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你有几个孩子用英语的说法是:how many children do you have? 


1、It may come as a surprise to some that a normal, healthy child is born with many skills.一个身体健康正常的小孩天生就会许多技能,这或许会令有些人感到惊奇。

2、The child's welfare must be seen as paramount.必须把儿童福利摆在首位。As a child, Coleridge developed omnivorous reading habits.柯尔律治从孩提时期便养成了广泛阅读的习惯。

3、To this end the young child is forever watchful.这个年纪不大的孩子为此始终保持警惕。The child who rebels is unlikely to be overlooked.叛逆的孩子不太容易被忽视。

4、Have you had your child vaccinated against whooping cough?你给你的孩子打过百日咳疫苗了吗?Many institutions offering child care are understaffed and underequipped.许多保育机构人手不够,设备也不足。

在广场上有许多的孩子用英语怎么说用a number of来写
There are a number of children in the square.a number of 英 [ə ˈnʌmbə(r) ɒv] 美 [ə ˈnʌmbər əv]许多的 Two significant constants have been found in a number of research studies.若干研究已经发现了两个重要...

孩子们[hái zi men]1

儿童 英文怎么读
儿童英语的读音是[t_a_ld]。1、释义:小孩;儿童;子女;儿子;女儿;深受影响的人;孩子气的人。2、例句:They have three grown-up children.他们有三个成年的孩子。a support group for adult children of alcoholics.帮助酗酒者成年子女的小组。They can't have children .他们不能生孩子。

1、All the children(有一个特定的范围)All the children were evacuated from London during the war to avoid the bombing.为了躲避轰炸,战争中所有孩子都从伦敦撤了出来.这里All the children指战争中的所有孩子 2、all children\/kids(没有特定范围)3、All of the children=All the children ...

There are three children in my family,I am the older sister,my younger sister and my youngest brother

3. 我有五个小孩,目前我妻子还有一个女婴儿,我不知道从哪儿去搞到钱来供他们吃和穿。我们很穷,并且我担心我怎么努力工作都不够。4.This book is at once interesting and instructive.4. 这本书既有趣味性又有教育性.5.Revolution in the Marxist sense means a moral as well as a material ...

儿子的英语怎么读:son,son读法英[sʌn]美[sʌn]孩子英语怎么说如下:儿子英文是son。音标:英[sʌn] 美[sʌn] 释义:儿子;孩子

你有小孩吗? 用英语怎么说
你有小孩吗?的英文:Do you have any children?children 读法 英 ['tʃɪldrən]     美 ['tʃɪldrən]n. 孩子们,儿童,小孩 例句 1、Children shouldn't tell tales.小孩子不应该说谎。2、She always spoke kindly to the children.她总是亲切地和...

很久很久以前,山上住着一户人家,房子里面住着一个男人一个女人还有一个孩子。用英语表达:A long time ago, there was a family on the mountain, in which lived a man, a woman and a child.注:完全没有问题,希望帮助到您。请及时点击采纳。

大儿子,就是长子(没说家里有几个孩子),用英文elder son 还是说eldest...
英语中这么说,如果两个儿子,大儿子说elder son. 如果两个以上儿子,大儿子英语中说 first born. 希望我的回答解决了您的问题?

桃江县13974515903: 孩子用英语怎么说 -
冻玉琼沙: 好多种说法,用在不同的语境中.child boy girl son kid英语和中文根本是不同的语系,几乎没有意义完全对应的两个中英文单词.所以你要说出一句完整的话来,才好根据语境翻译!

桃江县13974515903: 怎么用英语问别人有多少个孩子? -
冻玉琼沙: How many children do you have?or How many children are in your family? 或者不用children,用kids也可以,比较口语

桃江县13974515903: 他们有几个孩子用英语怎么说 -
冻玉琼沙: 他们有几个孩子 They have several children 双语对照 双语例句 1 他们根本不知道自己有几个孩子. They don't know how many children they have.

桃江县13974515903: 我们有两个孩子英语怎么说 -
冻玉琼沙: we have two children

桃江县13974515903: 英语翻译1 他是你们的第几个孩子?2 你是家里面的第几个孩子?( 问排行的.可灵活翻译)3 他是我们的 第二个孩子 / 最小的孩子4 明天是你们结婚多少周年... -
冻玉琼沙:[答案] 1 he is you which a child?2 which one of the children in the house are you?3 he is the youngest in our second child/childrenAnd tomorrow is your wedding anniversary?Tomorrow is May 10 anniversary of t...

桃江县13974515903: 一个三岁的孩子,英语怎么说 -
冻玉琼沙: 一个三岁的孩子: a three year old child

桃江县13974515903: 你有孩子吗?用英文怎么说 -
冻玉琼沙: Do you have children?望采纳

桃江县13974515903: 六个孩子英语怎么说 -
冻玉琼沙: 六就是SIX,孩子就是children,如果连起来就是Six children

桃江县13974515903: 英语翻译我曾经在一篇阅读里看到的一句话,讲的是一个父亲有好几个孩子,他每天睡觉前都悄悄的对每个孩子说这句话,所有他的孩子很乖!“快了”要用... -
冻玉琼沙:[答案] you are not my favourite but you will become the one soon

桃江县13974515903: 我的奶奶有五个孩子用英语怎么说 -
冻玉琼沙: My grandma has five children.~~~~~~~~~希望对你有所帮助,望采纳~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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