
作者&投稿:原庆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

其实无论if more word is wanted, just call me back还是if more words are wanted, just call me back. 这都不是很地道表达.
If you still have anything else to say,just call me !
have an eyefull of sth/sb:一饱眼神....,好好看一看....

of 后面接人或事,所以楼主下面的句子是正确的.
I was awakened by the firecrackers outside before I could have an eyeful of you.

1. We consider_ China a developing country
2. An eyewitness_ is a person who sees the thing take place.
3. We are contemplating_ moving to the south
4. I have no time,besides_,I have no money

名词物主代词是后面不加名词,This is mine,是正确句子,不过没有上下文,不知道是什么,所以不好。
The dog belongs to me.

The dog belongs to me.
I own the dog.

这个句子不成立 因为mine是 我的 的意思 这个句子前面就不用dog啦
当然啦 前面的一个句子必须提到dog 这个东西
I am the owner of the dog
The dog belongs to me.
I own the dog

What was a busy day!

请大家帮忙翻译几个英语句子 谢谢
1.Our English teacher is too busy to look after his home.2.They agree on this plan.3.Per success is just to buy a pass to head for more difficult problems.4.This kind of girls don't play computer games much,if they do ,only few of them.5.We can gain the success eve...

4.Below performances, the hope that friends like.

1、Henan is on the west of Sandong .交界用on 2、The old man lives in the west of the village .内部用in 3、Japan lies to the east of China .不接壤用to .

2、as time goes by, not hate easy 3、Daughter to tell them the first day of school life, they listened to.4、In twenty-first Century, ahead of the time, we feel strongly that understanding between countries and the need for cooperation.二.用被动语态 1、The city has three ...

这是我认为的英语神仙句子,喜欢的赶紧收藏起来吧! Never trouble trouble till troubletroubles you. 麻烦没来找你,就别去自找麻烦。 Looking into your past is the only way to discover your future. 回望过去,是为了更好地探索未来。 Self-improvement is a lifelong process. 自我提升是一个终生的过程。 抢...

I just need a computer, which won’t take up too much space, to carry out study on line where I can access much study materials. And wherever I am and whenever it is, I would be able to carry out study as long as I have a computer with me.3:distance education 有很多...

5. Do you know what time the spring semester of general classes 6. To April showers bring may flowers 7. My grandparents often cautions youth short, should make full use of the university for four years.8. You are waiting for the copier? Something is wrong with, are ...

英语优美的句子有很多,以下是我总结的一部分,希望在日常生活中可以用到。 1、 Life is too short for long-term grudges. 人生短暂,何必长期心怀怨念 2、It's better to have fought and lost, than never to have fought at all. 战败总好过不战而降。 3、My personal failure has only strengthened my ...

2, the father to the more busy later, every day to see a lot of a lot of guests.3, flowers red as fire, white as snow.4, subject examines the judgement of the triangle with similar properties, and the comprehensive strong, is relatively complex, difficult.5, I why so ...

射阳县15348165907: 帮忙看几个英语句子 填词 -
艾辰新快: construct eyewitness currently besides

射阳县15348165907: ●帮忙分析几个英语句子1.Children go to school to prepare themsleves for the time when they will grow up.2.No matter what kind it is lasts through the years.(lasts... -
艾辰新快:[答案] 孩子们去学校为将来的成长做准备 when连接了一个时间状语从句,修饰the time,即长大的时间 第二个to表示目的状语,为了什么什么 无论是什么类型的都会持续很多年 what这里是名词从句,这个句子做主语,表示无论是什么样的东西,类似于no ...

射阳县15348165907: 帮忙看一下这几个英文句子帮我解释一下这几个英文句子:get her a big piereof cake .carry it to the girl.you trip over a recorder.the girl langhs .you blush. -
艾辰新快:[答案] get her a big piece of cake.带给她一大块蛋糕;carry it to the girl.带给那个女孩;(注:carry搬运,此处用词不当)you trip over a recorder.你被一台录音机拌倒了;the girl langhs.那个女孩笑了;you blush.你...

射阳县15348165907: 帮忙用英文翻译几个句子1.小王子,你是我的希望.2.一切都是因为你的肯定,天空才如此美丽.3.我会一直爱这你,实现你的希望,疲倦的时候想着你,就擦亮... -
艾辰新快:[答案] 1.The Little Prince,you are my hope.2.All because you are certain that the sky was so beautiful.3.I will always love you this,you hope to achieve,tired when you think,polished my dream.4.Please do not...

射阳县15348165907: 帮忙翻译几个英语句子1.The holiday was a complete surprise----I only find out about it the day before we left.2.The Broadcasting Museum also offers Saturday ... -
艾辰新快:[答案] 1.假日完全是一个意外——直到我们出发前一天我才发现有假日 2.传播博物馆同样给孩子们提供了周六研习班,他们可以沉浸在电台的世界里. 3.仅仅说道他们服务的质量的话,还只是他们生意成功的一小部分,我花了很长时间发现全部成功的因素. ...

射阳县15348165907: 帮忙看看两个英语句子有错吗?1.Despite the fact that success can not be easily attained,many people try to figure out the way to attain their own, resulting in ... -
艾辰新快:[答案] 1.Despite the fact that success can not be easily attained,many people try to figure out the way to attain their own,resulting in two opposite opinions of succeeding.resulting in 前面是不是少什么东西? 不少,resulting及其后面的成分做前半句的结果状语...

射阳县15348165907: 帮忙看看两个英语句子 -
艾辰新快: 后一句有错 hope的用法:sb hope sb to do sb hope that+从句前一...

射阳县15348165907: 帮忙看两个英语句子
艾辰新快: 1.The survival of civilization的意思是 有幸遗留下的文明within threat和toward threat 没有这种搭配 2.A. 固定搭配 be attracted to例:Jim was attracted to the Italian girl. 吉姆对那位意大利女孩产生了好感. B . 固定搭配 be absorbed in

射阳县15348165907: 帮忙看2个英语句子
艾辰新快: 针对第一个句子那个could be应该做的是what引导的句子的谓语.就像what it is一样,这个句子中的her reaction相当于it,而to the news则是对reaction的修饰,相当于定语,而could be就相当于is,只是其中的could表示推测语气. 第二句中的those是指的后面说的拥有大学学历的人,在这里的with表示伴随,意思是拥有某种能力或事物,在这里不能换

射阳县15348165907: 帮忙看个英语句子 -
艾辰新快: 最好用一般时因为你在讲述一个常识,譬如The earth is round.另外,第二句话可以改一下:The other 11 years are named according to the order in which the animals reach the finish line.以xxx命名yyy的确应该用name after的句式,但是因为你的第二句内容比较复杂(涉及到了11种动物),所以用name after 就不大恰当了.arrive in the race也不大对劲,从语法上讲,把in the race 去掉还好一些.你看看我给你改的第二句,如果不同意,笑笑就算了,哈哈

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