
作者&投稿:訾药 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.His mother wants him _______at home today.
A.stays B.stayed C.to stay D.staying
2.____ Dasan is from Canada,_____ he can speak Chinese well.
A.Although,but B.Although, / C.Although, so D./,so
3.Good ________ habits help me get good grades.
A.eating B.eat C.ate D.eatting
4.Is her watch _____ yours or different?
A.the same B.the same as C.same as D.the same to
5.-I am often ill.-_________.A.I think so B.That’s OK. C.Really? Thank you. D. I’m sorry to hear that.
6.-Do you often brush your_______? –Yes, I do.
A.tooths B.toothes C.teeth D.teeths
7.There’s ________. That’s _________nice.
A.too much; too much B.much too; much too
C.Much too; too much D.too much; much too
8.Mary shouldn’t eat ________ for 24 hours.
A.Something B.anything C.everything D.nothing
9.It’s very important _________ study hard.
A.from B./ C.for D.to
10.I watched the football match last night and______ go to bed_______ 10 o’clock.
A.don’t ; when B.didn’t; as C.don’t; until D.didn’t ; until
11.---________?----He has a sore back.
A.What’s the matter with him B.What is wrong with he
C.What’s the matter with his D.What’s the wrong with him
12.This song sounds_____.A.beauty B.beautiful C.beautifully

13.---How long is he _________? -----For two weeks.
A.staying B.coming C.going D.leaving
14.They are _______.A.staying walk B.going walks
C.taking walks D.going walk
15.I don’t like this shirt. Can you give me __________ one?
A.other B. the other C.any other D.another
16.It took _________ to do my homework. A. me an hour half
B.me half an hour C.me half a hour D. me a half hour
17.There is ______ for him to do today A.something important
B.Important something C.anything important D.important anything
18.I am thinking ____ what to do next.A.out B.of C.about D.for
19.____ is the weather today? A.What B.How C.Which D.Who
20.My telephone number is 5391939. Please __________.A.write them down B.write down them C.write it down D.write down it

21.Jim is _____ for shanghai on Sunday.
A.coming B.doing C. leaving D. returning
22.May I ask you ________ questions?
A. little B. a little C.a few D.few
23.Can you tell me when you __________home?
A. get back to B.get to back C.get back D. get to
24.Do you enjoy _________ football?
A.playing B.play C.played D.to play
25.How about _____ with us to the Great Wall?
A.come B. comes C.came D.coming
26.It takes her 20 minutes ________ her homework.
A. finish B.finishing C. finished D. to finish
27.The N0.8 Middle School is not far _______ his home.
A. to B. from C. with D. at
28.---How does he go to Hong Kong?----_________.
A.By the plane B.By air C. Takes the plane D.Take the plane
29.Tom never depends ______ his parents. He likes to do everything _________ himself.
A.with; on B.on; by C.in; by D. from; with
30. _______ students in my class like basketball very much.
A.The number of B.A number of C.The numbers of D.A little number
31.Kate isn’t very_______. She likes to stay at home and read.
A. outgoing B. kind C. funny D. quiet
32.Two years ______,the Blacks lived in New York.
A. late B.ago C.behind D.after
33.Every day his parents make him_____in the garden.
A. to work B.working C. work D.works
34.Ann enjoys ________ the music on Sundays.
A listening to B.listening C.listen to D. listen

35.I like to have friends _________ are the same as me.
A. which B.whose C.who D. where
36.________ should get the job, lucy or Lily?A.Who do you think
B.Whose do you think C.Do you think whose D.Do you think who
37.Light travels _______ than sound.
A. much fast B. far fast C. much faster D. more faster
38. Liu is a(n) ________girl and she doesn’t like talking much.
A.outgoing B. quieter C. quiet D. wild
39.Li Lei’s parents _________doctors.
A. are all B. are both c. all are D. both are
40.Lily is ________shorter than Lucy.
A. very B. too C. quite D. a little
41.Joe_______ go to the doctor. His neck is sore.
A. have to B. can C. has to D. may.
42.---Sorry, because I have to look my brother.----That’s too_____. Maybe_________ time.
A. bad; another B. bad; other C. good; another D.good; other
43. ---Would you like to visit the museum?--_______.
A.Yes, please B.Sure, I’d love to.C.sorry, I wouldn’tD. Yes, I would
44.Can you ______ my house to have a meeting together?
A. come over to B.come back to C. leave for D. have a look at
45.I have to study____ my science test ____ Thursday afternoon.
A. at; on B. on; for C. for; in D. for; on
46.Thanks for _____ me _______ your party.
A. invite; for B. invite; to C. inviting; for D. inviting; to
47.---_______ ? -------It’s May the 12th.
A. What day is it? B. What’s the date today? C.What’s today?
D.What date is it?
48._____ is good for us ______ morning exercises every day.
A.That; doing B.That; to do C.It; doing D.It; to do
49.Mr black ______ to China the day after tomorrow.
A. flies B. fly C. is flying D. flew
50.I hope there is _______ with my eyes. A. nothing wrong
B. wrong nothing C. anything wrong D. wrong anything
51.Mary writes as ________ as her brother.
A. good B. better C. well D. best
52.---_____ is your school from here? ---Ten minutes’ walk.
A. How long B. How far c. How d.How much
53.My father goes to work ________ every day.
A. by bike B. in a bike C. on bike D. ride bikes
54.A horse is _______ than a dog.
A.much heavy b.more heavier C. much heavier D. heavy

55.Please keep______ . Her brother is sleeping.
A.quiet B.quietly C. busy D. sorry
56.Please ______ me after you come back from your vacation.
A. call B. ask C. inviting D. to call
57.She looks the same ______ her sister ______ some ways.
A.as; as B. in; in C. from; at D. as; in
58.This is my friend. He is _______ outgoing than I am.
A.much B. much more C. a little D. a lot of more
59.He is very tired now. He should stop______ a rest.
A.to have B. have C. has D. having
60.His job is not _______ exciting ______ his sister’s.
A.more; as B.as; so C.so; as D. much; at
61.If you want to get the job, you must be good ______ children.
A.at B.with C.for D.in
62.Mr Bean enjoys ______jokes and often makes us ________.
A. to tell; to laugh B.tells; laugh C.telling; laugh D.telling; laughing
63.Traveling by ship is ______ than taking a bus.
A.A lot of fun B. much fun C.a lot more fun D. a lot much fun.
64.It took us _____ to walk to the factory last Saturday,
A.one and a half hour B.one hour and a half hour
C. One hours and a half hour D. one and a half hours
65.A number of students _________ interested in sports now.
A.Is B. was C. are D. were
66.People are worrying________ the pollution(污染)of the air.
A.with B.for C.in D.about
67.I went to ______ that film last weekend.
A.look B.watch C.look at D.see
68.Some students say yes, but ________ say no.
A.another B.the other C. others D.other
69.---- ______of the teachers in our school is 118. _________ of them are women teachers. A. The number ; A number
B.The number;The number C.A number;A number D.A number;The number
70.---Is your home ______ the park?----No, it’s _______the park.
A.far to; near from B.far from; near from C.far from; near D.far to; near
71.----When are you going? -----I’m going ______ May 1st.
A.over B.for C. on D. to
72.He is _________ his younger sister this evening.
A.Look at B.look C.babysiting D. babysitting
73.Her teacher ______ her an interesting book yesterday.
A.gives B.give C.send D.sent
74.Please show _______ your pictures.
A.we B.our C.ours D.us
75.We should brush our _______ twice a day.
A.tooths B.teeth C.tooth D.tooths

76.I am kind of ______. Can I have something to drink?
A.happy B.thirsty C. hungry D. angry
77.The results ______ “watch TV” are interesting.
A.On B.to C.in D.for
78.Is your pen _______Jim’s?
A.same as B.the same C.the same with D.the same as
79._______ he likes watching TV, he gets good grades.
A.But B. Because C.As D .Although
80. I eat ______ meat because I don’t want to be so heavy.
A.lots of B.much C.less D.more
81.Sally is _________ than her sister.
A.more funny B.funier C.funniest D.funnier
82.How long does it ______ you to ride to school?
A.use B.uses C.take D.takes
83.I _____think he _____a famous movie star.
A./; isn’t B.don’t; isn’t C.don’t; is D./ ; wasn’t
84.Where ______ your sister _______ for vacation?
A.are; going B.is; going C.does; goes D.is ; go
85._____ fine mornings, many old people get together to exercise.
A.At B.In C.For D.On
86.Li Lei with his friends _____ work on the farm next week.
A.goes to B.go to C.are going to D.is going to
87.---Must I return the book before Friday?---No, you________.
A.mustn’t B.needn’t C.can’t D.don’t
88.I enjoy _______ to parties.
A.go B.going C.go to D.to go
89.Li Ming and Lin Tao ______ black eyes.
A.has B.have both C.both have D.both has
90.Shang Hai is bigger than _______ in China.
A.any city B.any other city C.any cities D.all the cities
91.Jim’s bag is bigger than _______.
A.I B.me C.Lucy D.Lucy’s
92.The old man is good at_______.
A.paint B.paints C.painting d.to paint
93.That book is not so ________ as this one. A.more interesting
B.interesting C.most interesting D.the most interesting
94.Tennis isn’t the same _____ badminton. They are different _______each other.
A.as; from B.as; with C.with; as D.from; at
95.My jacket is longer than ______.A.her B.him C.she D.hers
96.I’m ______ hungry. Do you have something to eat?
A.little B.a little C.many D.lot of
97.---__________ today?----It’s Monday the 14th.
A.What B.What’re C.What’s D.How’s
98.Paul can’t come to the party. He’s _______ soccer.
A.Plays B.play C.played D.playing
99.I’m free ____22:00.Please come here before 22:00.
A.till B.at C.after D./
100.Thank you ______ me to your party.
A.Ask B.for asking c.to ask D.asking.

1-5CBABD 6-10CDBDD11-15ABACD16-20BACBC21-25CCCAD26-30DBBBB31-35ABCAC36-40ACCBD41-45CABAD46-50DBDCA51-55CBACA56-60ADBAC61-65BCCDC66-70DDCAC71-75-CDDDB76-80BDDDC81-85DCCBD86-90DBBCB91-95DCBAD96-100BCDAB

多选题和单选题的英文分别是:Multiple choice questions、Single choice question
question 读法 英 ['kwestʃən]     美 ['kwestʃən]    
1、n. 问题;疑问
2、v. 询问;怀疑
1、above question(s)上述问题
2、basic question根本问题
3、civil question有礼貌的问题
4、complicated question疑难问题
5、difficult question难题

2、question也可作“质疑”解,指不能肯定的事情或问题,是不可数名词,常与介词 about 连用。
1、direct question直截疑问句
2、disputed question有争论的问题
3、easy question容易的问题
4、economic question经济问题
5、explosive question爆炸性事件
6、few questions几个问题


可以这么理解:two thirds of the 55 students in our class wear glasses. 学生中的三分之二,要用介词of,而in表示某地,某空间中,所以不恰当,因此把A和B排除。




秋风燕燕为您答题 O(∩_∩)O

  • ‍‍这道题考查了限制性定语从句

  • 这个从句的先行词:55 students。指代人,应用关系代词whom

  • 所以排除了B和D

  • 而这个句子的意思:在我们的教室里,55名学生中有三分之二的是戴眼镜的。

  • 由题意可知,这三分之二的学生包括在了这55名学生之中,所以选择介词of而不用in。

  • 如果还有哪里不明白的,还望你多多提问!!!!!!

  • 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!!!!!!O(∩_∩)O~~~~~~


选C,,因为这是一个复合句,他有两个谓语,are和wear所以排除BD,本来后面是of 55student,这个省略了,所以到glasses就完了,所以选C


英语单项选择题:I can't decide ___.
I can't decide ___.A.to choose which present B.choose which present C.which present to choose D.to which present choose 选什么?为什么?答:A C 译:A. 我不能决定去选择哪一个礼物。析:decide to do sth. I can't decide to do sth. 我不能决定去做某事。to choose wh...

计算机二级c语言考试题型有单项选择题、程序填空题、程序改错题、程序设计题四大类题型。各题型分值如下:一、单项选择题 单项选择题共四十题,四十分,每一个选择分值为1分,其中单项选择中含公共基础知识,该部分十道题,占10分。二、程序填空题 程序填空题有2-3个空,占比分值18分,该题型为上机题...

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if 1L,此处下雨可能性很大且是真实事件,不是虚拟语气。是条件状语从句,但此处不通。这题够简单了。

这是动词不定式的省略形式,后面的do sth一起省略,这里必须要用mean to do而不是doing(前者是“打算做某事”,后者“意思是,意味着”,意思不对)。A的do是一个实义动词,需要加宾语sth,动词不定式的省略是到to为止的(有时表示过去要加上have),后面的do sth要一起省。点评:为了避免重复,...

译:她将永远不会忘记她在那儿所逗留的那段时间,在这期间,她找到了她失散了两年的儿子。析:此题考查定语从句。先行词为her stay, 为一抽象的“时间”名词,用关系副词when=in (during) which.评:虽然这是高考题,但是,我还是要说,这题句生造,出得不好。1. stay不是一个明确的时间名词,...

选A。--- Why do you look so upset?--- His being away , I had to take over his work.你为什么看起来那么沮丧 他走了,我必须接管他的工作 解析:这里是独立主格的结构,his 是being away的逻辑主语,做原因状语从句。相当于:Because he was away, I had to take over his work 望...


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窄时万仪:[答案] 选A

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窄时万仪: 第一题:一般but前有do的时候,后面的动词就用原型.但是那个句型是:...do nothing but do sth.而这一句,在nothing后面有else,所以就不能选A了.第二题:考点是but作关系代词.but 作关系代...

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窄时万仪: 选A.题干是一般疑问句,此为肯定回答“是的,我是.”,但是肯定回答中am不能用缩写形式'm;其否定回答是No,I'm not./No,I amn't./No,I am not.“不,我不是.” 翻译更正下,因为题干为否定句,肯定翻译为“不,我是.”否定为“是的,我不是.”

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