
作者&投稿:温若 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

You are invited to Peter Smith's 18th birthday!

Date: Sunday July 20, 2004

Time: 10:30 am to 22:00 pm

Where: 264 Robin Street


Call Jane at (307) 567-1234 to RSVP


A: Hi, Anna, How are you?
B: I am good. I enjoy my life in this university here.
A: Oh, that souds good. Tell me more about it.
B: Well. I make many friends here, we always hang out for fun. And how about you?
A: It's good. There is a big library in our university. It's convenient to read in there.
B: I know, you like reading very much.
A: Besides bibray, There are four canteens in our school. Food are delicious.
B: Oh, we have three.
A: And we don't need to take so much exam as in high school.
B: That's good. We have more time to do what we are interested in.
A: How about your school.
B: THere are many trees in our school. It's quiet. Would you like to go to my school?
A: I'd like to, but I have another errand today.
B: It's OK. You can come anytime you like.
A: Good. Oh, here is my bus. bye.
B: Bye.

朱迪: Hi, Cindy, glad to see you here. 嗨.辛迪.很高兴在这里见到你. 辛迪: Fine, thank you. Tomorrow is my boyfriend's birthday. I bought a tie for him as a birthday present. 我很好.谢谢.明天是我男朋友的生日.我买了条领带给他作为生日礼物. 朱迪: Oh, a tie is a good present for a man. Could you let me have a look? 噢.领带对男士来讲是不错的礼物.能让我看看吗? 辛迪: Of course, here you are. What would you think of my tie? 当然可以.给你.你认为我买的领带怎么样? 朱迪: Well....uh.... I think it's ok. 喔...呃...我认为还可以. 辛迪: You don't really like it, do you? 你并不是真的喜欢.对吧? 朱迪: Well, uh... To be honest, your tie is a little to colorful, I don't think it fits your boyfriend. 喔.呃.坦白讲.你买的领带太花了.我认为不是很适合你的男朋友. 辛迪: Mm, you may be right. I don't know how to choose from so many things. 恩.或许你是对的.我不知道怎么从那么多商品中选出合适的. 朱迪: It's my favourite. I'd like to come with you next time. 我这方面最擅长了.下次我和你去. 辛迪: Thank you in advance. 先谢谢你了.

:Hello,this is Lily.
YF:Hello,this is Lucy

Y:Tomorrow is my birthday!I hope you can come!

YF:Your binthday?realy?Happy birthday!

Y:Thank you!

YF:What time do you want to start?

Y:Just at 18:00

YF:OK!I will give you a surprise!See you tomorrow!

Y:Thank you!See you!


last satauday i came to the hotel to celebrate the birthday of my friday Wang lin.
it's very interesting of the party. Wang lin parpered a beautiful birthday cake.it is crowded with some gifts we send to her on the table.
the bowls which we uesd to eat food is on the table too. in front of me there is a bottle of wine and a glass. the wine is not so good. after the meal my friends were all coming to sing songs. they stay on the stage with a microphone. how happy they are!
i don't like this kind of atmosphere. i came out. there waas a taxi on the road. the mooon was so bright. it's so quiet. why people prefer the noisy life here 聚会中A:There you are !I'm so happy that all of you can come.

B:(smile),of course ,you are my best friend,happy birthday!

A:Thank you!

C:This is my present for you!

A:oh,it's so nice of you!(open),wow,it;s really very wonderful,i love it ~

D:Look ,this is mine,it's may not very expensive,but there is my best wishes

A:It is precious for me!

Umm,i think you must be very hungry,just help yoursefves,and then i'll show someone to you ,it's can be surprising~~

BCD:OK~ladies,let's go ....

Hello, A Hey,B how are you? Great, thank you. Do you know C's birthday is next Tuesday? Oh, year. C told me last week and asked me to go her party.I am thinking what should I wear and what present should I give. So do I. Do you have any ideas? Not yet. I don't know what she wants. Last time, I heared she wants to read the bible. Wow, does she a christrian? Hehe, no, she just wants to read the story of the god. Ok, so you will buy the bible for her? Year. I suggest you can buy a cross neckless to her. That's a great idea. Thank you.What will you wear on that day? Oh, C said she wants us to play pingpong with her. So I decide to wear the norma T-shirt and shorts. Thanks so much. Let's go to the shop together to choose the present, OK? I 'd love to. Hope we can find great stuff. A B stand for the two friends, C stands for the person who has a birthday party

F: I want to adopt a dog, and it can be Barbie's boyfriend too.F:我想领养一只小狗,然后它也可以成为芭比的“男朋友”。M:Haha,very funny,but it doesn't make any sense to me.M:哈哈,太有趣了。但是对于我来说却没有任何意义。F:That's all right. At least I got myself...

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many kinds of advertisements, I can send them to you.(有,我参考过许多广告,我可以把它们送给你。)Mike:You're so nice! Ok, let's go to take them.(你真好!那好,我们去取吧。)编对话真的很费脑流量。。。%>_< 感觉还是有点Chinglish的土气,能力有限,请见谅╮(╯▽╰)╭ ...

A:hI,Tom,Ihaven't seen you for quite a long time. Where have you been recently?B: I have been to the USA to attend a meeting.A:Did you have a good time there?B: Sure. We visisted many famous attrations there.A: Wow!That's great.B: What's more important, i ...

关于Language Learning 的英语对话 两个人的 三分钟之内的
关键性的话在下面,你自己连成对话吧。1、What is language for? some people seem to think it’s for practicing grammar rules and learning lists of words——the longer the words the better. that’s wrong. language is for the exchange of ideas, for communication. (语言到底是用来干什么的呢?

两人对话英语口语 关于大学生活的,大概三分钟左右,急!
两人对话英语口语 关于大学生活的,大概三分钟左右,急!  我来答 4个回答 #热议# 《梦华录》有哪些看点? jarodzone 2007-06-23 · TA获得超过1528个赞 知道小有建树答主 回答量:779 采纳率:0% 帮助的人:550万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 Place: Air’s villa. 地点: 空气的...

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一个三分钟左右的三人英语role play对话
together?A: Sure, i'd love to. I am actually starving.D: Great! i know this really good"eat as much at you want"sushi restaurant!A: I am so glad we bumped into each other. Let's go!just finished 这是两个人的,稍微改下就长三个人的了,我肚子饿了也就只想到这了。


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牧群赖氨: 朱迪: Hi, Cindy, glad to see you here. 嗨.辛迪.很高兴在这里见到你. 辛迪: Fine, thank you. Tomorrow is my boyfriend's birthday. I bought a tie for him as a birthday present. 我很好.谢谢.明天是我男朋友的生日.我买了条领带给他作为生日礼物. 朱...

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牧群赖氨:[答案] A:Hello .Do you like to watch football game tomorrow afternoon?B:That is a wnderful idea.But I have to help my mother to buy some food.I am afraid it might cost me quite a long time.A:well.I think I c...

山西省19639384407: 大约三分钟的英语对话有关邀请朋友来参加一个party -
牧群赖氨:[答案] You are invited to Peter Smith's 18th birthday! Date:Sunday July 20,2004 Time:10:30 am to 22:00 pm Where:264 Robin Street Washington Call Jane at (307) 567-1234 to RSVP 就这几个方面,编个对话吧

山西省19639384407: 英语邀请打篮球三分钟对话!并翻译! -
牧群赖氨:[答案] A:Hi,Bob,are you free sunday morning? B:yes,do you have any plan? A:How about playing basketball? B:That's a good idea.I will call you at 8. A:Ok,see you . B:See you.

山西省19639384407: 请别人吃饭的英语对话三五分钟就可以了, -
牧群赖氨:[答案] I wonder if you have time this evening? 我想知道您今晚是否有空? Would you be interested in dinner with me ? 今晚能请... Good, I'll invite you out when you're here.好极了,等你来的时候,请再接受我的招待. (本文来源:中青网英语角)

山西省19639384407: 大约三分钟的英语对话有关邀请朋友来参加一个party -
牧群赖氨: You are invited to Peter Smith's 18th birthday!Date: Sunday July 20, 2004Time: 10:30 am to 22:00 pmWhere: 264 Robin Street WashingtonCall Jane at (307) 567-1234 to RSVP就这几个方面,编个对话吧

山西省19639384407: 第一次见面,介绍自己并且邀请他们一起吃午饭 三个人的英语对话,要 -
牧群赖氨: A:hello,nice to meet you,my name is Xiaohua.I'm from Guangzhou. B:how are you,nice to meet you,my name is Jane. I'm form Shanghai. C:nice to meet you,too.my name is Peter.I'm form Hangzhou. A:I 'm glad to share the dorm with you.I would like to...

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牧群赖氨:[答案] M:hello! F:hello!Long time no see! M:yes,i haven't saw you for 3 years! F:oh,how about your life recently?Do you have time tonight?Shall we go to the restaurant and have a talk?I have a lot of things want to tell you! M:i'm so sorry,today is my father's ...

山西省19639384407: 跪求一段英文口语三人对话材料谢谢了,求一段英语口语三人对话 每人约三分钟时间. -
牧群赖氨:[答案] background: A and C are stuying in China. A: Hi,i am A,i am from Japan. where are you two from? B: I am B, i come from China, and you? C: i am C, i am from American. nice to meet you, A and B. A: ...

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