很简单 英语怎么翻译才好?

作者&投稿:游彼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

很简单的英语:very simple。
The matter is very simple.那个事情很简单。
Choosing a career is very simple.择业其实很简单。
In fact, happiness is very simple .幸福其实很简单。
Life is very simple.生活其实很简单。
扩展资料用very simple造句:
1、These are very simple requirements, but they must be conformed with.这些要求很简单,但必须遵守。
2、The answer is very simple. It is all in how they perceive their problems.答案很简单,全看他们是如何看待自己面临的难题的。
3、See, it looked like scary equations but the solution is very simple.看起来这些等式都很复杂但是结果却是很简单。
4、It could run on a very simple kind of computer.它可以在一个很简单的计算机上执行。
5、When I gave my cause of failures lecture we talked about the heat in must equal the heat out, a very simple concept.当我上关于失效的课是,我们谈论了进入的热量必须等于出去的热量,一个很简单的概念。

1. It's really simple. 很简单。2. It's a piece of cake. 小事一桩。a piece of cake 是美国英语中的口语,表示容易之事,轻松愉快的事情。比如说:No sweat. This project will be a piece of cake.
3. It's as easy as pie. 真是易如反掌。as easy as pie 的意思表达和 a piece of cake 很相似。
4. It's no big deal! 没什么大不了的!5. It's a no-brainer! 这很简单,不用动什么脑筋的。no-brainer 就是指无需用脑的事;容易的事情。是一个美国俚语。比如说:It's a no-brainer solution.
6. I can do it with my eyes closed! 我眼睛闭起来都能做!这是略微夸张的表达方式,就比如我们平时嚷嚷的“我用脚趾头想都知道”效果差不多吧~
7. That's no sweat at all! 那一点都不难!no sweat 在之前的例句中也碰到过。是一种非常形象的表达方法。做一件事情完全不用出汗,丝毫不费力,岂不是说明这件事情很简单? 8. Nothing to it! 没什么难的!9. It's a cinch ! 简单的很!cinch 作为俚语,解释为简单的事情,有把握的事情。比如说:It's a cinch. I'll have the car repaired by Friday.
小事一桩。星期五之前我可以把车修好。 The examination was a cinch.
10. It's as easy as ABC. 太容易了!ABC指的是(某一方面的)基础知识,入门。比如说:The new manager doesn't even know the ABC's of computers.

徐汇区14740771205: 很简单 英语怎么翻译才好? -
仍丽多动: 1. It's really simple. 很简单. 2. It's a piece of cake. 小事一桩. a piece of cake 是美国英语中的口语,表示容易之事,轻松愉快的事情.比如说: No sweat. This project will be a piece of cake.没问题,这项计划不费吹灰之力.3. It's as easy as ...

徐汇区14740771205: 英语很简单 用英语怎么说 -
仍丽多动: English is very simple.

徐汇区14740771205: 很简单用英文是soeasy很麻烦用英文是什?很简单用英文是soe
仍丽多动: 太简单了英语这样说:1、It's really simple.2、 It's a piece of cake.3、 It's easy as pie.4、 It's no big deal!5、 It's a no-brainer!6、 I can do it with my eyes closed!7、 That's no sweat1 at all!8、 Nothing to it!9、It's a joke. Anyone can do it.10、 It's a cinch!

徐汇区14740771205: 简单用英语怎么说 -
仍丽多动: 简单的英语:simple,读音: [ˈsɪmpl]. simple英 [ˈsɪmpl] 美 [ˈsɪmpəl] adj.简单的;单纯的;易受骗的;天真的.n.笨蛋;愚蠢的行为;出身低微者. simple用法示例如下: (1)In each cave they constructed five simple beds. 他们在每...

徐汇区14740771205: 简单英语怎么说 -
仍丽多动: easy表示容易的 simple 表示简单的,不复杂的

徐汇区14740771205: 英语翻译!很简单的!速~ -
仍丽多动: "Want to know that you aren't very good, don't know a salute like this, do you want not to want?Just mean to say very much:I miss you and really miss you!"

徐汇区14740771205: 简单一词用英语怎么说? -
仍丽多动: 翻译 Simple 词典1. (不复杂) simple; uncomplicated; plain; simplicity: 构造简单 simple in structure; 头脑简单 simple-minded; seeing things too simply; 学习简单明了地讲话 learn to speak plain; 一项简单的工作 a straightforward job; 事情...

徐汇区14740771205: 简单 英语怎么说 -
仍丽多动: easy 这个是容易的 意思 这个问题很简单 it's esay

徐汇区14740771205: 很简单的中文翻译英文,求高手解答 -
仍丽多动: 将下面的东西翻译成英文,谢谢了.(下面2句中必须要用到 take time to do sth)1.昨天的赛事我们在一起谈论了一小时.It took us an hour to talk about the game yesterday.2.我每天花一刻钟做功课. It takes me a quarter to do my homework ...

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仍丽多动: She thinks math is very easy;注意她是女孩子,也注意第三人称;也得注意第一个字母为大写字母......

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