They are learning English now 疑问句和否定句

作者&投稿:畅星 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
they are studying english in the classroom?改为一般疑问句~

Are they studying english in the classroom?



疑问句:【Are they learning English now ?】

否定句;They aren't learning English now .

疑问句;Did you go to the zoo last week ?

否定句:We didn't go to the zoo last week .

I am going to London tomorrow.是一般将来时态.

疑问句:Are you going to London tomorrow?

否定句:I am not going to London tomorrow.



Are they learning English now?
They aren't learning English now.

Did you go to the zoo last week?
We didn't go the the zoo last week.

Are you going to London tomorrow?
I am not going to London tomorrow.

They are learning English now 疑问句和否定句
Are they learning English now?
They aren't learnng English now.

we went to the zoo last week 疑问句和否定句
Did you go to the zoo last week?
We didn't go to the zoo last week.

l am going to London tomorrow是什么时态 疑问句和否定句
Are you going to London tomorrow?
I am not going to London tomorrow.


1. Are they learning English now?
They aren't learning English now.
2. Did you go to the zoo last week?
We didn't go to the zoo last week.
3. 是现在进行时结构,但它表达的是一般将来时的作用。
Are you going to London tomorrow?
I am not going to London tomorrow.

盈江县19679689210: They are learning English - ____ - Mr.Blake. -
漳丹美林:[答案] from, 表示向xxx学习;在xxx处学习

盈江县19679689210: 英语问题They are learning dragon dance的dance要不要加s -
漳丹美林:[答案] 不需要,但也可以加.

盈江县19679689210: They are learn Chinese. 这句话是不是错的,错在哪里,怎么改? 急急急! -
漳丹美林: 是错得.are 是谓语,是动词.learn也是动词.一个句子只能出现一个谓语动词.改learn为learning表示正在做某件事情.即他们正在学中文.望采纳.

盈江县19679689210: 他们正在学校里愉快地学习俄语They are - ------learning Russian. -
漳丹美林: enjoy 享受的愉悦的意思 后面加ing

盈江县19679689210: They are learning English as a second - ----
漳丹美林: They are learning English as a second ( language ).

盈江县19679689210: They are learning English - ---- - Mr.Blake. -
漳丹美林: from, 表示向xxx学习;在xxx处学习

盈江县19679689210: They are learning English ( )Mr.Black. -
漳丹美林: They are learning English ( from)Mr.Black 他们正在向Mr.Black学习.learn from sb 向某人学习

盈江县19679689210: 1.“他们学习英语”这个句子用英语怎么说 -
漳丹美林: They study English

盈江县19679689210: 他们很认真的在学习英语用英语怎么写 -
漳丹美林: They are learning English carefully.

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