
作者&投稿:充虹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Abstract human society enters the 21st century, we meet is a global, information-based, Internet-based, knowledge-driven and is the basic characteristic of the new economic era - the era of knowledge economy. For the financial environment in which enterprises under the impact of the economic environment, has also undergone a major transformation. Corporate finance and accounting as an important governance activities, how to face the changing environment, and give better play to their functions we need to continuously study of a topic. Based on the new environment of traditional financial accounting report the defects and limitations of the analysis, financial accounting report on the development trend.
Keywords financial accounting reports development of a knowledge -

Dear teacher, dear classmates:
你们好,我演讲的题目是《励志青春 点亮梦想》。
Hello, the topic of my speech is "inspirational youth light dream".
"What is the dream?" If I ask you this question, that one thousand people will have one thousand one answers. "Chinese partner" this movie just told us in the beginning: the dream, is a kind of makes you feel "stick is happiness". No matter what is the answer in each one of you, but I'm sure, when you think ofyour dreams, the heart must be full and warm feeling! Yes, the dream is a kind of yearning. And I, also have a dream: inspirational in regretless youth, lightbeyond the dreams of self.
If the youth without dream, what do we take to feeding desire? If the youthwithout dream, what direction? If the youth without dream, what do we take the driving force? If the youth without dream, what do we sail?
Tell yourself:
Have no what can stop us inspirational youth lit the dream steps, because itwill only be encouraged us grindstone growth, let our future shining;
Have no what can stop us inspirational youth brightens your dream, even though we are a caterpillar, also believe that the ideal harbor will eventuallybecome a butterfly fly with the wind;
Have no what can stop us inspirational youth brightens your dream, becausewe always believe that, the positive energy success stories written byenterprises cannot do without our contributions.
Endeavourers youth, light dream, we're ready! Come on!.
-- speech is my end, thank you -

摘要 :
Abstract :

The human society enters the 21st century, greets us is a globalization, the informationization, the network and take the knowledge actuation as the essential feature brand-new economical time--Era of knowledge economy. Financial environment which locates regarding the enterprise entire economic environment influence, also has had the big transformation. The finance and accountant take in the enterprise important government, how to face the change the environment, displays a topic which well its function is needs us to study unceasingly. This article through to new environment under tradition financial accounting report existence malpractice and limited analysis, elaboration financial accounting report trend of development.
Key word :
财务会计报告:Financial accounting report
知识经济:Knowledge economy

Abstract: Human society enters the 21st century, we meet is a global, information-based, Internet-based, knowledge-driven and is the basic characteristic of the new economic era - the era of knowledge economy. For the financial environment in which enterprises under the impact of the economic environment, has also undergone a major transformation. Corporate finance and accounting as an important governance activities, how to face the changing environment, and give better play to their functions we need to continuously study of a topic. Based on the new environment of traditional financial accounting report the defects and limitations of the analysis, financial accounting report on the development trend.

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英语论文。高人帮忙翻译一下 急 真的感谢大家了


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和顺县15981298014: 请教高人翻译一段英文文字,谢谢!翻译好了,追加分.文字如下3000 years ago, the Celts already called this land Belen - Gaard( meaning "Garden of the ... -
实寿天晴:[答案] 3000年前,赛尔特人就已经将这片土地称为Belen-Gaard (赛尔特语中意为“上帝的花园”).这个地点还是一块奇怪岩石的所在地,它曾在近年被督伊德教的祭司用作祭祀的石头.在10世纪,僧侣最先在这片俯瞰多顿河峡谷的独特土地上种植了葡萄...

和顺县15981298014: 求英语高手帮忙翻译,翻译好的再追加100分 -
实寿天晴: Hi, my old friends. I admire your manipulative ability so much. Building & decorating houses, you did these all by youselves. From our perspective, it's nearly an impossible thing. How excellent you are! You go to hack when you need wood. Although a ...

和顺县15981298014: 在线求翻译几句外语 有没有高手帮忙看一下 翻译的好追加分数~ -
实寿天晴: 前两句是西班牙语悲伤是内在的风景.(意思是...

和顺县15981298014: 在线求翻译几句外语 有没有高手帮忙看一下 翻译的好追加分数~我也不知道这三句话是哪国的语言 可能不是德语就是西班牙语 求大神翻译La tristeza de un ... -
实寿天晴:[答案] 前两句是西班牙语 悲伤是内在的风景.(意思是,悲伤只有内心深处才能看到,要藏在心中) 用笑脸面对困难. 第三句是德语,我用谷歌翻译成西班牙语后得到的意思是: 爱情并不是您找到您爱的人(那么简单).

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实寿天晴: Life is a executioner, on the blade, no tomorrow is like this, sometimes, give myself up to the street, to the cinema chair; Sometimes, silly to imply that her, to go the same way, listen to... 给你个英文的...

和顺县15981298014: 请英语达人帮我翻译这句话 20分,翻译的好追加20分,翻译机不要谢谢 -
实寿天晴: Learning to be patient is a process that everybody has to experience in their lives, for a small leak might sink a big ship.Therefore we should bear in mind its significance to us,leant how to be patient and proceed with this character.PS:这里的“小不忍则乱大谋”,采用了意译.不知这个译文是否满意?

和顺县15981298014: 高手帮忙翻译一下,好的追加分 -

和顺县15981298014: 有谁能帮忙翻译一下,不要翻译机器直接翻译的,翻译好的话追加分数 -
实寿天晴: !的鸡蛋会在一个鸡蛋,豆双重工作,西红柿沙拉西红柿就只能靠他们维斯成熟,挑选可爱和温暖,而不是超市冰鲜和风味free.I会干大松绿色从我的沙拉叶生菜,加上一些切碎的葱,并抛出新鲜罗勒,薄荷及以上地段香菜.如果有今晚这样的食物是新鲜的,少的食物已远远走在晚饭前,一定要有人生活在他们的小胡瓜植株顶部和吃生的.对在1994年向国家提出的理由之一是我,我想我自己的成长和生活更接近粮食的land.In城市,我有世界上最小的蔬菜园和2 hens.I已开始进食只有有机长之前就款式新颖,我跑出来的耐心与深夜从嬉皮士在埃塞克斯秘密白菜下降.唯一因为它是出售和购买的一件事他们不会作出任何更多的---土地.但我没有一个农场或一个小.

和顺县15981298014: 求英语高手帮忙翻译两段英文,好的话追加分数(别用谷歌翻译糊弄我)很重要!急求!The pressing concern of these nations with the mammoth problem of ... -
实寿天晴:[答案] 这些国家急切关注的庞大的经济发展问题,让他们的政府把国际贸易当做可以解决发展问题的工具. 在很多例子中,获准者应当在所在国拥有很好的法律顾问,以便获得当地法律方面的建议,以及在确保外国政府批准协议方面的帮助.

和顺县15981298014: 十分感激不尽 请帮忙翻译一下,悬赏50,谢谢!如果翻译的好追加,通顺意思准确即可 -
实寿天晴: 在已经使用的程序的算法原则基础上,所设计的用以计算精确简单的板肋热交换器中所传输的热量的二维数学模型,包括一个冷热量载体所用能量的微分方程以及热量传输的方程的系统.这一系统的解决方法在数值方法中应用,微分方程的系统在一些不同的方法的帮助下,得以交换.网格方程的网格集群值为10x10… 40x40. 因此,在墙内冷热载体的温度为0.01℃,具有一定的精度,热传输是按顺序计算每个基础网格⊿x⊿y的.根据先前的技术设计,该模型允许热量和密度在冷、热通道中传输(允许热量和密度在边界层交换),和通道的起始段热传输的特征[4].作为这两个二位数学模型的计算结果,在符合精度要求的网格领域中,冷、热载体及热传输表面的温度都是确定的

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