changeable climate 的作文

作者&投稿:仲长忽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
一篇通俗易懂的change the changeable作文~

From the weather report and the news, you may notice that the climate is so changeable recently.
The changeable climate could do harm to the creatures in the world. For example, it is reported that recently because of the decreasing of the ice in north pole, the number of the norh pole bear has been reduced. A picture showed a north pole bear died from hunger and the terrible weather. Some news also said the dirts in the air increased so quickly that the enviroment has been greatly polluted in many big cities.

From the weather report and the news, you may notice that the climate is so changeable recently.
The changeable climate could do harm to the creatures in the world. For example, it is reported that recently because of the decreasing of the ice in north pole, the number of the norh pole bear has been reduced. A picture showed a north pole bear died from hunger and the terrible weather. Some news also said the dirts in the air increased so quickly that the enviroment has been greatly polluted in many big cities.

The reason for the changable climate could be the following. At first, due to the movements of sun, the weather could be very hot in the summer in north part of earth but extreme cold in the south part. It also brought droughts and floods in different areas which destroyed people's residents. Secondly, the changes of climates largely depends on human's activities. Large numbers of private vehicles have produced increasing amount of serious polluted air, CO2 and other chemicals which could be the main reason of the rising of temperature, sea level and reduction of land coverage. It is obvious that the changes of landscape and water level change the enviroments of animals, making them hard to survive.

For this phenomenon, everybody in the whole world should firstly, understand the importance of protect our enviroment. To make a peaceful earth not only for human society and other creatures. Goverments should adopt some policy such as to punish the destroyer in time. Students should be educated to do some protection for enviroment. 自己原创的。顺便练练手~有写的不好的地方请指出

Evidence is gathering that human activities are changing the climate. This 'climate change' could have a huge impact on our lives. The following tutorial will tell you the facts about climate change, and what effects a change in climate will have on our lives.
Global temperatures have risen by 0.6 degrees Celsius in the last 130 years. This rise in global temperatures leads to huge impacts on a wide range of climate related factors.
Levels of carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide gases are rising, mainly as a result of human activities. Carbon dioxide is being dumped in the atmosphere at an alarming rate. Since the Industrial Revolution, humans have been pumping out huge quantities of carbon dioxide, raising carbon dioxide concentrations by 30%. The burning of fossil fuels is partly responsible for this huge increase. This graph shows carbon dioxide emissions increasing over the last 130 years. You can see that the rate of increase is huge.
Methane levels in the atmosphere have increased by 145% since the Industrial Revolution. This increase is a result of gas produced by livestock and paddy fields.

There are some uncertainties as to what effects a change in climate might have on the earth. To predict what might happen, we first need to start by understanding how the increase in gases such as carbon dioxide and methane affect our climate. The diagrams below show the effects of these gases on our atmosphere.
Below are some predictions of what might happen to the earth if subjected to a change in climate.

The changes may be:

a rise in global sea levels

a change in vegetation zones

an increase in disease levels

a change in ecosystems
In 1998, 46 million people live in areas at risk of flooding (BBC News, 1997). This amount could increase rapidly if sea levels rose. Scientists estimate that a sea rise of only 50 centimetres would increase the number of people at risk to 92 million. A sea level rise of 1 metre would put 118 million people at risk. Scientists believe that there will be a sea level rise of 50 centimetres over the next 40 to 100 years.
Ecosystems could be affected by a change in temperature. It has been predicted that an increase in temperature would affect species composition. Scientists also believe that up to two thirds of the world's forests would undergo major changes. Scientists believe that deserts would become hotter, and desertification would extend and become harder to reverse.
Detailed studies are undertaken in the UK to see how climate change is affecting humans, agriculture, vegetation, the ozone layer, hydrology, invertebrates, marine life, forests, birds, and the freshwater environment. You can click on the button below to see how these indicators are changing as the climate is changing.
All these changes could occur if we carry on polluting the atmosphere with gases. There are many things we as individuals can do to help slow down any increase in global temperatures.
If we cut down on the amount of carbon dioxide we use, the rate of climate change will slow down.
One way we can cut down on the amount of carbon dioxide we use is by making less car journeys. How often do you get a lift to school when you could easily have walked? Could you share a lift with a friend so only one car would need to be used? These small differences count.
We could also use less carbon dioxide by using better insulation in our homes. This would lessen the need to burn fossil fuels such as coal and oil that give off carbon dioxide. We could also switch to using renewable sources of energy such as wind or solar power.

changeable多变的 比如 the changeable weather variable多样性的 比如 the variable food

eatable,suitable,bearable,saleable,washable,loveable,debatable等等。1、eatable 英 [ˈi:təbl] 美 [ˈitəbəl]adj.可以吃的。n.食物,食品。The kernel of most nuts is eatable.坚果的仁儿多半可以吃。2、suitable 英 [ˈsu:təbl] 美 ...

如果e前面是c和g,这样的单字加able不用去e,如:changeable 多变的 traceable 可追溯的 forgeable 可伪造的 ineffaceable 不可磨灭的 interchangeable 可以交换的 knowledgeable 有知识的。这是由于英语中的发音规则决定的,这条发音规则称为硬音和软音。一、c的硬音。辅音字母c在单字里(尤其是在元音...


--able这个词缀是表示“能够(be able to)”的意思 --ful这个字缀则是表示“充满,富有(be full of)”的意思 所以:changeable 就是可改变的,能改变的 changeful 就是富于变化,擅变的

这些结果是可测试的。2、able的用法和语义 (1)、able为活性后缀,如要构成这一意义的新词时,都是加 -able。(2)、一般以"e"结尾的动词,去掉"e"再加-able。如:erase→erasable(可擦掉的),deceive→deceivable(可欺的)。也有直接加的。如:change→changeable(可变化的),service→...


The weather in April is ___, so you’d better take more clothes...
changeable|ˈtʃeɪndʒəbl|likely to change; often changing 可能变化的;易变的;常变的The weather is very changeable at this time of year.年年在这个时候天气都变化无常。

多变的英语单词并不是changing 而是changeable the weather is changeable ,it may be caught in rain.因为这问题,我外教老师天天念叨着,她告诉我说changeable更合适


白碱滩区15226308952: changeable climate 的作文气候变化很大 的原因 污染 人为 导致气候多变 英文作文500字 -
钊石小儿:[答案] From the weather report and the news, you may notice that the climate is so changeable recently. The changeable climate could do harm to the creatures in the world. For example, it is reported that recently because of the decreasing of the ice in north ...

白碱滩区15226308952: changeable climate 的作文 -
钊石小儿: Evidence is gathering that human activities are changing the climate. This 'climate change' could have a huge impact on our lives. The following tutorial will tell you the facts about climate change, and what effects a change in climate will have on our ...

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钊石小儿: weather n. 天气, 气象 The weather changed overnight.一夜之间就变天了.climate n. 气候;气候区Coffee will not grow in a cold climate.咖啡不能生长在寒冷的气候下.pattern n.

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钊石小儿: The weather is easy to change.天气易变(是多变的) 用to do 不定式修饰天气,此处做状语

白碱滩区15226308952: “多变的天气”用英语怎么说 -
钊石小儿: changeable weather 望采纳!

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钊石小儿: 呵呵,楼主应该问的是“善变”的英文,不是“善变的英文” ~~~其实,这都是要看语境的~~ 楼上将到capricious,好深的一个词,连六级词汇里也找不到~~查了字典,笑,是“易变的,善变的.不可靠的,反复无常的”例句we can not go ...

白碱滩区15226308952: 天气变化无常——用英语怎么说? -
钊石小儿: 1.这段时间天气变化无常.: It's so changeable at this time of year.2.四月里变化无常的天气: April weather.3.这星期他脾气变化无常,所以不要惹他生气.: His temper's is changeable this week, so do not annoy him.变化无常: constantly ...

白碱滩区15226308952: 常用英语形容词后缀有哪些 -
钊石小儿: 1)-inginterestingboring2)-edmountedworried3)-ableerasableeditable4)-lyfriendly5)-yfunnysunny6)-fulbeautifulskillful7)-iousprestigiouscontinuous

白碱滩区15226308952: 天气多变的英语怎么说 -
钊石小儿: 今天的天气是多变的 The weather today is changeable.

白碱滩区15226308952: 哪位知道LANCOME - Climat(气候)前调,中调,后调各是什么喔? -
钊石小儿: 在法语中Climat是“气氛”的意思,诞生于1968年 但是我也没有找到前调,中调,后调各是什么 但是只知道是乙醛花香调,一种清新、独特及柔和的香水.混合新鲜花卉及自然精华.持久力强.如果还不满意,下面还有一段英文描述:Features: A fresh, original & light interpretation fragrance With the scent of sparkling flowers & natural essences Long lasting Suitable for daily wear

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