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WALL-E (promoted with an interpunct as WALL•E) is a 2008 computer-animated science fiction film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and directed by Andrew Stanton. It follows the story of a robot named WALL-E who is designed to clean up a waste-covered Earth far in the future. He eventually falls in love with another robot named EVE, and follows her into outer space on an adventure that changes the destiny of both his kind and humanity.

After directing Finding Nemo, Stanton felt Pixar had created believable simulations of underwater physics and was willing to direct a film set in space. Most of the characters do not have actual human voices, but instead communicate with body language and robotic sounds, designed by Ben Burtt, that resemble voices. In addition, it is the first animated feature by Pixar to have segments featuring live-action characters.

Walt Disney Pictures released it in the United States and Canada on June 27, 2008. The film grossed $23.1 million on its opening day, and $63 million during its opening weekend in 3,992 theaters, ranking #1 at the box office. This ranks the third highest-grossing opening weekend for a Pixar film as of July 2008. Following Pixar tradition, WALL-E was paired with a short film, Presto, for its theatrical release. WALL-E has achieved highly positive reviews with an approval rating of 96% on the review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes. It grossed $534 million worldwide, won the 2008 Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film, and the 2008 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, and was nominated for five other Academy Awards.

WALL-E (promoted with an interpunct as WALL•E) is a 2008 computer-animated romantic drama, science fiction film produced by Pixar Animation Studios and directed by Andrew Stanton. The story follows a robot named WALL-E, who is designed to clean up a waste-covered Earth far in the future. He eventually falls in love with another robot named EVE, and follows her into outer space on an adventure that changes the destiny of both his kind and humanity.

Throughout the 21st century, Earth was governed by the Buy n Large megacorporation (BnL), causing mass consumerism and covering the planet in trash by 2105. In an attempt to resolve the situation, Earth's population was evacuated on fully automated luxury BnL starliners for five years while an army of trash compactor robots called WALL-E's were left behind to clean up the planet. The plan largely failed, however, forcing humanity to remain in space indefinitely. Seven hundred years later, in 2805, only one WALL-E unit functions, having survived by salvaging parts for himself from other defunct WALL-E units. This unit has developed sentience and a sense of emotion, particularly curiosity, as shown by his quirky habits of collecting knickknacks from the mountains of trash.

One day, WALL-E finds a seedling plant growing among the trash and returns it to his home inside an old transport truck. Later, a spaceship lands and deploys an advanced probe robot named EVE. WALL-E is instantly mesmerized by EVE as she carries out her directive of searching for signs of plant life. Initially aloof and hostile, EVE begins to warm up to WALL-E and takes a liking to him. During a dust storm, WALL-E takes EVE to his truck and shows her the plant, causing her automated systems to store the plant inside her, activate a homing beacon, and deactivate her. WALL-E goes to great lengths to try to revive and take care of her, even going on a date with the inactive robot. When her ship returns to collect her, WALL-E desperately clings to the hull of the ship as it returns to the Axiom, the flagship of the BnL fleet.

Upon docking, WALL-E follows EVE as she is taken to the bridge of the ship. As he progresses through the Axiom it becomes apparent that after centuries of living in microgravity and relying on the ship's automated systems, the human passengers have suffered severe bone loss and become obese. The Captain himself does little, leaving control of the ship to the autopilot, Auto. When EVE is brought to the bridge, the Captain learns that by placing her plant sample inside the ship's holo-detector as a sign of Earth being habitable again, the Axiom will enter hyperspace and return to Earth to allow its passengers to repopulate the planet. However, when EVE is opened, the plant is missing. EVE is considered defective and taken to the robot repair ward along with WALL-E, though the Captain's curiosity is piqued and he begins researching Earth history.

At the repair ward, WALL-E causes chaos and accidentally releases a horde of malfunctioning robots to roam the ship, resulting in the ship's security designating him and EVE as "rogue robots." Annoyed with WALL-E's disruptive influence, EVE attempts to send him back to Earth on an escape pod. However, they see Auto's assistant GO-4 deposit the missing plant into the escape pod and set it to self-destruct. WALL-E manages to save the plant, and EVE gratefully gives him a "kiss" in the form of an electric spark. The two robots celebrate on a spacewalk around the Axiom before returning the plant to the Captain. The Captain reviews EVE's visual records of the devastated Earth, and vows to return there to restore the planet. EVE, meanwhile, sees WALL-E's commitment to her well-being while she was inactive and falls in love with him. However, Auto reveals that he was given a final directive to keep humanity in space, as Earth had been deemed uninhabitable at the time he was given the directive. The Captain argues the plant is proof that life is once again sustainable on Earth, but Auto stages a mutiny, locking the Captain in his quarters, electrocuting WALL-E and sending him down a trash chute with EVE and the plant.

With WALL-E severely damaged, EVE realizes the only parts to repair him are on Earth, which they can reach quickly if they can activate the hyperjump. With the help of the other rogue robots and the human passengers, WALL-E and EVE attempt to place the plant in the holo-detector, but Auto's control of the ship prevents them from doing so, and WALL-E is further damaged in the process. The Captain breaks free of his quarters and deactivates Auto, allowing the holo-detector to activate, sending the ship back to Earth. EVE quickly takes WALL-E back to his truck and attempts to repair him, but his memory and personality appear to have been erased as he reverts to his original trash-compacting duties. Heartbroken, EVE gives him a farewell "kiss", which causes another spark that inadvertently restores WALL-E to his unique personality, happily reuniting the two robots. WALL-E and EVE rejoin the humans and robots as they begin working together to restore Earth, taking care to plant the seedling that brought them back home.

"WALL-E" is "Finding Nemo" (Finding Nemo) Directed by Andrew Stanton (Andrew Stanton) directed the second animation, which is scheduled for June 27, 2008 release. Videos The story takes place in 2700, due to excessive destruction of the human environment, the Earth at this time has become a floating in space, a big ball of refuse, human spacecraft moved to a last resort, and the company hired Buynlarge clear rubbish on Earth, waiting for the day refuse removal End back on Earth. So Buynlarge to the delivery of a large number of robots on Earth to garbage, but this robot is not suitable for the Earth's environment, and gradually are broken and in the end only one robot is still day-to-day procedures in accordance with the scheduled garbage. Clearly this is an impossible task. So after a few hundred years, the robot to collect a lot of man-made items, the most it is like a box of video tapes - starring Barbra Streisand musical "Hello, Dolly! "(Hello, Dolly!)! Over time, this lonely robot began self-consciousness, it was eager to spend time with it. One day a spaceship landed it was almost overhead, a beautiful female robot Eve came to Earth in charge of the search a number of things, garbage robot "love" on the Eve, but it faces a clear choice, with Eve and the spacecraft to leave the Earth, or continue in accordance with the default command to go pick garbage. Of course it is the last choice and Eve leave together, into space, but the show has just begun ... ... video film "WALL-E" is an acronym called "Waste Allocation Load Lifters - Earth", is sent to Earth Buynlarge company garbage those robot's official name. In addition the film will appear in a live actor Fred Willard (Fred Willard), he will play Buynlarge President, in the cartoon appeared in a real person, which is the first Pixar.

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有些人觉得机器人只有被人输入知识它才懂这种知识,其实机器人也是有学习能力的。而“上帝的代言人”里的库迪就是个例子,它自以为自己是上帝的代言人而把两个工作人员关了起来,自己操作,还是稳住了波束。机器人观后感篇三:《机器人总动员》观后感 《机器人总动员》观后感 看完这部电影。不得不赞叹...

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海城区18888701530: 机器人总动员(美国2008年安德鲁·斯坦顿执导动画电影) - 搜狗百科
南胜瑞可:[答案] 《WALL-E》是《海底总动员》(Finding Nemo)导演安德鲁·斯坦顿(Andrew Stanton)执导的第二部动画片,计划于2008年6月27日上映.影片故事发生在2700年,由于人类无度的破坏环境,地球此时已经成为漂浮在太空中的一个大垃圾球,...

海城区18888701530: 机器人总动员英文介绍 -
南胜瑞可: "WALL-E" is "Finding Nemo" (Finding Nemo) Directed by Andrew Stanton (Andrew Stanton) directed the second animation, which is scheduled for June 27, 2008 release. Videos The story takes place in 2700, due to excessive destruction of...

海城区18888701530: 求机器人总动员的英文简介,100个字母左右. -
南胜瑞可: 1

海城区18888701530: 求<<机器人总动员>>英文简介 -
南胜瑞可: WALL·E (2008) In a distant, but not so unrealistic future, where mankind has abandoned earth because it has become covered with trash from products sold by the powerful multi-national Buy N Large corporation, WALL-E, a garbage collecting ...

海城区18888701530: 求机器人总动员(walle)英文剧情介绍!急! -
南胜瑞可: In a distant, but not so unrealistic future, where mankind has abandoned earth because it has become covered with trash from products sold by the powerful multi-national Buy N Large corporation, WALL-E, a garbage collecting robot has been left to ...

海城区18888701530: 电影机器人总动员剧情介绍 -
南胜瑞可: 影片故事发生在2805年,由于人类无度的破坏环抄境,地球此时已经成为漂浮在太空中的一个大垃圾球, 人类不得已移居到太 空船上,并且聘请Buy N Large公司清除地球上的垃圾,等待着有一天垃圾清理完重新回到地球上. 于是Buy N Large...

海城区18888701530: 电影《机器人总动员》的英语影评, -
南胜瑞可:[答案] WALL·E (2008) In a distant,but not so unrealistic future,where mankind has abandoned earth because it has become covered with trash from products sold by the powerful multi-national Buy N Large corporation,WALL-E,a garbage collecting robot has ...

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