
作者&投稿:黄尤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

How to drink fine Pu'er Tea ?其实百闻不如一见,本人建议您提供普洱茶的冲泡方法的图片给他们看可能会更直观哦,我找到一个附有图片文字说明的网站,网址如下:http://www.51puer.com/article.php?id=192

Have you ever wondered how the tea in your everyday cuppa gets
from the plantation to your cup? Can you tell a Darjeeling from a
Ceylon, an oolong from a white? Do you know why they are different?
you have a chance to find out everything you ever wanted to know about
tea! Due to popular demand, The United Kingdom Tea Council is partnering
with 2 of the country's leading experts and offering a series of one
day seminars for anyone who wants to discover more about our favourite

存放普洱茶的方式The deposit of Pu'er Tea 普洱茶存放方式多种多样,实际上只需将茶品置放在干净通风处即可,“人可住茶就可以放”。一般不要让太阳直接照射,不要置放在冰箱里,不要放在密封、真空罐,更不要将茶品装箱密封置放固定不通风处,越陈越香需在干净的处所,方能达到加分之效。Pu'er Tea is lf various methods in depositing, in fact it only needs to de stored in a clean and ventilating place then, “where person can live to be allowed to deposit Pu'er Tea”. Generally do not have the direct solar radiation, do not place in the refrigerator, do not put into the seal and vacuum tank.普洱茶的国际拍卖价值 The international auction value of Pu'er Tea 国际贸易广州春秋优质茶评比会于2002年11月24日展开,此次参展的茶叶生产户共壹百多家,参加评比的茶叶种类有183种,经过评委会严格的审选,有五个茶王应运而生,并举行了普洱茶王的现场拍卖会,结果相当令人惊讶,100克普洱茶王以人民币(RMB)16.8万元的天价卖出,获得年度茶王的称号,普洱茶王拍卖由中国知名中意拍卖公司进行,并由女拍卖师曾燕萍小姐执追主拍,此次拍卖成为历史以来拍卖价格最高的茶叶品种,并一举打破2001年拍卖会中“铁观音茶王”所创下的12万元记录。1998年5月20日台湾举办第一届国际普洱茶展,会中展示百年同庆号青饼,每片300克拍卖,成交价50万元(台币),(人民币12. 5万元),顿时云南普洱茶成为国际新闻。中国名人鲁迅后代于2004年春拍卖3公克普洱茶,成交价为人民币12000元(等于1斤500克需200万元)。普洱茶的价值已由流行而成为养身价值,品饮人口正慢慢推广开来。 The Guangzhou international spring and autumn high quality tea trade fair held up in November 24, 2002, there were more than 100 tea producers participated in this fair, a caution of Pu'er Tea king tea was also .held up at the same time, the result of caution was quite amazing. 100 gram of Pu'er Tea king tea sold by a deal price of 168,000 RMB Yuan, set down a highest record of tea auction since which the “Tie kwan Yin king tea” had created a record of 120,000 RMB Yuan in 2001. On May 20 of 1998, Taiwan had held up the first international Pu'er Tea fair, the 100-year-old Tong Qing tea cakes auctioned by a deal price 5000,000 Taiwan Yuan (equal to RMB 125,000 Yuan) at each piece of 300 gram, Yunnan Pu'er Tea become the international news at the fair. The generation of the famous Chinese celebrity Lu Xun had auctioned 3 gram, Pu'er Tea in the spring of 2004,the deal price is RMB 12,000 Yuan in total. Pu'er Tea is become popular more and more.普洱茶生产历史悠久,南宋李石《续博物志》记载:“西藩之用普茶,已自唐朝。”西藩,是指居住在康藏地区的兄弟民族,普茶就是普洱茶。可见早在唐代就有普洱茶的贸易了。清代赵学敏《本草纲目拾遗》写道:“普洱茶出云南普洱府,……产攸乐、革登、倚邦……六茶山。”普洱府即现在的普洱县,是当时滇南的重镇, 周围各地所产茶叶运至普洱府集中加工,再运销康藏各地,普洱茶因此得名。现在,云南西双版纳、思茅等地仍盛产普洱茶。 普洱茶是用优良品种云南大叶种,采摘其鲜, 经杀青后揉捻晒干的晒青茶(滇青)为原料,经过泼水准积发酵(沤堆)的特殊工艺加工制成。 普洱散茶外形条索粗壮肥大,色泽乌润或褐红 (俗称猪肝色),滋味醇厚回甘,并具有独特的陈香。普洱茶,历来被认为是一种具有保健功效的饮料。现经国内外有关专家的临床试验证明,普洱茶具有降低血脂、减肥、抑菌、助消化、暖胃、生津、止渴、醒解毒等多种功效。因此,普洱茶在日本、法国、德国、 意大利、香港、澳门等国家和地区有“美容茶”、“减肥茶”、“益寿茶”和“窈窕茶”之美称。 以普洱散茶为原料,蒸压加工成的紧压茶有:普洱沱茶、七子饼茶(圆茶)、普洱茶砖等。除云南省外,广东省生产少量普洱茶。 It is processed in handpicked high quality Yunnan Pu Er Tea through scientific mixing and extracting with modern high and new technology. It has rufous outside color. The hot water color is clear and red bright with pure taste and full-bodied fragrance. It has the unique color, fragrance and taste of Pu Er Tea. As one of the ten major teas in China, Pu'er Tea has a special place in the country's tea history. The ancient tea road may submerge in history. However, tea has already become an essential part of local people’s lives. The Pu'er Tea village, located in Southwest Yunnan's Simao County, is the main production and distribution base for the Pu'er Tea . Local people has a tradition of producing tea, selling tea, making tea and tasting tea, a tradition that can be traced as early as the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220). In an ordinary people's house, one can see stele, couplets and paintings hung in the living room. The characters on them, however, are not written by ink but by tealeaves. Senior people sit in the courtyard, where the tea trees grow, and play the Chinese chess while sipping tea. The chessman is made from tealeaves, too. On festive occasions, some people might buy a bucket of tea and store it in the cellar for many years before giving it as a gift to friends. At present, a 12-kilometer-long ancient tea road is still preserved well and local people want to build a teahouse in ancient style as a tourist attraction. In a village, Kunlushan, some families designate four to twenty tea trees and take care of them in their spare time. In the village school, a teacher who teaches nature course will often raise questions about tea to his students. They also climb to the mountains and take some tealeaves and make them into samples in the school’s exhibitsPU'RE TEAAlso know as PU-ERH and PU-ERPU'RE is the original spelling but it has been anglicized several times during its westward expanding use. It is manufactured in the Pu're tea district of southern Yunnan Province in China. It takes its name from the small city of Pu-er and is only a few hundred miles from the Laos and Burma border.This tea is well known throughout the medicine shops of China, and is highly regarded for its medicinal qualities as a digestive and nerve stimulant. The leaves have a marked bitterness. They are plucked, panned, sun-dried, and steamed; after which they are either allowed to remain in leaf form or they are pressed into circular cakes of varying diameters. Cake tea is the most ancient form of manufacture of tea and it has come down through hundreds of years to the present time. A method of preparing this tea was described by Lu Yu in the first book on tea, published in China about the year 780 A.D. In cake form it is interesting to note that the cake tea of Lu Yu was wrapped in bamboo for the sake of transportation and is still done that way to this date for the high quality P’uerhs.P’uerh tea liquor has a flavor unlike any other tea in the world. It is somewhat earthy in flavor (not repulsive at all) and has a long lasting flavor profile within the mouth or palate area. Poor grades can become very harsh and, as mentioned above, bitter. Top grades are smooth, pleasant and sweet.P’uerh is one of "The Tea Man’s" favorite teas and certainly the world's most unique. Pu’Er is a large leafed tea from the Yunnan province in China and has been famous as a medicinal tea. The earliest records of Pu’Er tea date back to the Tang Dynasty ( 618AD-906AD ) when it was the favorite tea of the nobleman of this time. Pu'er Tea over the centuries has been used as a form of currency in China and an important international trading item. Pure tea was at one time very well known in northern Canada among the northern native people, who were trading across the Bering Strait.Pu’Er tea derives its name from the market town of Pu-er, where it was originally processed and sold, but it is grown on the Nuoshan Mountains. It is said that the unique taste of Pu’Er Tea was developed because it took weeks to transport the tea leaves by horseback to the town to be processed. During this transportation period the tea leaves would begin to ferment in the humidity and release a strong, fragrant aroma, which people found quite pleasant. A special technique of tea fermenting developed and Pu'er Tea was thus created. The secret of making Pu'er Tea has been closely guarded in China for centuries. The tea leaves are collected from growers of a special broad-leaf tea tree, which are said to be related to ancient prehistoric tea trees. The leaves go through two types of fermentation, which gives this tea its unique characteristics; a mild, but distinctively earthy flavour. Pu'er Tea requires a minimum of 10 years to mature and gets only better with age. Pu'er Tea teas are much like fine wines, which become smoother and more balanced with age. Pu’Er teas are much lower in tannins than other teas due to the special processing method which it undergoes.

The cultural history of Pu'er Tea


Pu'er Tea rose up in the Eastern Han Dynasty, turned into comity in the Tang Dynasty, began to be popular in the Sing Dynasty, as finalized in the Ming Dynasty and was prospered in Qing Dynasty with a history of thousand of years. Pu'er Tea tea was originally named by its central trading area, in 1729 Qing government had first established an administrative zone named Pu'er Tea zone in Yunnan. From the 1970’s, Pu'er Tea become hot in Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, Japan, Korea and so on. Pu'er Tea is hot because its habitat of high elevation and fogy growing environment, in is pollution-free in nature, is mellow in taste and long in the aftertaste; Moreover, the unique manufacture, transportation, packaging of Pu'er Tea made it become a unique second fermenting tea, thus has formed it’s the unique crusted fragrance and the health care function.


Keep drinking the crusted Pu'er Tea, a way to good health

Pu'er or pu-erh or [1] is a variety of fermented tea produced in Yunnan province, China, and named after the town ofPu'er.[2] Fermentation in the context of tea production involves microbial fermentation and oxidation of the tea leaves, after they have been dried and rolled.[3] This process is a Chinese specialty and produces tea known as hēichá (黑茶), commonly translated as dark, or black tea. This type of tea is different from what in the West is known as "black tea", which in China is called "hóngchá" (红茶) i.e. "red tea". The best known variety of this category of tea is pu'er from Yunnan Province, named after the trading post for dark tea during imperial China.
Pu'er traditionally begins as a raw product known as "rough" máochá (毛茶) and can be sold in this form or pressed into a number of shapes and sold as "raw" shēngchá (生茶). Both of these forms then undergo the complex process of gradual fermentation and maturation with time. The wòduī (渥堆) fermentation process developed in 1973 by the Kunming Tea Factory [4]:206 [5] created a new type of pu'er tea. This process involves an accelerated fermentation into "ripe" shúchá(熟茶) which is then stored loose or pressed into various shapes. The fermentation process was adopted at the Menghai Tea Factory shortly after and technically developed there.[6] The legitimacy of shúchá is disputed by some traditionalists in contrast to aged teas. All types of pu'er can be stored to mature before consumption, which is why it is commonly labelled with the year and region of production.

Re-processing into finished products directly to the health & Poor's and artificially accelerated fermentation of cooked processed after the S & P, the type system, they are located on the two types of tea and pressed tea; finished product still ongoing, after the natural aging process with something that gets better The unique qualities. ---- In the origin of Pu'er in Yunnan, the "grandfather of the tea, grandson selling" the saying goes. Yunnan Pu'er tea is an excellent variety of big-leaf species made from fresh leaves, also known as Pu'er tea powder. Its shape cord thick hypertrophy, color zeu-run or brown red, commonly known as liver-colored. Taste mellow back to Gan, Chen has a unique fragrance children, the "beauty tea" "slimming tea" of the reputation.

主要部分就是:Pu'er Tea (pu er cha)
Column: Direct re-processing into finished products for health & Poor's and artificially accelerated fermentation of cooked processed after the S & P, the type system, they are located on the two types of tea and pressed tea; finished product still ongoing, after the natural aging process, with that gets better with the unique quality. ---- In the origin of Pu'er in Yunnan, the "grandfather of the tea, grandson selling" the saying goes. Yunnan Pu'er tea is an excellent variety of big-leaf species made from fresh leaves, also known as Pu'er tea powder. Its shape cord thick hypertrophy, color zeu-run or brown red, commonly known as liver-colored. Taste mellow back to Gan, Chen has a unique fragrance children, the "beauty tea" "slimming tea" of the reputation.
- Pu'er tea of Yunnan's history since the formation of the characteristic local tea. Yunnan is the origin of the large-leafed kinds of drying green tea and its re-processed two series: direct re-processing into finished products for health & Poor's and artificially accelerated fermentation [2] and then processed cooked & Poor's, the type system of the Also scattered tea and pressed tea categories; finished still ongoing, after the natural aging process, with that gets better with the unique quality.

茶; 茶树; 茶水; 午后小吃;vt.给…沏茶;vi.喝茶;复数:teas 1 They had their coffee and tea on the veranda.他们在阳台上喝咖啡和茶。问题三:所有种类茶的英文说法 茶:tea 绿茶:green tea 红茶:black tea 白茶:white tea 花茶:scented tea 普洱茶:Pu \\'er tea;Pu Erh tea;Puu ...

滇池旅游景点英语介绍词 介绍昆明滇池的英语作文
3. Pu''er tea 普洱茶 ; 中国著名景点英文翻译1、长城(Great Wall)长城又称万里长城,是中国古代的军事防御工程,是一道高大、坚固而连绵不断的长垣,用以限隔敌骑的行动。长城不是一道单纯孤立的城墙,而是以城墙为主体,同大量的城、障、亭、标相结合的防御体系。长城修筑的历史可上溯到西周时期,发生在首都镐京...

腾冲l旅游景点英文版介绍 云南腾冲用英语怎么说
3. Pu''er tea 普洱茶 ; 腾冲有什么好玩的地方和景点介绍 腾冲旅游景点介绍1、和顺镇: 和顺镇是云南省保山市腾冲市辖镇,位于腾冲市西南四公里处,东邻腾越镇,南邻清水乡,西邻荷花乡,北与中和乡接壤。 和顺镇先后获得获得中国第一魅力名镇、全国环境优美镇、 国家级历史文化名镇、中国十佳古镇、全国首批美丽宜居...

红茶、黑茶 black tea 绿茶 green tea 普洱茶 Pu'er tea 铁观音 Tieguanyin Tea 毛峰 Tip 龙井茶 dragon well tea 碧螺春 Green Spiral 以上仅供参考

是普洱吗?普洱 [词典] Pu 'er Tea;[例句]侍者:我们有红茶、绿茶和普洱茶。We serve black tea, green tea and puer tea.


同时我们云南还有很多的土特产,云南山七这个是不能不说的好东西, 各种菌类,各种水果,墨江紫米,宣威火腿,大理泡梨,话梅,蜜饯,扎染、蜡染、小鱼干、普洱茶、普洱红糖、景谷粽子、版纳柚子、版纳小包谷 , 更是数不胜数,当然千万不能忘了我们全国销量最大的云南特产猫哆哩了。英语:Yunnan ...

黑茶.. 1. black tea 黑茶(Black Tea)就是红茶啦:多喝黑茶亦可以令大家心脏更健康,减慢神经衰退的速度,也可减低患癌风险。 2. Post-fermented tea 中文: 黑茶 | 英语: Post-fermented tea | 日语: 黒茶 | 3. dark tea Lao She Teahouse(希望英语中出现的单词) black tea红茶 dark tea...

柠檬茶:Lemon Tea Chi Chung 酥油茶:Butter Tea 武夷名枞:Wuyi Min Chung 奶茶:Milk Tea 凤凰单枞:Fenghuang Dancong,FenghuangSelect,抹茶:Matcha Fongwang Tan-chung,Phoenix Mountain Dan 袋泡茶:Tea Bag Chong 乌龙茶:Oolong Tea 白叶单枞:Bai Ye Dan Cong 普洱茶:Pu’er Tea 凤凰水仙...


黄州区18672824787: 普洱茶的英文描述有翻译 -
双卓泌列: Have you ever wondered how the tea in your everyday cuppa gets from the plantation to your cup? Can you tell a Darjeeling from a Ceylon, an oolong from a white? Do you know why they are different? Nowyou have a chance to find out everything...

黄州区18672824787: 关于茶的英文介绍绿茶,红茶,花茶,普洱茶.的英文介绍,简短一点的比较好,不需太长.最好概括性强一点, -
双卓泌列:[答案] Have you ever wondered how the tea in your everyday cuppa gets from the plantation to your cup? Can you tell a Darjeeling from a Ceylon, an oolong from a white? Do you know why they are different? Now you have a chance to find out everything you ...

黄州区18672824787: 普洱茶非常好用英语怎么?普洱茶非常好用英语怎么说
双卓泌列: Puer tea is very nice 如果对你有帮助,请给有用,谢谢

黄州区18672824787: 根据这段短文,用英语写一段关于茶的介绍,80字左右,不用太高深,初中水平就行. -
双卓泌列: It is 4,000 years since the Chinese began to grow and drink tea.There're many kinds of tea in China, of which Longjing Tea is famous all over the world.Tea is usually drunk in tea sets. A tea set is made up of a tea pot and some teacups, which are ...

黄州区18672824787: 铁观音\普洱茶的英语怎么说?各位英语高手帮忙翻译一下
双卓泌列: 铁观音 - Tieh-Kuan-Yin普洱-Pu-er 或 Pu-erh 这两个次是中国特有的,因此英语中并没有专业的词语.就像功夫这个词,在英语中也就是KUNG FU.

黄州区18672824787: 用英语介绍中国的茶叶怎么说呢? -
双卓泌列:[答案] The practice of drinking tea has had a long history in China,having originated from there.The Chinese drink tea during many parts of the day such as at meals for good health or simply for pleasure.Although tea originates from China,Chinese tea generally...

黄州区18672824787: 用英语介绍中国的茶叶怎么说呢 -
双卓泌列: 您好,番禺为 This is tea .of. .china...please carefully taste 希望帮助你

黄州区18672824787: 我给外国人介绍茶叶应该怎么说英语. -
双卓泌列: I introduce and recommend Chinese tea to foreigners

黄州区18672824787: 如何饮用普洱茶(英文介绍) -
双卓泌列: 2091217:How to drink fine Pu'er Tea ?其实百闻不如一见,本人建议您提供普洱茶的冲泡方法的图片给他们看可能会更直观哦,我找到一个附有图片文字说明的网站,网址如下:http://www.51puer.com/article.php?id=192

黄州区18672824787: 李华向笔友tom介绍中国茶的英语作文 -
双卓泌列: 中国人喜欢喝茶,也常常用茶来招待朋友和客人.茶叶是中国人生活中的必需品.茶树原产于中国.中国古人发现茶树后,最早是把茶叶作为药用,后来才当作饮料.早在2000多年前,中国人就有了饮茶的习惯,以后又逐渐学会了培育茶树和制作茶叶的技术.

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