嘿嘿 麻烦英语达人进来帮我解题

作者&投稿:诸葛屠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
嘿嘿 麻烦英语达人进来帮我解题~

1c 2d 3c
13他从前不让我们去直到我们证实我们并不仅知道什么是有血有肉 而且我们敢站在真理这边.
完型太长了 不想看了

in English, is black, What color, Are you, What's this, what colour, How are, is green

1、 这个名叫马丽的女孩是他妹妹。 The girl named Mary is his sister.
2、 我们上课都仔细听讲并记笔记。 When we are having classes carefully and taking note.
3、 她不习惯住在这里。 She does not use to live here.
4、 我要步行到学校,而不乘公共汽车。(rather than) I want to walk to school,rather than taje a bus.
5、 他们在一星期内订出了计划。(to work out) They worked out the plan in a week.
6、 那小女孩直到妈妈回来才去睡觉。(not…until)That little girl did not sleep until her mum came back.
7、 最好早点告诉他们这个好消息。(It is best to…)It is best to tell them the good news earlier.
8、 一般来说,骑自行车去上班至少要花20分钟。(take)Generally,It takes 20 minutes to ride a bike to company.
9、 一切取决于我们是否能筹集到足够的钱。(depend on) It depends on whether we can get enough money.
10、 他说他好久没有去过长城了,其实他从未去过那里。(in fact) He said that he did not go to the Great Wall for a long time ,In fact he never been to there.
11、 中国人家里的晚餐一般包括米饭(cooked rice)、一荤、一素、和一汤。(be made up of )
Chiniese families supper are made of cooked rice,one meat and one vegetable.
12、 He hope we would learn something from this experience. Teachers and textbooks are not always right. In fact, no one is. 他认为我们应该从这个经验中学到些什么。老师和教本不是总是正确的。准确来说,每个都不是。
13、 He didn’t let us go until we proved not only that we know what a living body was but also that we had be courage to stand up for the truth.
Although many overseas students have learnt English as a foreign language at secondary

school,they have (1) chance to practice it.Many have difficulty in studying English when

first(2) to Britain.
Some universities in Britain have realized that many overseas studies need (3) with their

English in order (4) successful in their students.These universities have now appointed

teachers to teach English to those students with language problems.The classes are usually (5)

according to the language skill (6) most to the subject the student is studying.The teachers

are also responsible (7) investigations into the needs of students (8) they can provide

teaching materials to meet these needs.In addition,they provide (9) both to the students (10)

to their university departments.
1.a.little b.few c.a little d.a few
2.a.will come b.come c.came d.have come
3.a.a help B.the help C.help D.the helping
4.A.they are B.to being C.for being D. that they have been
5.A.organizing B.being organized C.organized D.being organize
6.A.needing B.in need of C.haveing needed D.needed
7.A.they carry out B.to carrying out C.carry out D.for carry out
8.A.so that B.for C.as a result D.why
9.A.advices B.the advice C.as advice D.some advice
10.A.but B.and C.or D.so

金城江区18690465612: 麻烦英语达人来给咱解答下嘿.
边虹盐酸: This pair of gloves _is___ mine.The gloves in box __are__ yours.前一句的主语是This pair ,故谓语动词用is;而后一句的主语是The gloves ,故谓语动词用are.下面一句也是这样.Two pieces of bread __are__ enough.它的主语是Two pieces ,因此谓语动词用are.

金城江区18690465612: 英语达人请进,帮我几个英语问题~请写出一个由"h u n g e i"着6个字母组成的单词.如果没有的话,那就写一个含有以上6个字母的单词.我知道很难,所以... -
边虹盐酸:[答案] 楼下的hungrily好不好. 晕倒, 我想了几个词都是少一个字母,晕 hungering. hunter...hunting.晕厥了. huge..

金城江区18690465612: 麻烦某人进来帮我英语翻译一段话
边虹盐酸: Hello,welcome to ABC Company 你好,欢迎来到ABC公司 What can I do for you? 有什么可以帮您 你要是负责接电话,或者接见来宾的话,在英语里一般不说请问您找哪位 你就直接问有什么可以帮您,对方就会回答,做什么或找什么人 What's ...

金城江区18690465612: 英语书面表达!帮帮我啊!急急急急急急急急急!12点之前给我答案啊!麻烦各位英语达人了! -
边虹盐酸: Dear Bob, I am sorry to hear that you hurt yourself last week .Your leg was broken .So I think you should stay in bed and have a good rest .You should take goo供弧垛旧艹搅讹些番氓d care of youself .Do as the doctor told you .Take the medicine on ...

金城江区18690465612: 英语书面表达!帮帮我啊!急!12点之前给我答案啊!麻烦各位英语达人了!假设你是李华,你的英国好友Bob来信说他在上周登山运动中腿部骨折.请你给... -
边虹盐酸:[答案] Dear Bob,I am sorry to hear that you hurt yourself last week .Your leg was broken .So I think you should stay in bed and have a good rest .You should take good care of youself .Do as the doctor told y...

金城江区18690465612: 六道初中英语题,英语达人进~~~~~麻烦详解!!! -
边虹盐酸: 1 be shown是被动语态,be showing是主动语态,电影一定是被上映,所以必须用被动;而且Saturday不是时间点,不能和进行时连用. 2 感官动词表示某事物的性质时必须用主动表示被动含义.feel在这里是摸起来的意思,表示的是这种布料...

金城江区18690465612: 麻烦英文达人进来帮我翻译个短句
边虹盐酸: 没有谁懂谁:No one knows who 谁是谁的谁:Who's who of who

金城江区18690465612: 麻烦英语达人帮我翻译一下这个论文题目,2010——2020年我国劳动就业形势我的翻译:PREDICTION OF 2010 - 2020's EMPLOYMENT SITUATION IN ... -
边虹盐酸:[答案] Prediction and Countermeasure Studies of Occupational Situation of China in 2010s. .劳动就业.其实就是工作的意思吧? .形势预测与对策研究其实都是针对"劳动就业"的.所以没必要分开来说. .研究的Study通常都是众数的.你不会只做一项研究就能...

金城江区18690465612: 麻烦英语达人进来帮忙看下这句话有没有什么语病 -
边虹盐酸: 应改为:You should never say no to a child for his gift.你不应该拒绝孩子所送的礼物.

金城江区18690465612: 麻烦英语达人,帮我做完成句子.Our efforts will pay off if the results of this search - ---(能应用于新技术的开发)
边虹盐酸: Our efforts will pay off if the results of this search can be applied to the development of new technology.

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