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作者&投稿:巫桂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In the computer network system, the absolute security does not exist, make safety management system is an important guarantee for the security of computer network, only through the joint efforts of network management and use of personnel, using all available tools and techniques, do everything possible to control, reduce all illegal behavior, the factors unsafe to minimize as much as possible. At the same time, to continue to strengthen the safety standardization management of computer information network, strengthen the construction of safety technology, strengthen the awareness of safety use and management personnel of the. Previously used within the network IP address as a resource has been ignored for some managers, in order to better carry out the safety management work, should be on the network IP address resources unified management, unified distribution. For the IP resource users must according to management system of serious processing. Only by working together, can make the computer network safety is guaranteed, so as to protect the interests of the majority of network users.

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梓潼县15884942290: 有一句翻译,请大家帮帮忙中文翻译成英文:欢迎致电某某公司,正在
师枫安塞: WelcometocontactXXXcorporation,Youareputthroughnow,Pleasewait...contact:在英文网站上看“联系我们”,均是“contactus”.co 和corporation都是公司的意思,但正式使用时一般是corporation,如微软公司,MicrosoftCorporation.putthrough:我是参考下面这个例句来使用的.Theoperatorputmethroughontheofficeline.接线生给我接通了办公室的电话.我不敢确定这能否算是你需要的标准版本,如果实在要找标准的,可以自己拨打一些外国的客服电话听听,或者到英语论坛逛逛,说不定有收获.

梓潼县15884942290: 电话录音,中文翻译成英文欢迎致电神马汽车租赁有限公司,严谨、关爱、快速!电话正在接通中,请稍候. -
师枫安塞:[答案] Welcome to call Shenma Car Rental Limited Company,rigorous,Care,Fast!Your call is being transferred.please wait a moment.

梓潼县15884942290: “欢迎致电XX公司”,英文怎么说,要正
师枫安塞: 你好!欢迎致电XX公司 Welcome to XX company

梓潼县15884942290: 这是我的新号码,欢迎致电!怎么翻译成英文? -
师枫安塞: 这是我的新号码,欢迎致电! 翻译为英文是: Here is my new number. Welcome to call!

梓潼县15884942290: 谁帮我把这句话翻译成英语,“您好,欢迎致电上海XX金属制品有限公司,请拨分机号,查号请 -
师枫安塞: Hello, welcome to call Shanghai XX Metal Products Co., Ltd, please dial extension number, please dial XX if consult numbers

梓潼县15884942290: 欢迎致电XXX公司,英文版怎么表达好 -
师枫安塞: little breathless, only just before her husband. Mr.

梓潼县15884942290: 电话录音,中文翻译成英文 -
师枫安塞: Welcome to call Shenma Car Rental Limited Company, rigorous, Care, Fast! Your call is being transferred. please wait a moment.

梓潼县15884942290: 请大家帮忙,如何翻译“欢迎致电我公司,产品咨询请按1,售后服务请按2.电话接通中,请稍候.”非常感谢. -
师枫安塞: Welcome to call our company, please press one for products consultation, press two for after services, it is getting through, please wait for a while.

梓潼县15884942290: 请懂英语的翻译:欢迎致电 江苏森格家具有限公司 -
师枫安塞: Hello welcome to call Jiangsu Senge Furniture Co. , Ltd.森格这词的翻译看看 你们公司有没有英文名...有的话就不用Senge

梓潼县15884942290: 翻译英文.您好,欢迎致电西尼电梯(杭州)有限公司,我们将竭诚为您服务,电话正在为您接通中,请稍后 -
师枫安塞: Hello,warmly welcome to call XINI (hangzhou)elevator Ltd,Co,we will serve you with patience,your line is geting through,please hold on....

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