
作者&投稿:敛羽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

街角的幸福 这是我最爱的电影之一,看了很多遍,特别是心情不好的时候看了心里暖暖的,虽然这部电影里没有太多所谓的技术含量,或者经典的配乐,但是我仍然把它看作一部不可多得的好电影,因为它能够带给我们感动和希望,还有相信爱情的信仰,幸福就像是白开水,平淡但是不可或缺,喜欢梅格瑞恩和汤姆汉克斯的黄金搭配,喜欢里面的街角书店,喜欢提到的《傲慢与偏见》,喜欢这种浪漫温馨的感觉 This is one of my favorite movies, seen a lot of times, especially when seen in a bad mood was warm, although the film did not too many so-called technical content, or classical music, but I still a rare look at it as a good film, because it can be touched and brought us hope, but also believe that the faith of love, happiness is like water, plain, but indispensable, like Meg Ryan and Tom Han Fox with gold, like the inside of the corner bookstore, like the reference to "Pride and Prejudice", like the romantic feel


See this film a very important reason is because the actor is the Hanks, I like him, from watching "Forrest Gump" began, and some time ago to see "The Terminal", but also let me in the story moved at the same time, admire the acting of Hanks! The "e-love" for allowing me to appreciate the charm of Hanks!

Today's world has entered the Internet era, more people between the speed, convenience, the drama is the male and female acquaintance in the network, they send each other e-mail, tell Heartsongs. It seems that way is not convenient for today's QQ, but I think that something more fun!

Video the very beginning, two people are in the male (female) to go out after Friends, can not wait to open the computer, check their e-mail, the kind of urgent feeling, like a greedy child, and parents to go out later, quietly open the Like stealingtube biscuits and butter, girls in love, restrain live beating heart, hastily torn love letter!

On the network, they have no words about each other about their troubles, their happy. I think that people on the network more vulnerable to open their hearts, of course, the premise that individuals with each other to attract 2. Although can not see each other, but it allows the exchange of the heart connected to each other soul, truly feel each other's existence! The kind of good feeling, I think that in reality may not be able to get!

There are several details of the film I particularly deep impression, a hero is when men and women know they are real competitors, the (of course do not know the relationship between the network), two in the street, supermarkets, the mutual avoid, such as a child of the same, theHanks, Meg Ryan's cute, really let me. Payment section of the supermarket, Meg Ryan's anger and helplessness, Hanks laughing and proud of, let me a voice to!



This is one of my favorite movies, seen a lot of times, especially when seen in a bad mood was warm, although the film did not too many so-called technical content, or classical music, but I still a rare look at it as a good film, because it can be touched and brought us hope, but also believe that the faith of love, happiness is like water, plain, but indispensable, like Meg Ryan and Tom Han Fox with gold, like the inside of the corner bookstore, like the reference to "Pride and Prejudice", like the romantic feel

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《电子情书》(You've Got Mail)汤姆汉克斯在片中是饰演一个讲话尖酸刻薄的标准纽约客,意外的爱上了他的死对头梅格莱恩,在男女主角E-Mail的往返中,常常可以看到男主角的宠物,一只大型的黄金猎犬,它虽然戏份不多,但是在最后一幕男女主角相拥而吻的镜头中,硬是想要凑上一脚的捣蛋样,倒也吸引不少观众的注意。《...


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后秦欣洫:[答案] 街角的幸福 这是我最爱的电影之一,看了很多遍,特别是心情不好的时候看了心里暖暖的,虽然这部电影里没有太多所谓的技术含量,或者经典的配乐,但是我仍然把它看作一部不可多得的好电影,因为它能够带给我们感动和希望,还有相信爱情的...

广丰县15864899641: 谁帮我写个《电子情书》的英文影评,150 - 250字 -
后秦欣洫: 街角的幸福 这是我最爱的电影之一,看了很多遍,特别是心情不好的时候看了心里暖暖的,虽然这部电影里没有太多所谓的技术含量,或者经典的配乐,但是我仍然把它看作一部不可多得的好电影,因为它能够带给我们感动和希望,还有相信爱...

广丰县15864899641: 高中英语 电子情书 影评 -
后秦欣洫: You've Got Mail is actually a pretty good movie starring Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. It's kinda like their old movie Sleepless in Seattle but I like this movie much more better because the two characters have more time on screen together. This movie is ...

广丰县15864899641: 求电影 《电子情书》 英文观后感 -
后秦欣洫: Love conquers all between two bad-for-each-other individuals in the predictably saccharine but tolerably entertaining romantic comedy "You've Got Mail" that reunites writer & director Nora Ephron with her "Sleepless in Seattle" co-stars Tom ...

广丰县15864899641: 谁能用英语描述一部电影的大概内容.100字左右 -
后秦欣洫: 电影《电子情书》的中英影评 现今的世界已进入了网络时代,人与人之间的交流更加的快捷、方便,剧中的男女主角就是相识在网络上,他们互相发送电子邮件,诉说心曲.那种方式看来是没有我们今天的QQ方便,不过我觉得那更有另一番情...

广丰县15864899641: 寻一篇电影《电子情书》的读后感 -
后秦欣洫: Humanities in New York on a strong Western flavor,K Catherine (Meg Ryan young) runs a small bookstore warm, bookstores inherited from the mother, has four decades of history, is living near a part of the Neighborhood . Did not expect on the ...

广丰县15864899641: 电子情书 经典影评 -
后秦欣洫: 看这部片子一个很重要的原因是因为男主角是汉克斯,我喜欢他,从看《阿甘正传》就开始了,而前一段时间看的《幸福终点站》,更是让我在被剧情感动的同时,对汉克斯的演技佩服的五体投地!这部《电子情书》再次让我领略了汉克斯的魅...

广丰县15864899641: 求电影<电子情书>的英文介绍.~! -
后秦欣洫: 电影英文名You've Got Mail Plot summary(剧情介绍) Kathleen Kelly (Meg Ryan) is involved with Frank Navasky (Greg Kinnear). While Frank, a newspaper writer for the New York Observer, is devoted to his typewriter, Kathleen prefers her laptop ...

广丰县15864899641: 《电子情书》的英文简介 100字左右 -
后秦欣洫: Kathleen Kelly, owner of a little and famous bookstore for children's books, has an affair. Being together with Frank Navasky, a well-known journalist, she betrays him by e-mailing secretly and anonymously with a (also betraying) man whom she met ...

广丰县15864899641: 有哪位英语高手能帮我写一篇英文影评,高二高三水平. -
后秦欣洫:《玩具总动员》 Andy is home to the new toy " buzz ", cool, fresh, is the brain some stupid, thought himself to save the universe hero...

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