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牛顿的“微粒说”和爱因斯坦的 “光子说”的区别~










微粒说的能量表hγ(γ为频率,h为普朗克常量) 表hγ(γ为频率,h为普朗克常量为p=P=h/λ=hγ/c(γ为频率,c为光速,h为普朗克常量)在空间传播的光是不连续的,而是一份一份的,每一份叫做一个光子。







Newton's corpuscular theory was an elaboration of his view of reality as interactions of material points through forces. Note Albert Einstein description of Newton's conception of physical reality:

Newton's physical reality is characterised by concepts of space, time, the material point and force (interaction between material points). Physical events are to be thought of as movements according to law of material points in space. The material point is the only representative of reality in so far as it is subject to change. The concept of the material point is obviously due to observable bodies; one conceived of the material point on the analogy of movable bodies by omitting characteristics of extension, form, spatial locality, and all their 'inner' qualities, retaining only inertia, translation, and the additional concept of force.

In physics, the photon is the elementary particle responsible for electromagnetic phenomena. It is the carrier of electromagnetic radiation of all wavelengths, including gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet light, visible light, infrared light, microwaves, and radio waves. The photon differs from many other elementary particles, such as the electron and the quark, in that it has zero rest mass;[3] therefore, it travels (in a vacuum) at the speed of light, c. Like all quanta, the photon has both wave and particle properties (“wave–particle duality”). Photons show wave-like phenomena, such as refraction by a lens and destructive interference when reflected waves cancel each other out; however, as a particle, it can only interact with matter by transferring the amount of energy

where h is Planck's constant, c is the speed of light, and λ is its wavelength. This is different from a classical wave, which may gain or lose arbitrary amounts of energy. For visible light the energy carried by a single photon is around 4×10–19 joules; this energy is just sufficient to excite a single molecule in a photoreceptor cell of an eye, thus contributing to vision.[4]

Apart from having energy, a photon also carries momentum and has a polarization. It follows the laws of quantum mechanics, which means that often these properties do not have a well-defined value for a given photon. Rather, they are defined as a probability to measure a certain polarization, position, or momentum. For example, although a photon can excite a single molecule, it is often impossible to predict beforehand which molecule will be excited.

The above description of a photon as a carrier of electromagnetic radiation is commonly used by physicists. However, in theoretical physics, a photon can be considered as a mediator for any type of electromagnetic interactions, including magnetic fields and electrostatic repulsion between like charges.

The modern concept of the photon was developed gradually (1905–17) by Albert Einstein[5][6][7][8] to explain experimental observations that did not fit the classical wave model of light. In particular, the photon model accounted for the frequency dependence of light's energy, and explained the ability of matter and radiation to be in thermal equilibrium. Other physicists sought to explain these anomalous observations by semiclassical models, in which light is still described by Maxwell's equations, but the material objects that emit and absorb light are quantized. Although these semiclassical models contributed to the development of quantum mechanics, further experiments proved Einstein's hypothesis that light itself is quantized; the quanta of light are photons.

The photon concept has led to momentous advances in experimental and theoretical physics, such as lasers, Bose–Einstein condensation, quantum field theory, and the probabilistic interpretation of quantum mechanics. According to the Standard Model of particle physics, photons are responsible for producing all electric and magnetic fields, and are themselves the product of requiring that physical laws have a certain symmetry at every point in spacetime. The intrinsic properties of photons—such as charge, mass and spin—are determined by the properties of this gauge symmetry.

The concept of photons is applied to many areas such as photochemistry, high-resolution microscopy, and measurements of molecular distances. Recently, photons have been studied as elements of quantum computers and for sophisticated applications in optical communication such as quantum cryptography.

Newton's corpuscular theory was an elaboration of his view of reality as interactions of material points through forces. Note Albert Einstein description of Newton's conception of physical reality:

Newton's physical reality is characterised by concepts of space, time, the material point and force (interaction between material points). Physical events are to be thought of as movements according to law of material points in space. The material point is the only representative of reality in so far as it is subject to change. The concept of the material point is obviously due to observable bodies; one conceived of the material point on the analogy of movable bodies by omitting characteristics of extension, form, spatial locality, and all their 'inner' qualities, retaining only inertia, translation, and the additional concept of force.

In physics, the photon is the elementary particle responsible for electromagnetic phenomena. It is the carrier of electromagnetic radiation of all wavelengths, including gamma rays, X-rays, ultraviolet light, visible light, infrared light, microwaves, and radio waves. The photon differs from many other elementary particles, such as the electron and the quark, in that it has zero rest mass;[3] therefore, it travels (in a vacuum) at the speed of light, c. Like all quanta, the photon has both wave and particle properties (“wave–particle duality”). Photons show wave-like phenomena, such as refraction by a lens and destructive interference when reflected waves cancel each other out; however, as a particle, it can only interact with matter by transferring the amount of energy

where h is Planck's constant, c is the speed of light, and λ is its wavelength. This is different from a classical wave, which may gain or lose arbitrary amounts of energy. For visible light the energy carried by a single photon is around 4×10–19 joules; this energy is just sufficient to excite a single molecule in a photoreceptor cell of an eye, thus contributing to vision.[4]

Apart from having energy, a photon also carries momentum and has a polarization. It follows the laws of quantum mechanics, which means that often these properties do not have a well-defined value for a given photon. Rather, they are defined as a probability to measure a certain polarization, position, or momentum. For example, although a photon can excite a single molecule, it is often impossible to predict beforehand which molecule will be excited.

The above description of a photon as a carrier of electromagnetic radiation is commonly used by physicists. However, in theoretical physics, a photon can be considered as a mediator for any type of electromagnetic interactions, including magnetic fields and electrostatic repulsion between like charges.

The modern concept of the photon was developed gradually (1905–17) by Albert Einstein[5][6][7][8] to explain experimental observations that did not fit the classical wave model of light. In particular, the photon model accounted for the frequency dependence of light's energy, and explained the ability of matter and radiation to be in thermal equilibrium. Other physicists sought to explain these anomalous observations by semiclassical models, in which light is still described by Maxwell's equations, but the material objects that emit and absorb light are quantized. Although these semiclassical models contributed to the development of quantum mechanics, further experiments proved Einstein's hypothesis that light itself is quantized; the quanta of light are photons.

The photon concept has led to momentous advances in experimental and theoretical physics, such as lasers, Bose–Einstein condensation, quantum field theory, and the probabilistic interpretation of quantum mechanics. According to the Standard Model of particle physics, photons are responsible for producing all electric and magnetic fields, and are themselves the product of requiring that physical laws have a certain symmetry at every point in spacetime. The intrinsic properties of photons—such as charge, mass and spin—are determined by the properties of this gauge symmetry.

The concept of photons is applied to many areas such as photochemistry, high-resolution microscopy, and measurements of molecular distances. Recently, photons have been studied as elements of quantum computers and for sophisticated applications in optical communication such as quantum cryptography.




他分析了从牛顿和惠更斯以来,波动说和微粒说之间的长期争论,指出麦克斯韦电磁波理论的局限性,审查了普朗克处理黑体辐射的思路,总结了光和物质相互作用有关的各种现象,认为光在传播过程和与物质相互作用的过程中,能量不是分散的,而是一份一份地以能量子的形式出现的。 1909年1月,爱因斯坦再次撰文讨论辐射问题,9月在...

黑河市18384606299: 牛顿的“微粒说”和爱因斯坦的 “光子说”的区别 -
弥姿迪利: .牛顿支持微粒说.他觉得,波有衍射现象,但光是沿着直线传播的,又有谁见过光拐弯呢?所以他相信微粒说.固然,那时关于光,已知有许多奇妙事实同微粒说是不相容的,可这对于绝顶聪明的牛顿来说,攻克这样的难题还不是小菜一碟?...

黑河市18384606299: 牛顿的微粒说和爱因斯坦的光子说的区别一机惠更斯的波动说与电磁说的区别.请说得明白一点. -
弥姿迪利:[答案] 牛顿认为光是一种微粒. 光学是一门最古老的物理学分支之一.光的本性问题一直是人们十分关心和热衷探讨的问题.17世纪以来,随着科学技术的发展,这种争论达到了空前激烈的地步,也就是物理学史上著名的微粒说与波动说...

黑河市18384606299: 牛顿旳"微粒说"和爱因斯坦旳 "光子说"的区别 -
弥姿迪利: 简单说 微粒说就是光是有微粒组成 而光子的提出说明光具有波粒二向性

黑河市18384606299: 下列说法正确的是() -
弥姿迪利:[选项] A. 牛顿的“微粒说”与爱因斯坦的“光子说”本质上是一样的 B. 光的双缝干涉实验显示了光具有波动性 C. 红光照射某金属时有电子向外发射,紫光照射该金属时一定也有电子向外发射 D. 原子核所含核子单独存在时的总质量小于该原子核的质量

黑河市18384606299: 为什么说爱因斯坦的"光子"与牛顿的"微粒"是不同的? -
弥姿迪利: 爱因斯坦提出的光子是指量子力学中光传播的一份份能量,它同时适用于高速的相对论力学和微观的量子力学 而牛顿说的微粒是指一种实物粒子,及类似电子,质子等具有静止质量的微观粒子,而近代科学发现光子并没有精质量

黑河市18384606299: 关于对光的本性的认识 下列说法中正确的是 ( ) -
弥姿迪利:[选项] A. 牛顿的微粒说与惠更斯的波动说第一次揭示了光具有波粒二象性 B. 牛顿的微粒说与爱因斯坦的光子说没有本质的区别 C. 麦克斯韦从理论上指出电磁波传播速度跟光速相同 他提出光是一种电磁波 D. 麦克斯韦的电磁说与爱因斯坦的光子说说明光具有波粒二象性

黑河市18384606299: 光到底是物质微粒还是波 -
弥姿迪利: 光子既是粒子又是波(电磁波). 首先先说光子是物质吧.这个简单,如果你否认光是物质,那么它是什么,是意识吗?显然,它是物质.波也可以是物质存在的一种形态,不要把声波不是物质和光波是物质弄混了.类似的 场也是物质. 光在均匀...

黑河市18384606299: 19世纪之前,人们对光的本质有哪两种不同的学说 -
弥姿迪利:[答案] 人类对光的认识过程- - 人类对光的本性认识经历了一个非常曲折、漫长的过程,这其中不仅仅使我们获得了很多知识,更... 以惠更斯等为代表的光的波动说和以牛顿为代表的光的微粒说各持己见.它们都能解释一些光学现象.但也各有一些局限性,限...

黑河市18384606299: “光”是什么,是物体吗? -
弥姿迪利: 在经典物理学上,粒子理论认为光是由一个个独立的光子构成的.到十七世纪晚期Christian Huygens提出了波动理论,认为光是一种特殊的波而不是粒子集合.1807年Thomas Young又用光的衍射行为进一步证实了这一理论.可就在人们决定接...

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