
作者&投稿:琴从 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

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The Atlantic Ocean has a significant effect on Britain’s climate. Although the British Isles are as far north in latitude as Labrador in Canada, they have a mild climate throughout the year. This is due to the Gulf Stream, a current of warm water that flows up from the Caribbean past Britain. Prevailing southwesterly winds moving across this warmer water bring moisture and moderating temperatures to the British Isles. The surrounding waters moderate temperatures year-round, making the UK warmer in winter and cooler in summer than other areas at the same latitude. Great Britain’s western coast tends to be warmer than the eastern coast, and the southern regions tend to be warmer than the northern regions. The mean annual temperature in the far north of Scotland is 6°C (43°F), and in warmer southwestern England it is 11°C (52°F). In general, temperatures are ordinarily around 15°C (60°F) in the summer and around 5°C (40°F) in the winter. Temperatures rarely ever exceed 32°C (90°F) or drop below -10°C (14°F) anywhere in the British Isles. In general, frosts, when the temperature dips below 0°C (32°F), are rare.
Winds blowing off the Atlantic Ocean bring clouds and large amounts of moisture to the British Isles. Average annual precipitation is more than 1,000 mm (40 in), varying from the extremes of 5,000 mm (196 in) in the western Highlands of Scotland to less than 500 mm (20 in) in the driest parts of East Anglia in England. The western part of Britain receives much more moisture than the eastern areas. It rains year-round, and in the winter the rain may change to snow, particularly in the north. It snows infrequently in the south, and when it does it is likely to be wet, slushy, and short-lived. Southern Britain has experienced episodes of drought in recent years, although historically these are rare occurrences. Some regard these episodes as indicators of global climatic changes.
The climate has affected settlement and development in Britain for thousands of years. The mild, wet climate ensured that thick forests rich in game, as well as rivers and streams abundant with fish, were available to prehistoric hunters and gatherers. Britain was regarded as a cold, remote, and distant part of the ancient Roman Empire in the first few centuries AD, so relatively few Romans were motivated to move there for trade, administrative, or military reasons. Preindustrial settlements clustered in southern England, where the climate was milder, the growing season longer, and the rich soil and steady rainfall produced bountiful harvests. Successive waves of invaders made the plains of southern England their primary objective. After the Industrial Revolution began in the 18th century, populations grew enormously in areas with rich resources beneath the ground, particularly coal, even though these resources were sometimes located in the colder, harsher northern regions of England or the western Lowlands of Scotland.


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religions, and cultures. Most of the residents of Hawaii do not usually call themselves Hawaiians. They tend to reserve this term for those of their fellow citizens who have Hawaiian ancestry.一篇很完整的介绍,因为字数限制不能在这全部发给你。有需要就留言。参考资料:微软百科 ...


帮助的人:1.6亿 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 短篇科幻小说 得到时空器 小约翰还在看那本已经翻得卷了边的《时空旅行》。看着、看着,他的眼前隐隐约约出现了一位老爷爷,对他说:"小约翰呀,你是不是很想时空旅行呀,行,这一次我就圆了你的梦。我这里有一个时空旅行器,你坐在里面,只要开动机器...

这块橡皮可以今天放学再还给我。 我怕有同学没有带起学具,每天都多带一块橡皮、一把尺子。”。 2. 帮忙找一篇写同学的片段作文 初入中学时,我常常有几分惶恐。且不说面对那些从无了解的中学老师和陡然增多的数门功课,仅是那坐满了一教室六十几张陌生的脸就够我辨认好一阵子。偏偏在这所中学里又再也找不到...

the double ninth festival and that LaoRenJie, is the elderly, love, ZhuLao day. Love the old man is we the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.The elderly ZhuLao love is our Chinese nation's traditional virtue, fathers is passed down precious spiritual wealth. In our long...

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通渭县19185445582: 谁能帮我找一篇关于介绍英国的地理位置组成部分,气候特点,行程安排,应备物品的英语作文谢谢咯 -
欧阳詹普辛:[答案] 英国的地理气候地理环境全境由靠近欧洲大陆西北部海岸的不列颠群岛的大 部分岛所组成,隔北海、多佛尔海峡和英吉利海峡同欧洲大陆相望,是一个岛国.

通渭县19185445582: 谁能介绍下英国自然地理位置呢?
欧阳詹普辛: 流域地理位置西经2°08′~东经0°43′,北纬51°00′~52°3′

通渭县19185445582: 英国拥有一个怎样的地理位置?
欧阳詹普辛: 英国东临北海,西面以大西洋与北美洲相对,南隔英吉利海峡和多佛尔海峡同欧洲大陆相望,是大西洋中的群岛国家,这样的岛国位置,在不同的历史时期,对英国的发展...

通渭县19185445582: 英国的地理位置 -
欧阳詹普辛: 英国是大不列颠岛和爱尔兰岛东北部及附近许多岛屿组成的岛国.东濒北海,面对比利时、荷兰、德国、丹麦和挪威等国;西邻爱尔兰,横隔大西洋与美国、加拿大遥遥相对;北过大西洋可达冰岛;南穿英吉利海...

通渭县19185445582: 英国的地理位置地形气候名山大川名胜古迹风土人情 -
欧阳詹普辛: 英国位于欧洲西部、是一个岛国,隔英吉利海峡与法国相对.全境分为四部分:英格兰东南部平原、中西部山区、苏格兰山区、北爱尔兰高原和山区.属温带海洋性气候,受盛行西风控制,全年温和湿润,四季变化不大.温带落叶阔叶林带.河流主要有:最长的河流塞文河;第二大河泰晤士河.湖泊有北爱尔兰的内伊湖,还有著名的尼斯湖.山脉:本尼维斯山为英国最高峰,海拔1,343米. 名胜:巨石阵,爱丁堡城堡,温莎堡,圣保罗大教堂,西敏,伦敦的塔桥,议会大楼,牛津和剑桥等.英国人素以绅士精神闻名于世,彬彬有礼的形象深入人心,除此之外,英国人优雅、安逸的气质也非常明显,值得一提的是,英国的车辆靠左行驶,这也区别于大部分国家.

通渭县19185445582: 英国的地理概况(急用) -
欧阳詹普辛: 英国 地理概况 位于大西洋的不列颠群岛上,与欧洲大陆相望,面积24.42万平方公里 人 口 5882万 重要城市 伦敦,全国政治、经济、文化中心.伦敦股票交易市场是世界经济的睛雨表之一.牛津和剑桥,是世界驰名的大学城. 货 币 英镑 语 言 英语 考察项目 金融、经济、财政、环保、高新技术、社会保障 经济特色 英国是一个发达的工业国家,国内生产总值、工业产值和对外贸易额居世界前列.英国农业集约化程度高,农场规模、生产水平、劳动生产率高于欧洲大陆国家而居世界前列.英国拥有西欧规模最大、门类最齐全的航空航天工业.

通渭县19185445582: 写作内容:围绕话题“英国”,介绍英国的历史和地理位置,国家的构成及名胜古迹.按照以下要点写一篇英语短文:1. 英国全称大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合... -
欧阳詹普辛:[答案] The full name of the UK is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The island of Great Britain is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Britain, with an area...

通渭县19185445582: 英国的地理位置及它们的民俗习惯和传统的节日 -
欧阳詹普辛: 礼仪习俗 见面:英国人彼此第一次相识时,一般都要握手.除了热恋中的男女,步行时一般人都不手拉手.英国人不喜欢别人干扰他们的个人生活. 当你去访问一个英国人时,得先在门口敲门,一直等到他说“请进”,才能进去.先生们进屋...

通渭县19185445582: 英国所处的地理位置及地形特征(要超短) -
欧阳詹普辛: 英国地处西欧,西邻大西洋,温带海洋性气候,以平原为主. 呵呵 随便说两句

通渭县19185445582: 英国地理概况 -
欧阳詹普辛: 英国文化 人人均知英国文化及历史丰富,同学或曾听闻城西的戏院,皇家剧院,国家艺术馆等;但可知道每个英国城市都是个文化中心.每个主要城市均有重要及名闻国际的剧院,博物馆,艺术馆,例如在爱丁堡之苏格兰皇家博物馆,在贝尔法...

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