
作者&投稿:芝非 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ v.
1.Every student signed their names on the banner for supporting moderation of cutting trees.
2.Jim signed a contract with News Corp for employment over two years.
3.Will Chris Lee continue to sign with EE-Media after her original contract expired?
4.He signed to the waiter to come up.
1.There's a no smoking sign to the door of the upscale restaurant.
2.Heavy snows in the winter are unerring signs of global warming.
3.The waiter will come up any time a customer makes a sign with his/her hand.
4.Some movie-goers see a dollar sign on Harry Potter's forehead.
5.Do you believe in star signs?
6.Learning the sign language helps us better communicate with people who are unable to speak.

ignrnom这些字母可以组成的英文单词为“morning”。morning 英 [ˈmɔːnɪŋ]美 [ˈmɔːrnɪŋ]n.上午;早晨;破晓 adv.每天早晨 excl.早上好(GOOD MORNING的简称)复数: mornings 网络释义 早上好 短语搭配 tomorrow morning 明天早晨 mor...

My favorite English alphabets are E,A,S,Y. 我最喜欢的英文字母是E,A,S,Y。=== 重来:(E)ven if she (a)greed to (s)ign the document, you still had to wait until the end of the (y)ear.虽然她已经同意签字了,可你还是要等到今年年底。这样行了?

High 的反义词?

1.No matter how he tried, he failed at last.无论他怎样努力,最终还是失败了。2.Neither her hat nor her shoes match her clothes.她的帽子和鞋都跟衣服不搭配。3.Jim has a lot of hobbies, for example, he likes playing football, vollyball and chess.吉姆有很多爱好。比方说,他喜欢...

造句 1、Theletteringonthe_oster_sveryeye-catching.海报上的字体非常醒目。2、Theliberal_osters_erenotquitesooffensive.自由党的宣传画要稍微含蓄一点。3、That_oster_stoohigh--nobodycanreadit.那海报贴得太高了谁也看不清楚。4、Posters_orcethewordingofthemessagetobebrief.广告牌要求广告的语言...

小明不但成绩优秀,而且乐于助人。 小红不但会跳舞,还会弹琴。 这里不但名胜古迹众多,而且空气清新。 望采纳,谢谢。

1、fine grained:细粒,细晶。2、coarse grained:粗粒的,粗颗粒的,粗晶粒的。单词造句:1、the boots were of best grained leather.这些靴子是用去毛去得最好的皮制成的。2、Her fingers were grained with chalk dust.她的手指因为粉笔灰变得粗糙起来。3、Bruce was a cross-grained and ...




伽师县17089708861: sign单词造句 -
花雯薄芝:[答案] v. 1.Every student signed their names on the banner for supporting moderation of cutting trees. 2.Jim signed a contract with News Corp for employment over two years. 3.Will Chris Lee continue to sign with EE-Media after her original contract expired? ...

伽师县17089708861: sign这个单词怎么造句? 请带翻译! -
花雯薄芝: The sky is clear and there's no sign of rain. 天空晴朗,丝毫没有要下雨的迹象.

伽师县17089708861: 用sign造句
花雯薄芝: do you know what the meaning of sign?呵呵

伽师县17089708861: 用sign造句 -
花雯薄芝: do you know what the meaning of sign?呵呵

伽师县17089708861: 标志 英语 -
花雯薄芝: sign n.记号,符号;信号,暗号;手势;预兆 vt.& vi.签名,签字;用信号表示;画十字于;打手势 mark n.痕迹;记号;(品质或情感的)标志;目标 vt.作记号;表示;给…打分;在…留下痕迹 vi.评分;注意;(比赛中)记分 designate vt.指明,指出;指派;表明,意味着;把…定名为 adj.指定而尚未上任的;选出而尚未上任的 indicate vt.表明,标示,指示;象征,暗示,预示;[医]显示需要做…的治疗 symbol.象征;标志;符号;记号 vt.用符号代表

伽师县17089708861: 英语单词造句1、interrupt2、ticket3、note4、area5、sign6、reminder7、fail8、obey -
花雯薄芝:[答案] I don't want to interrupt you.Go on with your story.我不想打断你.请把你的故事讲下去.Admission by ticket only.凭票入场.He never took notes in class.他上课从不记笔记.The city covers an area of 15 square...

伽师县17089708861: Sign,signal,symbol三个单词的区别 希望讲得清楚写,光抄写词典没有用哦. -
花雯薄芝:[答案] sign就是标记,预兆,经常是比较具体的现象,但含意很抽象,比如例句: A high forehead is thought to be a sign of intelligence. 高额头被认为是智慧的标志. 高额头是可以用肉眼直接看到的 sign作动词是签署,例句: sign a bill into law. 签字批准一...

伽师县17089708861: sign和 signal区别. -
花雯薄芝:[答案] sign就是标记,预兆,经常是比较具体的现象,但含意很抽象,比如例句: A high forehead is thought to be a sign of intelligence. 高额头被认为是智慧的标志. 高额头是可以用肉眼直接看到的 sign作动词是签署,例句: sign a bill into law. 签字批准一...

伽师县17089708861: pssign组成单词 -
花雯薄芝: pig----------猪 例句 This is a pig .sign--------------签署 例句 Please sign it .

伽师县17089708861: sign中i的音标????????? -
花雯薄芝: sign的中文意思、音标、例句及语法 单词音标 英语音标:[saɪn] 美语音标:[saɪn] 转载需注明“转自音标网”,违者必究 中文翻译 n.手势;招牌;符号;迹象;正负号 v.签;签名;做手势;做标记 单词例句 用作名...

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