2no negative torque, RMS torque than the conventional pumping unit small 30%;3Motor average starting power than conventional oil pumping machine start low power50.9%;4motor actual power consumption than conventional pumping unit is reduced by 11.4%.分享到









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