
作者&投稿:甘质 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

This article from the logistics development and existing problems of how to improve logistics distribution low marketization, third-party logistics development lag management system and related system is not perfected, infrastructurebackwardness, logistics and distribution function of the low, fragmented, barriers exist, severe division of professional logistics management and technical talent shortage problem analysis, citing the development of logistics chain enterprises, for example by gome in its distribution model system analysis, let people understand the importance of logistics.
Is the distribution of the various solutions to problems of e-commerce, and analysis of influence of logistics distribution is discussed. In the electronic commerce logistic how to reduce logistics costs, improve efficiency, solve the distribution is discussed in this article.

一 跨国物流企业在我国的发展概况
1.业务结构---不断扩大.目前跨国物流企业物流业务主要集中在①空运和速递。目前中国国内航空货运市场将以平均每年10.3%速度增长,速递市场规模已经超过100亿元,且每年以30%速度递增。特别是《中美扩展航空服务协议》签定后,航空货运竞争尤为激烈.TNT、 DHL、UPS、Fedex通过不同方式从事航空货运、国内包裹、重货快递、邮件速递等业务。②海运,如马士基和美集物流、铁行渣华,这些物流企业具有良好的海运网络和操作经验,主要提供国际海运、外轮代理、集装箱多式联运、码头、港口等物流业务③增值物流服务,如仓储、配送、加工、包装、报关、售后回收逆向物流、金融服务、进出口贸易、人力和人才租赁代理等。在进出贸易中,UPS同国内的一些金融机构进行合作来为出口商提供代收款和库存抵押等众多金融服务。④公路货运以及出入境公路运输、铁路货运。马士基也逐步在这些领域与中国有关企业合作。⑤全程供应链管理,也就是我们经常提到的第四方物流模式,这是他们业务发展趋势。如UPS成立了供应链解决方案公司,将UPS的业务扩展到以物流、快递、金融、供应链咨询为核心的全方位第四方物流管理。以上这些跨国物流企业在业务对象上主要集中在我国的跨国企业和合资企业,物流领域涉及家电、汽车、IT、化工、高科技、电信、电子、医药保健品、银制品、零售、食品、销售品等领域。
2.网络发展———不断拓展。面对中国物流市场的开发,国外物流巨头纷纷高调推出中国区网络建设计划,一些世界级的物流公司如DHL、UPS、Fedex、TNT都加大了对中国区的 资金投入和网络建设,并且纷纷将亚太总部迁往中国的上海等地。跨国物流企业在我国的网点主要集中在以香港为中心的珠江三角洲地区、以上海为中心的长江三角洲地区、以京津地区为中心的环渤海湾地区等经济发展较快的经济区,85.96%分布在东部地区,8.78%分布在中部地区,5.26%分布在西部地区,其主要分布城市为上海、厦门、大连、天津、青岛、深圳、广州等港口城市和南京、北京等部分内陆城市,并且逐步向中西部省市自治区扩展.如目前Fedex是唯一一家在华南、华北、华东地区都有业务网络的国际快运公司。最近,联邦快递以上海为中心在中国有220个城市网点,服务500个城市,计划在2008年前再增加100个网点,服务扩大到1000个服务城市。Fedex今年7月将亚太转运中心设在广州白云国际机场,为分食中国巨大的货运市场尤其是国内快运市场搭建了战略平台,联邦快递所有在亚洲网络内运送的货物,都将经白云机场中转;UPS供应链公司在我国的分公司已经达23家,国际物流业务遍布我国170多个城市,其中广州、上海和香港是联系欧洲和美国的主要航点.UPS计划于2007年在上海设立航空转运中心,那些从中国运到美国的货物都可以经过上海进行分配,美国货物进来后也由上海分配到各地。建立上海转运中心后,UPS还将根据未来美国交通部分配的更多航权班次,向中国西部发展并与欧洲各国连接。
3.业绩概况——不断攀升。短短几十年来,国际物流快递四巨头UPS、Fedex、DHL、TNT已经占据了中国国际快递业务的80%市场份额,在中国每年业务量和营业收入均保持20%以上增长。UPS 2003年在中国市场业务量同比增长45%,销售额达到335亿美元,2004年第2季度,中国地区的业务出口量较2003年同期增长70%,到2007年UPS将实现15%营业毛利。The job opens Chinese logistics in 2005 already all round , foreign capital is able to look on logistics industry as the new popular investment spot , enterprise carries out analysis on transnational logistics in business operations of our country , development of job has active significance to our country logistics. Business structure , network development , achievement general situation the main body of a book is introduced having finished transnational logistics enterprise in our country, have pointed out transnational logistics enterprise primal problem developing a frontage in our country , have proceed here, to have analysed the transnational logistics enterprise train of thought in our country on the basis , to have brought forward several enlightenments to development of our country logistics enterprise finally. Keywords: Transnational logistics , single-owner investment , localization change with the fact that the world produces the fabrication centre gradually to China , the logistics of our country market potential is more and more big , logistics marketplace capacities will reach 1,197,200,000,000 yuan to 2010. According to that our country adds the promise time WTO,in 2005 the Chinese logistics job opens to the outside world already all round, including that freight , the goods renting , general goods wholesale , retail and their logistics fields such as logistics distribution , entry-exit motor transport canceling in restriction on foreign capital such as region , share ratio in the highway. Therefore, foreign capital is able to look on logistics industry as the new popular investment spot. A few abroad logistics magnate seeps through home market gradually if UPS , Fedex , TNT , Exel wait , makes use of the technology fund and the whole world network advantage to devor the domestic logistics marketplace. Therefore, enterprise carries out analysis on transnational logistics in business operations of our country , development of job has active significance to our country logistics. One transnational logistics enterprise general situation in our country at present, the Chinese marketplace has owned almost 510,000 logistics enterprise , among them, foreign capital has accounted for 0.13% , has been more than 680, concentrate Bohai Bay area on the long triangle , the pearl triangle , be encircled by mainly, market share height amounts to 8% , market share is able to increase by unceasingly since and transnational fabrication enterprise works together with them still unceasingly. Following explains the transnational logistics enterprise condition in our country from three aspect. 1. Business structure--- expands unceasingly. Concentrate business on air transport (1) and pass quickly mainly. The airfreight marketplace will increase by with 10.3% speed sharing every year at present Chinese in the homeland , speed passes marketplace scale already exceeding 10 billion yuan , speed increases by degrees and with 30% every year. The label fixes the queen especially "Sino-US expands aviation serving an agreement " , airfreight competition is especially fierce. By being unlike way being engaged in the airfreight , in the homeland parcel , heavy cargo express mail,speed passes TNT , DHL , UPS , Fedex waiting for business. Ocean shipping, does (2) residue China if Ma Shi Ji He Mei incorporates logistics , iron , these logistics enterprise has the fine ocean shipping network and handles experience, act for , how dyadic through transport , dock , harbour container logistics business (3) added value logistics such as serves , the finance serves , foreign trade , manpower and talented person rent if keeping logistics in a storehouse , matching, agency foreign ship providing international ocean shipping mainly, to wait. A lot of finances carrying out the stock mortgage cooperating to come to gather money of for the exporter provides generation drawing in the banking institution passing in and out of trade middle , UPS and domestic few waiting are served. (4) highway freight and entry-exit highway transportation , railroad freight. Ma Shi Ji cooperates with Chinese in relation to enterprise also step by step in these fields. That whole journey supply chain management (5), is just the fourth parties logistics pattern that we often mention , this is their business developing trend. The company who resolves a scheme if UPS has set up supply chain, expands the UPS business to the all-direction fourth parties logistics administration taking that logistics , express delivery , finance , supply chain consult about as core. All above these transnational logistics enterprise concentrates the transnational enterprise and joint venture in our country on business marriage partner mainly, logistics field fields such as relating to the home appliance , automobile , IT , chemical industry , high technology , telecommunication , electron , medicine health care articles , silver products , retail , food , selling a product. 2 networks are developed opening up an exhibition unceasingly. And exploitation facing the Chinese logistics marketplace, high-sounding words of logistics magnate numerous and confused promotes the Chinese area network construction plan abroad , a little world-level the logistics company throws into sum network construction if DHL , UPS , Fedex , TNT have all enlarged the fund to Chinese area, Shanghai moving to Chinese numerously and confusedly with Asia-Pacific general headquarter waits for a field. Transnational logistics enterprise concentrates economic growth such as Yangtze River delta area , centering on moist area of Beijing ring Bohai Bay area taking Shanghai as centre in centering on Hong Kong the Delta of the Pearl River area on net of our country mainly, quicker economic zone, 85.96% scatter on eastern region, 8.78% scatter on central region, 5.26% scatter on western region, the person main scatter city be Shanghai, Xiamen, Dalian, Tianjin, Qingdao, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and so on harbour city and Nanjing, Beijing and so on part inland city, And face Middle West province city autonomous region expand step by step. If Fedex is unique at present one international express company having business network in South China , North China , eastern China. Lately, FedEx takes Shanghai as centre having 220 cities net to serve 500 cities in China , the point planning the net increasing by 100 again before 2008, serves the city expanding serving to 1000. Fedex is set up in Guangzhou white cloud international airport the Asia-Pacific luck turns in one's favour centre this July , is is that the gigantic freight marketplace especially the express marketplace hangs in the homeland has built strategy platform eat China mark, the goods that FedEx possessions conveys within Asia network, will transit shipment after white cloud airport; The branch company of UPS supply chain company in our country already amounts to 23 , international logistics business is all over the more than 170 our country city, Guangzhou , Shanghai and Hong Kong among them are that main part contacting Europe and American navigates point. The UPS plan transships a centre in setting up aviation in Shanghai in 2007 , those transport to the American goods from China can carry out assignment process Shanghai , the USA goods distributes to everywhere also from Shanghai after coming in. Build Shanghai after transshiping a centre, UPS will according to more aviation right number of runs or flights that future USA Ministry of Communications assigns, develop to Chinese western part and link with Europe every country. 3. The achievement general situation climbs a litre unceasingly. In recent several tens years , international short logistics express delivery four magnates UPS , Fedex , DHL , TNT have already occupied 80% market share of Chinese international express delivery , business amount and business earnings have increased by in China above keeping 20% without exception every year. UPS increases by 45% compared with the same period of the last year in Chinese marketplace business amount in 2003 , sales volume reaches 33,500,000,000 U. S. dollar, Chinese area business exports amounts in 2004 2nd quarter, increasing 70% compared to the same term in 2003, gross profit doing business to UPS in 2007 with realizing 15%. UPS is growing by amounts in the whole world business in 2004 being 10% , is accompanying but middle bad.



















作业基准成本法(Activity-Based Costing,简称ABC法)就是一种战略成本管理方法,作业基准成本法由R.Cooper与R.S.Kaplan在20世纪80年代末提出,所谓ABC法,是按照各项作业消耗资源的多少把成本费用分摊到作业,再按照各产品发生的作业多少把成本分摊到产品。利用ABC法可以改进优化作业链,减少作业消耗,提高作业质量,并在整个作业生命周期内进行战略成本管理。










In the business activities of enterprises, the logistics is infiltrated into various business activities of the activities. Logistics cost is to use the amount of the logistics activities of the evaluation of the actual situation. Modern logistics cost refers to the supply of raw materials from the beginning has been to include delivery of goods will reach consumers in the hands of all logistics costs. The logistics cost was not included in the financial accounting system, manufacturers will be used to charge the cost of logistics product cost and commercial enterprises put the cost of the commodity distribution and logistics costs mixed. Therefore, whether it is manufacturing enterprises or commercial enterprises, in accordance with not only difficult to complete the connotation of logistics costs to calculate logistics costs, and even the production area or have been separated from the circulation areas of logistics costs, we can not separate true calculated and reflected.

Whether the enterprise logistics or logistics enterprises, the logistics of its own to optimize the allocation of resources, and how to implement the management and decision-making, with a view to using the least possible cost and to maximize the benefits they are facing one of the most important issues. Logistics be seen as a manufacturing enterprise is the last best hope to reduce costs and improve efficiency levels.

Total cost of logistics enterprises

The logistics costs can be classified managers to provide more decision-making on the details of the impact, but the logistics enterprises in accordance with the functional activities to the different organizations, such as order processing, and transportation, and accounts of the majority of enterprises to adopt cost , logistics costs can not be shown separately, therefore, the logistics costs of the task is arduous.

Business Logistics refers to the cost of procurement, sales, production and logistics costs related activities combined. Logistics is the total cost of the logistics operation of the enterprise management an important indicator of how not to reduce the level of services under the premise of reducing the total cost of logistics enterprises is a business objective.

Transport costs: transportation costs refers to the raw materials and finished products in all transport costs caused by the activities, including direct transport costs and management costs. To reduce the total cost of logistics need to strictly control the expenditure in the transport, the transport of strengthening economic accounting.

Inventory holding costs: Generally speaking, the stock can be accounted for manufacturers of more than 20% of assets. Inventory holding costs of some fuzzy concept of distinction, it is difficult to determine, therefore, present many companies only to the current bank interest rate multiplied by the value of inventory with a number of other costs, as inventory holding costs. In fact, inventory holding costs, including the amount of funds used inventory costs, inventory costs, inventory costs and the risk of price adjustment losses.

Warehousing costs: Most warehousing costs do not change with the change in inventory levels, but with the number of storage locations and variable. Warehouse storage costs include rent, storage depreciation, equipment depreciation, cost of loading and unloading of goods packaging materials costs and management fees.

Volume Cost: Volume costs include production preparation costs, material handling costs, and accelerate plans for operating costs and loss of productivity because of changing products, such as lead.

Out losses: out because it is not cost refers to meet customer orders or demand caused by the sale of loss of profits.

Order processing and information costs: Order processing is under orders from customers start to the customer's receipt of the goods so far this process all receipts processing, order processing and related activities of the cost of order processing costs. IT costs and logistics management refers to the operation of the cost of IT. Including software depreciation, maintenance, and management costs.

Procurement costs: that the procurement cost components associated with the procurement of raw materials logistics costs. Including the cost of purchase orders, procurement planning for the management of costs, procurement management, and so on.

Other management costs: Other costs include management and logistics management and operation of relevant personnel management fees.

Single logistics activities will inevitably lead to lower costs of the rest of the cost increase, handled properly, it could even lead to the increase in the total cost. The total cost of logistics for integrated logistics management is the key to use of the total cost analysis can be effective management and real sense of the lower cost.

Logistics is the total cost of operation of the logistics business management major indicators, but the total cost of logistics itself and does not reflect the quality of logistics enterprises. The total cost of logistics through statistical analysis, so that enterprises can understand from the perspective of overall situation of their own logistics operation status quo, clearly present the key bottlenecks, as well as the breakthrough point, to propose solutions approach to improve the business performance of the overall operation.

Logistics Cost Management and Control

Business is an important goal for the smallest investment income for the largest. And the realization of this goal is the best way of managing the cost, logistics cost control is to limit the cost budget, the actual cost will limit with the target cost comparison, the difference between correct and improve the economic benefits of logistics activities.

Generally cost of the logistics can be controlled productivity standards, standard cost and budget performance test methods such as logistics. Strategic Cost Management is a comprehensive and feasibility of combining the management of technology, so that enterprises in the product planning and design stage will be to create concern that the cost of products, strategic cost management is the most crucial factor target cost.

Operating cost base (Activity-Based Costing, or ABC) is a strategic cost management, operating cost method from the baseline and RSKaplan R. Cooper in the 20th century to the late 1980s, the so-called ABC method, in accordance with the Operating How many of the consumption of resources allocated to the cost of operations, in accordance with the product to the number of operations to the cost-sharing products. ABC method can be improved by optimizing operating chain, reduce operating consumption, improve quality of operations, and throughout the operating life cycle of strategic cost management.

To benchmark the cost method is not only the cost of a more advanced method of calculating operating costs through strategic cost management for enterprise management, logistics for the implementation of process reengineering, performance evaluation to provide cost information, as well as enterprises to further improve cost control and strategic planning decision-making and a more favorable basis and standards.

Based on the analysis of enterprise logistics costs, reduce logistics costs of basic channels as follows:

Through efficiency of the distribution companies to reduce logistics costs of the distribution of efficiency, reduce the number of transport, improving loading rate and reasonable arrangement with plans to choose the best means of transportation, thereby reducing distribution costs.

Logistics Outsourcing of logistics enterprises reduce costs, lower cost of the investment companies to outsource logistics to specialized third-party logistics companies, can shorten the transit time of goods and reduce the cost of goods turnover and losses. Qualified enterprises can use third-party logistics companies直供on line to achieve zero inventory, and reduce costs.

With the modernization of information management systems to control and reduce logistics cost management in the traditional manual mode, the corporate cost control by many factors, not often can not be realized all aspects of the optimal control. On the one hand, enterprises will adopt various information systems logistics operations or business can accurately handle, expeditious conduct of the other through the information system of data collection, forecasting analysis, logistics costs can be controlled the possibility.

Strengthen the management of enterprise workers awareness of the cost of the work to reduce costs from the expansion of the logistics management of the various departments and enterprises, and product development, production and sale of the entire life cycle, logistics cost management, and enable employees with long-term development "strategy Cost consciousness. "

On the whole process of realization of the commodities, supply chain management to the production enterprises, third-party logistics enterprises, and sales enterprise, consumer composed of the whole supply chain and systematized, and achieve logistics integration, the entire supply chain maximum benefits, thereby effectively reducing the cost of logistics enterprises.

I am afraid I Fucai, only to find a thesis! Very sorry!


























Since the 20th century, the beginning of the 1980s, modern logistics first appeared in Europe and the United States and other industrial countries, and its unique charm by the global business enterprises favored by the rapid development Hailed as the development of enterprises "accelerator" and the 21st century "gold industry," and become a new point of economic growth. Now, the nations of the world, more and more enterprises at Juzidouxiang modern logistics enterprises Meanwhile modern logistics enterprises have become the global financial investors concerned about one of the key sectors. Modern logistics, hot. In the circulation of steel products, Modern logistics means including steel, means of production and means of subsistence all material information from supplier to the demand - Rational activities, in order to meet consumer demand for the right raw materials, intermediate stock, the final product and related information from the consumer to start to the effective flow and storage of the planning, implementation and control of the process. Modern logistics emphasis of this process is efficient, effective flow and storage, and information management and logistics in the role. China's steel industry logistics situation of China's steel domain to the logistics industry and Europe and the United States and other developed nations, Generally speaking, or at a relatively backward state, is primarily the following five aspects of the inadequate : Logistics Industry late start fighting each other, yet to establish a nationwide system of logistics supporting infrastructure such as hardware poor management philosophy and methods are not advanced modern Logistics understanding and theoretical research remains to be seen in the increase in China's steel circulation within the logistics industry shortcomings in the meantime, We have to see that through all aspects of the unremitting efforts made progress and achievements. Now, China's iron and steel industry and steel circulation of modern logistics is basically a benign cycle in the vigorous development trends. Large iron and steel enterprises have set up logistics companies, using its abundant human and material resources, The building of China's steel circulation reputation in the field of logistics enterprises brand. From the beginning in 1982, when the volume on the design and implementation of a large number of major technology projects logistics solutions, total transport and import and export goods and materials management worth more than 300 billion yuan, has accumulated a wealth of experience of modern logistics. Angang development of the logistics industry is based on its own foundation of the four major advantages : First, in many ports rate is the lowest among similar enterprises; Second, with many shipping companies. Airlines have established a good partnership; Third, customs, commodity inspection departments have good cooperation. clearance capacity is very strong; 4 is a good brand and reputation, it is also Angang development of the logistics industry in the largest capital. Currently, many enterprises in Liaoning province have expressed strong with Angang logistics enterprises desire to cooperate these three enterprises have adopted international cargo Angang ITC Ltd. made a business. Small and medium-sized iron and steel enterprises have not reconciled to losing the development of modern logistics of the favorable opportunity, also hope that through modern logistics of promoting strong, with large steel shorten the distance between enterprises. Laigang logistics enterprises under the current situation, the logistics optimization and integration of a big fuss about the logistics enterprises in order to reduce costs, enhance the comprehensive competitiveness. To this end, Laiwu Steel established the "Modern Logistics Management," responsible for the logistics of Laigang optimization and integration; hire experts on the logistics of the logistics Laigang diagnosis, develop integrated logistics optimization program, direct enterprises in modern logistics management innovation; the establishment of logistics optimization and integration of numerical models, all of the original production enterprises fuel procurement, production process and the transfer of semi-finished products to the customer sales process for system optimization, from the greater scope to optimize production costs and achieve Laigang the overall logistics management innovation. Online bidding and procurement, steel products and steel circulation towards modern logistics substantive step. "China's steel joint procurement tender system" since October 2001 in the domestic metallurgical industry following the formal launch of development momentum is very strong. The system can provide full Internet Hair, encryption tender, the tender closing, the online decryption opening a tender for the procurement platform, and the use of IC card system and advanced composite digital encryption technology. Today, the "Chinese steel joint procurement tender system" has realized a total online purchases 450 million yuan. January 2002. Beijing Shougang Steel new limited liability company through "Chinese steel joint procurement tender system," published online September 48 largest category of bids , procurement specifications varieties were more than 200, the value of 82.58 million yuan, to be held after the opening of the Internet, implementation of the procurement, participate in the online bidding vendors are 76. Now, an increasing number of suppliers to the steel business online bidding for the opportunity to actively participate in the ranks of online suppliers, Internet access to the big market. Compared with foreign enterprises, an obvious gap in our steel logistics system, after all, the development of the industry will also start from the overall perspective, still unable to meet steel production and steel trade development needs of logistics enterprises in terms of scale, efficiency, logistics technology and management standards with respect to foreign logistics enterprises, there is a wide gap between faced many pressing to resolve the question of solutions, mainly in the following eight areas : the iron and steel industry, logistics lack of overall planning, the segment did not straighten out, the logistics of irrational arrangement, the high cost of logistics, logistics means of a single, disordered competition in the logistics market, logistics industry as a whole led to poor efficiency. The degree of specialization is not high, Business uneven development, enterprises, "large and all-embracing", "dumbbell" of a common phenomenon, and Low degree of specialization, transport and logistics, warehousing modern low level. logistics centers and distribution centers in the construction scale and the pace of development has not yet adapted to the demands of modern logistics. Inefficient logistics system, the high cost of logistics, mainly in the transport, storage time, infrastructure such as labor productivity in three aspects. Logistics infrastructure does not match, the logistics technology and equipment, the low level logistics center and distribution center of the scale and speed of development of modern logistics do not meet the requirements. China's iron and steel enterprises are mostly under the planned economy product fragmentation, overlapping management and the traditional management patterns of deep-rooted, led to various logistics infrastructure planning and construction of a lack of the necessary coordination, thus compatibility and coordination poor, lead to the system function is not strong. Logistics systems generally low level of technology, equipment behind. Storage and warehousing facilities, the third party logistics warehouse owned 70% ordinary cottage warehouse, Stereo modern automated storage facilities a lower proportion is frozen, refrigeration, air conditioning fewer warehouses. In the use of the removal tool, manual handling car, pushing a forklift and the general lifting equipment accounted for more than 70%, and can screen forklift handling and other modern tools has been rarely used. Third-party logistics enterprises owned transport vehicles, ordinary vehicles accounted for more than 70%, modern box-type containers and container tractors and special transport vehicles were few. Shortage of logistics professionals. Steel logistics personnel system is the development of the logistics industry is seen as a key logistics enterprises grow protection. Our steel or steel circulation field of logistics management and personnel training, are also considerable lag, not suitable to the status of China's logistics theory and modern logistics management systems, logistics personnel training more difficult. Standardization lag. Logistics is a trans-regional and cross-sectoral operating system, the level of standardization is not only related to various logistics functions, elements of an effective interface between the development and coordination, has also significantly influenced the logistics efficiency. Logistics support equipment standards, standardization tray is not implemented, a serious impact on the efficiency of logistics. A low degree of information technology, modern marketing and operating level is not high. Many in the steel trade enterprises, are still in the telephone links by hand. Artificial handling low-level operational phase. In modern logistics system, the Logistics Information is not confined to a single enterprise's internal, In related businesses need a wide-ranging exchange. In related transactions between network connectivity, Retail enterprises to manufacturers and wholesale enterprises or orders issued by the information will also be sent to the logistics businesses, thereby achieving prompt delivery. But now, the majority of the steel traders according * permits the transmission of information to the media, it is impossible to achieve the steel of modern logistics. Although China has just started the flow of steel in the field of logistics enterprises still have many problems, However, its development prospects are very broad and has tremendous potential for development and growth space. With China's sustained economic development, the market economy gradually mature, the global economic structural adjustment and the industry has been escalating and This will make China's iron and steel industry, the status of the logistics industry and the role undergoing profound changes, logistics industry must be the promotion of China's iron and steel industry and steel trade to flourish the major carriers.


The embedded operating system characteristic analyzes The embedded system is take the application as a center, builds softly may reduce, is suitable to comprehensive strict request and so on function, reliability, cost, volume, power loss special purpose computer systems. Has the software ...

哪位电脑高手来帮帮忙啊`` 谢谢啦``
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没有固定翻译方法。可以叫 juggle the ball 。比如 He juggled the ball with his feet and head for 15 minutes nonstop.他连续15分钟不间断地用头和脚颠球。也可以叫 keeping up the ball。例 He walked for 100 meters while keeping up the ball.他边颠球边走了100米。

各位电脑高手,在下请问个问题!请各位高手帮帮忙!在下不胜感激!_百度知 ...
1、设定虚拟内存 硬盘中有一个很宠大的数据交换文件,它是系统预留给虚拟内存作暂存的地方,很多应用程序都经常会使用到,所以系统需要经常对主存储器作大量的数据存取,因此存取这个档案的速度便构成影响计算机快慢的非常重要因素!一般Windows预设的是由系统自行管理虚拟内存,它会因应不同程序所需而自动调...

最近我的网速出了问题,请各位高手帮帮忙。 100 我上的铁通宽带正常网速是不到2兆,可最近总是一到下午四点以后网速一下就降到了不足500kb,一直到第二天上午9点左右才恢复,且最近几天天天如此,服务商暂时还没查到原因,请各位高手... 我上的铁通宽带正常网速是不到2兆,可最近总是一到下午四点以后网速一下...

一、本人急用4000元,但是不想问朋友借..想快速借到4000元,有...私人高利自己衡量 二、急需4000块怎么办。骗子都死开去。借款4000哪个app比较简单快速 建议您选择正规渠道办理借款,如银行渠道;如果您申请低于5万元的,可先登录我行手机银行,点击“我的”-“全部”-“贷款”-“我要借钱”通过此...

二道江区14721833327: 哪位高手可以帮忙写2篇物流英文作文啊? -
解邦樟脑: Deae Sirs, I am very sorry ,According to customer requirements scheduled on March 31 sent to London port amend May,please make shipping next month as soon as your possibe Best Regrads

二道江区14721833327: 高手帮忙写一个物流公司简介 -
解邦樟脑: 给各范文,自己再修改一下 **物流服务有限公司于**年*月*号在*省*市成立. **物流公司现有员工近 **多人, **拥有和整合各种运输 车辆 **台,先进的物流设备 **套,仓库、分拨场地 **平方米,年吞吐能力 **吨.并在全国 **多个省、市、自 治...

二道江区14721833327: 谈谈对中国运输行业的看法(各位高手帮帮忙吧) -
解邦樟脑: 参考文献:百度文库关于我国运输业的发展现状与问题的书面报告一.我国运输业发展现状分析作为现代物流和国民经济发展根基的运输业,经历了一个漫长的发展历程.到今天,它已发展到了包括铁路、公路、水运、航空等多种多样运输部...

二道江区14721833327: 求一篇论文<浅谈物流企业的核心竞争力> -
解邦樟脑: http://wenwen.sogou.com/z/q711408836.htm 问问的回答只有2000字,太少了,我粘贴不过来,你自己过去看吧. 浅谈物流企业的核心竞争力 目前,无论是理论界,还是企业界,大家都在热烈讨论核心竞争力的培养问题,一致认为构建核心竞争...

二道江区14721833327: 急需一个物流管理论文,题目是《物流配送车辆调度优化研究》哪位好心人会写啊,麻烦帮帮忙吧我会万分感谢您的~!!
解邦樟脑: 摘要:针对影响物流配送顾客满意度中的“处理顾客抱怨行为”、“技术与维修服务”、“商品包装”、“送货时间的配合度”等因素进行分析,给出提高这些指标的优化策略,为物流企业降低成本、提高效率、提升顾客满意度提供借鉴. 关键...

二道江区14721833327: 关于快递,物流的,路过的大哥大姐帮帮忙 -
解邦樟脑: 还是选快递 快递可以上门提货 你要你朋友上网查一下圆通 申通啊都可以 上海嘉定区的电话 然后打电话让他们上门提货 要你朋友在行李袋外面套个一只蛇皮袋子之类的 再在上面用胶带一圈一圈缠好 毕竟现在快递乱 包装不好碰到缺德的就给你打...

二道江区14721833327: 求一篇关于生产物流(production logistics)的英文的论文!!或者论文地址~ 跪求!!
解邦樟脑: http://books.google.com.sg/books?id=dSz2-1KQcOkC&amp;dq=production+logistics&amp;printsec=frontcover&amp;source=bl&amp;ots=cVEAU80HQJ&amp;sig=9MvS_Qmeog9kyRLHbg8RLt3onpo&amp;hl=en&amp;ei=SXnpSYWUJ4_q6gOplf...

二道江区14721833327: 关于物流配送中心的调查报告报告要怎么写啊 有哪位高手帮下忙啊
解邦樟脑: 找中心的主管,他每个月都有上缴一份进出单据和一些杂七杂八的东西,可以跟他拿来参考一下

二道江区14721833327: 关于物流的问题1`那位高手能吧物流最赚钱的那条线告诉我?~最好是
解邦樟脑: 时间:5分钟 一小时10万 获利价格:饼干5680 数码6920 回城点定:江北 格子:8个 ... 回程到中心卖光 重复 物流跑商 路线1: 城上 浩山医院买4组感冒药 城下 自然米你超...

二道江区14721833327: 现在要写一个关于物流公司口号,名字是尽力通货运,请大神帮帮忙呀······ -
解邦樟脑: 口号要上下匹配、字句通顺,如果你现在有了后半句,应该发出来,才能想出来啊,要不只想上半句,和你的也不配啊..在这里,可以提供几个关于安全和准确的语句供参考:新年新起点,安全准确服务优 安全准确,用心服务为客户 全程服务,只为安全 安全准确两手抓,服务客户尽全力 服务客户尽全力,安全准确通八方!

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