帮我总结一下有关to do和doing句式的短语

作者&投稿:止旭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
谁能帮我总结一下有关to do句式的短语~

我记得几个是TO doing的
(初中) 只有这几个,剩下的都是不定式to do 的
pay attention to doing 注意做某事
look forward to doing 期待做某事
get(be) used to doing 习惯做某事

done, to do, doing 是非谓语的三种最基本的形式:
done: 表被动完成,比如:I have the washing mashine repaired. 意思是,我请别人修理了洗衣机。洗衣机为repair逻辑主语,所以为被动,同时洗衣机已经修好了完成。
to do: 表主动将来, 比如:I have something to do. 意思是,我有一些事要做。 to do 逻辑主语为I。我要去做,所以 是主动,同时事情还没有发生,即将来。
doing: 表主动进行,比如,Isee a man lying on the ground. 意思是,我看见一个人在地上躺着。lying逻辑主语为a man, 所以为主动,此外,我看到的时候,躺这个动作正在进行。是否能解决你的疑惑?

be busy doing sth.
be busy with / doing sth.
go on doing sth.
go on with / doing sth.
keep doing sth.
stop doing
be (well) worth doing (
be busy doing (with)
keep sb. doing sth.
enjoy doing sth. like doing sth.
[中考]喜欢做某事 喜欢干某事
stop doing sth.
enjoy doing
cannot help doing
enjoy doing sth.
like doing sth.
be clever and quick in doing things
see sb. doing sth.
hear sb. doing sth.
be/get used to doing
see/hear/watch sb. doing sth.
forget doing sth.
finish doing sth.
have fun doing sth.
[中考]做...很愉快(=have fun with sth. )
have some problems (in) doing sth.
be angry with(at) sb. for doing sth.
[中考] 为什么而生某人的气
be strict in doing sth.
[中考] 严于做某事
be sure of doing sth.
[中考] 对做某事有信心
be used to doing sth.
[中考] 习惯做某事
forget doing
[中考] 做了而又忘了
hate doing
[中考] 讨厌做过的事
have trouble (problem) (in) doing sth.
[中考] 做什么事情有麻烦
prefer doing to sth.
[中考] 更喜欢去做…不愿意去做…
sb. spend sometime(in) doing sth.
[中考] 花了多少时间做某事
see sb. doing
[中考] 看见某人正在做某事
stop sb. from doing sth.
[中考] 阻止某人做某事
stop sb.(from) doing
[中考] 阻止某人做某事
the way to do sth. = the way of doing sth.
[中考] 做某方面的方法
delay doing sth.
[中考] 迟迟未做某事
have difficulty in doing sth.
[中考] 做...有困难,难以...   
dream of doing sth.
[中考] 渴望做某事
... feel like doing sth.
[中考] 觉得想做
in the hope of doing sth.
[中考] 怀着...的希望
insist on doing
[中考] 坚持要做
take pleasure in doing sth.
[中考] 喜欢做某事
prevent sb. from doing
[中考] 防止某人做某事
be worth doing
fall to doing
go on doing
keep doing
[高考](=keep on doing)不断(老是)做某事
keep sb. from doing sth.
only doing
regret doing
try doing sth.
set sb.off doing sth.
make a living by doing sth.
up and doing
[大学] 活泼,敏捷;忙碌
in doing so
[大学] 这样做时,在这情况下
be worth doing

to do hope want expect agree plan
doing finish enjoy practise mind

这两个词的区别我懂,of通常指一种从属关系,表示一种拥有、归属或属性关系;而to强调一种动态的方向或目标。给大家简单总结了两个词的含义、发音以及用法,先大概的了解一下~~接下来让我们看下of和to的其他区别:1. Of通常用于表达一些属性、特色、来源和包含关系,而to则表示一个方向、目的和归属...

relate to和be related to有什么区别?
小布老师这就为同学们解答问题哈(。◕ˇ∀ˇ◕),relate to主要用于描述某人对某事的理解、共鸣或者有关联的经历,而 be related to则常常用于说明两者之间的逻辑联系、亲属关系或主题相关性。这里就给大家总结了一个它们基础知识的表格,可以先简单了解一下先:了解完它们的...

求高手帮我总结一下在高中英语中有哪些词后跟ing哪些词跟to do,或者二...
to do 和doing的 regret,forget,remember, mean,stop,continue,like,love,hate,try,start,begin,doing的 enjoy, practice, finish, imagine, risk,avoid,appreciate,admit,allow,permit,forbid,escape,suggest, mind, look forward to, keep, feel like,give up,be used to,consider ...

谁能总结一下关于英语中to do和doing 的关系,被这些短语太难了_百度知...
to do 逻辑主语为I。我要去做,所以 是主动,同时事情还没有发生,即将来。doing: 表主动进行,比如,Isee a man lying on the ground. 意思是,我看见一个人在地上躺着。lying逻辑主语为a man, 所以为主动,此外,我看到的时候,躺这个动作正在进行。是否能解决你的疑惑?

谁能总结一下初中英语短语,例如to do sth,doing sth.之类的
a few=有些,几个 a great\/good deal of=大量(的),许多 a little=一点,稍;一些,少许 a lot of=大量(的), 很多(的)a matter of=(关于...)的问题;大约 a number of=若干 a series of=一系列,一连串 a variety of=种种,各种 able to=能,会 above all=首先,尤其 above...

relate to和be related to的区别是什么?
“relate to” 是一个短语,常用作及物动词短语,表示能够理解、感同身受或与某事物产生共鸣。“be related to” 是一个动词短语,用于描述两个事物之间的关系或连接。下面给大家简单总结了两个词的区别及用法,大家了解一下哦。区别一:用法不同:“relate to” 是一个短语,常用作及物动词短语,...

我六年级,谁能帮我总结一下固定搭配,例如:enjoy doing like doing...
try to do sth.like to do sth.forget to do sth.\/forget doing sth.remember to do sth.\/remember doing sth.have to do sth.let sb. do sth.see sb. doing sth.\/see sb. to do sth.hate to do sth.\/hate doing sth.enjoy oneself have a good time have fun remember sb.to sb...

谁能帮我总结一下,哪些英语单词后边加动词ing,哪些用to do。全面点,准...
而一些特殊的词是+ing形式做宾补 以下动词后跟ing形式做宾补:enjoy\/practise\/finish\/get ride of\/give up\/spend(in)\/mind(one's)\/feel like\/waste time\/what about\/how about\/keep sb\/hate\/like\/be busy\/be used to\/be used for+doing sth 一下动词后跟ing与to do的区别:like to do\/...

谁能总结一下初中英语动词那些接ing、to do 、和原形还有所有的短语
初中英语常见动词短语的集中 A)动词+ 介词 ­agree with同意...的意见(想法);符合­base on以...(为)根据­listen to听...­get to到达...­fall off (从...)掉下­help ... with ...帮助(某人)做(某事)­knock at \/on敲(门、窗)­laugh at嘲笑...

point to 和point at 有什么区别
point at则表示用手指直接指向某人或某物,通常用于强调、提醒或指责。这里就给大家总结了一个它们基础知识的表格,可以先简单了解一下先:了解完它们的基础知识后,现在就来看看它们的具体区别吧ლ(・∀・ )ლ区别一:释义不同 point to通常表示用手指或其他物体指向某...

沙湾县17751161031: 谁能总结一下关于英语中to do和doing 的关系,被这些短语太难了 -
祗金补肾:[答案] done,to do,doing 是非谓语的三种最基本的形式:done:表被动完成,比如:I have the washing mashine repaired.意思是,我请别人修理了洗衣机.洗衣机为repair逻辑主语,所以为被动,同时洗衣机已经修好了完成.to do:表主...

沙湾县17751161031: 帮忙总结一下后面只加to do或只加doing或两种都可以加的英语单词,拜托了!!! -
祗金补肾: 动词后加to do 和 doing的记忆口诀 一、只能用动名词作宾语 [口诀] 考虑建议盼原谅,承认推迟没得想. 避免错过继续练,否定完成停欣赏. 禁止想象才冒险,不禁介意弃逃亡.consider考虑 suggest建议/advocate 提倡主张 look forward to 盼...

沙湾县17751161031: 帮我总结一下有关to do和doing句式的短语 -
祗金补肾: be busy doing sth. [中考]忙着做…… be busy with / doing sth. [中考]忙于做某事 go on doing sth. [中考]继续做(某事) go on with / doing sth. [中考]继续做某事 keep doing sth. [中考]继续做某事 stop doing [中考]停止(做)某事 be (well) worth doing ...

沙湾县17751161031: 关于英语 的to do 和doing -
祗金补肾: 不定式to do和动名词doing作宾语的区别 英语中大多数动词既可跟不定式,也可跟动名词作直接宾语,但有些动词要求: (1)不定式做宾语和宾语补足语 1)下面的动词要求不定式做宾语 attempt企图 enable能够 neglect忽视 afford负担得起 ...

沙湾县17751161031: 初中英语有关doing,do,to do的所有短语总结 -
祗金补肾: 习惯跟to do: adore afford agree aim appear apply arrange ask bag bear begin bother care choose continue dare decide decline demand deserve desire determine die essay expect fail forget guarantee hate help hesitate hope intend itch learn like ...

沙湾县17751161031: love to do这个句式对吗? 谢谢~请帮总结一下动词+to do或doing 、do的形式 -
祗金补肾: 1)doing: 1.动词作主语,开头,用doing 2. 介词 in/ at/ for/of /by / about/ with/ without / after/ before + doing 3.There be …doing (主动) 4. have trouble / problem / fun /…time doing 5. practice doing finish doing enjoy doing mind doing spend…(in) ...

沙湾县17751161031: 谁能帮我总结一下有关to do和doing句式的短语 -
祗金补肾: 短语 be afraid to do/be afraid of doing invite to do decide to do finish doing ask sb. to do tell/order sb. (not) to do refuse to do offer to do 主动做某事 feel like doing 想要做某事 want to do =would like to do stop doing 停止做某事 stop to do 停止并去...

沙湾县17751161031: To do &doing -
祗金补肾: 这个貌似总结不出什么规律 关键是看你要表达什么样的意思 什么样的语境和语意第二句为什么用to do 而不是 doing 的形式,是因为这里想体现一个目标的语气:我的职责就是去帮助他. 有表目的的语气在里面. 如果非要用Helping him is my duty 也未尝不可 只是不够确切以及不太用而已.而第一句为什么是doing形式 是因为它仅仅是想说明一件事情 说明学习英语是我的爱好 名词性结构 所以用了ing

沙湾县17751161031: 解释一下todo和doing的区别Don'tjuststando?
祗金补肾: 如果是ing从语态上来讲是表示主动,如果是表时态则是伴随或者是正在进行;那to do从语态上来说就被动,时态则是已经做完. doing可以表正在进行时,表伴随; to do...

沙湾县17751161031: 谁能给我总结一下英语中所有的语法, 就是+to do 和+doing 的全部列出来 -
祗金补肾: 很简单,关键靠语感 2l说的都是,应该是为老师吧,我没什么补充的 lookforword to doing enjoy doing 还有些for的,上课遇到这种问题问问老师,不好意思的话下课问问童鞋 要记住,另外别太依赖电脑 我就是依赖电脑吃大亏了 考试保持淡定

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