以beauty为话题 写一篇文章 英语

作者&投稿:召师 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My net friend
am Tony. I a have a computer. I have a net friend. His name is Jack. He
is 12 years old. He is a student. He likes surfing the net. We often
talk with each other in the chat room. We talk in English. My English is
good now. He is a good boy. I like him very much. Do you want to have a
net friend?


A wonderful trip to Beijing

I had a fantastic time with my father in Beijing. We were so crazy about the beautiful place that we didn’t want to return home.
It took us about three hours to fly there. First, we went to the Palace Museum. When we were going around the Palace Museum, I was attracted by the colorful crafts on display. It was fun to see so much beautiful works.
The next day, we went to the Great Wall and the Summer Palace. The tour guide said that the Great Wall was built by milli** of people in China long long ago. The pictures in the Summer Palace were very beautiful and I wondered how much time people spent painting them many years ago. It was the best part of that day.

As an old saying goes,beauty exsists everywhere ,what we need is two eyes to find it seeing the bird flying in the blue sky ,we call it beauty,Getting close to the nature ,we call it beauty.On the bus ,we see a young boy gives his seat to the old ,we smile and praise for his behaviou because at that time he is so beautiful.then we can call him beauty.We can never forget the dancer Tai Lihua ,we witness the beaufy of the blind .The things above have one thing in common ,that is they are very harmonious ,harmonious with the nature ,soul and so forth .As for students ,we can also be beautiful not by dressing ourselves fashinable clothes but behavoring good manners .So my dear friends,let us be beautiful persons together ,only in doing that can our society be more beautiful.Let's do it from today.你看行不行,不行的话我再改啊


you are the best beauty给翻译下
直译:你是最棒的美女。意译:大约是“你是最美的。”这样,beauty本身就是美女的意思(“beauty and the beast”美女和野兽),best最高比较级应该是为了强调美女中的最美,不过翻译成汉语,最美美女有重复,不太符合汉语言的习惯。 评论| anwingangle |六级采纳率54% 擅长:文学历史话题民俗传统苹果笔记本其他...

新概念四24课beauty中的一句话 求语法结构讲解~And,though th..._百 ...


整篇文章翻译 beauty and career
What is your definition of beauty and beautiful? Mary Wendy: a TV hostess Sue Jaycee: a former top model, now a businesswoman Elizabeth Young: a writer and university lecturer Mary Good morning and welcome to “Head to Head”. Today’s topic is beauty. What is beauty? What ...


22、美丽Beauty 23、理解、谅解Understanding 24、和谐社会Harmonious Society 25、打好基础的重要性The Importance of Fundamentals\/Basic Skills 26、可持续发展Sustainable Development 27、美德Virtue 28、谨慎Prudence 29、尊老爱幼Respect the Old and Care for the Young 30、仁义道德Virtue and Morality...

Beautiful girl vs Beauty girl其实差别可大了
他站在台上,拿着话筒,投影幕上的问题是:Beautiful girl —— Beauty girl 有什么不同?台下有人回答说,美丽的女生和美丽女生。引来了一片哄然大笑。这是吴青华教授在最近一次讲座上说到的一个问题,答案同样令人印象深刻。Beautiful girl 是我们理解的美丽的女孩,而Beauty girl 是美容女孩。帮助...

在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家都接触过作文吧,根据写作命题的特点,作文可以分为命题作文和非命题作文。还是对作文一筹莫展吗?以下是我收集整理的话题英语作文10篇,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 话题英语作文 篇1 Should you help the old when he\/she falls down on the street? In current days , with the devel...

新概念四24课beauty中的一句话 求语法结构讲解~
再一看,也确实不是一般疑问句! 这里的do they convey =they do convey ,这是我第一次见到。作者为什么要这样造句,是不是跟yet有关?能放回去吗?好不好?这是我很感兴趣的另一个话题。致于楼主的问题,我想我已经回答了。自己再理解翻译一下:尽管这光芒让人眼花潦乱,然而它确实为我们传达了...

增城市13551388040: 英语作文题目我最喜欢美为题目写一篇短文,不少于30字. -
哈菡法益: Beauty usually refers to what appeals to the eye. A nice and well built girl is regarded as beautiful. A bunch of vigorous flowers are also considered as beautiful. A splendid waterfall coming down from a mountain is as well looked on as beautiful....

增城市13551388040: 写一篇以'美丽'为题的作文.500左右 -
哈菡法益: 古往今来,有多少人追求美丽,可是又有多少人能够享有美丽? 美丽是什么呢?美丽是一种感觉,一种刻意追求不来的感觉.当你在外面的世界千辛万苦的跋涉,仿佛在沙漠踽踽独行之时,有一双眼睛却在深情款款的注视着你.这可能是一双眼...

增城市13551388040: 以美为话题,写一篇作文.(有追加分) -
哈菡法益: 四季的美是一簇簇桃花,是一池池荷叶,是一片片稻田,是一层层积雪.姹紫嫣红的春,烈日炎炎的夏,瓜熟蒂落的秋,白雪皑皑的冬.都是美的代言人. 刚交春分,性急的迎春花就按捺不住内心的喜悦,架起镀金的小喇叭“滴滴答,滴滴答…...

增城市13551388040: 以美丽为话题的作文,不要拼凑的,来一篇写的好的.初3的水平
哈菡法益: 最美丽的瞬间 秋天,代表着丰收的季节,同时也是一个苍白萧条的季节. 风不再温柔地抚摸,大树也保护不了叶子,哗啦哗啦的声音是叶子不屈的抵抗.枝条摇曳,姿态却不再婆娑曼妙,反而有些不知所措的无助,叶子无奈地上下翻飞. 黄色...

增城市13551388040: 大学英语作文主题为“spring beauty”,最好要体现感恩自然感恩春之美.字数100字以内.需要4篇,一篇发过来也行, -
哈菡法益:[答案] 大学生,自己写.

增城市13551388040: 以美丽为话题写一篇作文 -
哈菡法益: 美丽的故事在形形色色的生活中,狂热的追星潮流像沙尘暴一样刮过,埋没了我们的身影,也使我们失去了方向.其实,如果我们本着一颗明亮的心,你就会发觉:其实,榜样,就在你我身边. 当然,我也曾一个超级追星迷.但自从那次看到...

增城市13551388040: 求一篇英语作文!以the beauty of chinese为题!高分!满意再加!
哈菡法益: Chinese is spoken not only by the Chinese people but also by the increasing people all over the world.It is an ancient language originated nearly 5000 years ago. The smart Chinese people invented this language with pictures at the very beginning...

增城市13551388040: 以美为话题写一篇作文 咋写? 急急急急急!!!!!!!!!!!! -
哈菡法益: 心怀一份美丽,才能享受人生的快乐 经过岁月的洗涤,心灵变得好澄澈;经过风雨的洗礼,心情变得更美丽;经过苦难的锤炼,心怀变得更坦然.谁曾经让你怦然心动?谁曾经使你热泪盈眶?无论身份、背景和经历多么迥异,我都以一种道德情...

增城市13551388040: 以”美”为话题,写一篇记叙文 -
哈菡法益: 美,这是一个充满诱惹力的字眼,也令人陶醉,她让人浮丰收联翩,她甚至叫人一生追求,乐此不疲.然而,美在何处寻? 有人把美看作一位风采娇媚的仙子,她与人们若即若离.你寻她时难觅踪迹,你不在意时她却在你身边微笑.难道说,美...

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