
作者&投稿:许悦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

以下范文,仅供参考!希望你写出更好的文章。 Baiyun Mountain is known as the "lung" of Guangzhou City, because here is the lush vegetation, Guangzhou is also the most fresh air. Therefore, the protection of Baiyun Mountain trees, visit Baiyun Mountain every tourist civilization is the responsibility and duty.
1, we must protect the trees on the hills, which can not be cut, can't write in the tree;
2 in the tour of Baiyun Mountain, we can't bring fire into the mountains, can not make a fire in the mountains;
3 were found to have a fire on the mountain, immediately to the police;

Last sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to shenzhen
by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me,“xiaolei, don’t do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I've kept the umbrella。i was very happy

Wutong Mountain is the birthplace of the Shenzhen River, Wutong Mountain high mountains and dense forests, import Tianchi spring peak, pool have no bottom, vegetated years the essence of the plot, very high medicinal value. Tianchi water along the valley and formed a spectacular waterfall, spring when a diarrhea 100 meters, shengruhongzhong, Melaleuca waves stirred up, from million beam fog flower, very beautiful. Tianchi water into the Longtan bottom is provided with a small hole, inside the precious gold tailsalamander and turtle. Longtan flow to the dragon hill brings together eight Valley canal water into the Shenzhen River, Feng Shui, said here as "Kowloon pearl:" Feng Shui treasure. Wutong Mountain has asword testing stone and Mo Jianshi, than Suzhou Huqiu Shi Jian test is 20 times larger than. The next piece of Valentine's tree, consisting of nine trees furuto money and become, under a tree a fairy chair. The waterfall, rocks, trees, bamboo, wonders, king, a as the acme of perfection.
Wutong Mountain from the southwest to the northeast to rise gradually. In the main mountain line, the distribution of the three main peak (elevation were 692 m /706 m /944 m). In this view, seek the great smoky mountains overlooking downtown Shenzhen, South and Hongkong (elevation 958 meters)confrontation, Southeast overlooking the vastness of the sea, Mirs Bay and Dapeng Peninsula, beautifulpanoramic view.

Dragon Boat Festival, often known as Tuen Ng Festival or Duan Wu Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival held on the fifth day of the fifth month of the Chinese calendar. It is also known as the Double Fifth.[citation needed] It has since been celebrated, in various ways, in other parts of East Asia as well, most notably Korea. The exact origins of Duan Wu are unclear, but one traditional view holds that the festival memorializes the Chinese poet Qu Yuan of the Warring States Period. He committed suicide by drowning himself in a river because he was disgusted by the corruption of the Chu government. The local people, knowing him to
be a good man, decided to throw food into the river to feed the fishes to prevent them from eating Qu's body. They also sat on dragon boats, and tried to scare the fishes away by the thundering sound of drums aboard the boat and the fierce looking dragon-head in the front of the boat. In the early years of the Chinese Republic, Duan Wu was also celebrated as "Poets' Day", due to Qu Yuan's status as China's first poet of personal renown. Today, people eat zongzi (the food originally intended to feed the fishes) and race dragon boats in memory of Qu's dramatic death.

Wutong Mountain Scenic Area was awarded by the Guangdong provincial government as the provincial level scenic spots in May 1993. The height of main peak is 943.7 mete which is the highest peak of Shenzhen. The distribution of natural vegetation and wild animal are very rich. ...

但我国引入栽培的仅3种,即二球悬铃木(Platanus ×acerifolia)也称英桐和该杂交种的亲本一球悬铃木(Platanus occidentalis)又称美桐、三球悬铃木(Platanus orientalis)又称法桐。现在我们通常把这三个种统称"法桐"。据文献记载悬铃木(三球)在我国晋代时即从陆路传入我国,被称为祛汗树、净土树。相传...


法桐 法桐树的树干笔直,树皮呈灰色,树冠开阔,叶子呈掌状,叶面很大,叶脉清晰,叶片有光泽。法桐树的果实则比较特别,是一种选种育种出的球形“球果”,直径约为3-4厘米,表面光滑且有坚硬的结构,可以达到长久保存的效果。因此,法桐树被广泛种植,不仅仅是为了观赏用途,而且还可以用作实用木材和食用...

一、基本介绍 梧桐树具有强大的生命力,适应性强,能够在多种土壤中生长。它的叶片呈心形或掌状,夏季时繁茂的绿叶遮挡阳光,为行人带来丝丝凉意。秋季时,叶片逐渐变黄,形成一片金黄的景色,极具观赏价值。二、特点 1. 落叶性:梧桐树为落叶乔木,秋季时叶片会逐渐变黄、掉落,这是其自然生长规律的...

1. 法桐树,别称法国梧桐,原产于欧洲,是一种常见的落叶乔木。2. 在其原产地,法桐树是城市绿化的主要树种,常见于公园、街道和广场等地。3. 随着全球对城市绿化重要性的认识提升,法桐树已被引入并广泛种植到世界各地。4. 法桐树的树干笔直,树皮灰暗,树冠开阔,叶子呈掌状,叶面大且叶脉清晰。5. ...


梧桐树,又叫“中国梧桐”、青桐、桐麻,是梧桐科梧桐属的植物 ,也属落叶大乔木,高达15米;树干挺直,树皮绿色,平滑。原产中国,南北各省都有种植。梧桐生长快,木材适合制造乐器,树皮可用于造纸和绳索,种子可食用或榨油。由于其树干光滑,叶大优美,是一种著名的观赏树种。中国古代传说凤凰“非...

5. 梧桐子是梧桐树的种子,干燥后的种子呈圆球形或类圆形,直径约6至8毫米,颜色由黄棕色至深棕色不等,表面有皱缩形成的网纹状。种皮外层较脆,易裂,内层则坚韧。去除种皮后,可见到肥厚的淡黄色胚乳,其上附着两片薄而大的子叶,胚根位于较狭的一端。6. 梧桐树偏爱温暖且雨量充沛的气候,适宜...


尖草坪区14764593503: 谁能帮我写一篇介绍梧桐山的英语作文?
甘疤鸢都: Wutong Mountain Scenic Area was awarded by the Guangdong provincial government as the provincial level scenic spots in May 1993. The height of main peak is 943.7 mete which is the highest peak of Shenzhen. The distribution of natural ...

尖草坪区14764593503: 英语作文.请你根据下面内容,为梧桐山写一篇游览细则,70词左右梧桐山之所以被称为深圳的“市肺”.是因为这里有茂盛的植被,空气也是深圳最清新的.因... -
甘疤鸢都:[答案] 以下范文,仅供参考!希望你写出更好的文章.Baiyun Mountain is known as the "lung" of Guangzhou City,because here is the lush vegetation,Guangzhou is also the most fresh air.Therefore,the protection of Baiyun Mountain trees,visit Baiyun ...

尖草坪区14764593503: 英语作文.请你根据下面内容,为梧桐山写一篇游览细则,70词左右 -
甘疤鸢都: 以下范文,仅供参考!希望你写出更好的文章. Baiyun Mountain is known as the "lung" of Guangzhou City, because here is the lush vegetation, Guangzhou is also the most fresh air. Therefore, the protection of Baiyun Mountain trees, visit ...

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甘疤鸢都: Dear Li:Rencently I heard about that you are quite nervous because of the college entrance examnation,you know it is normal but we should keep high spirit all the time .You shouldn't let this exam trouble for it is not all the things in your life,the road ...

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甘疤鸢都: Fuzhou, which is located in the East China Sea, known as the "blessed land." We Fuzhou spring, fruit fragrance,...

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