
作者&投稿:师泳 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

(1) Jane Eyre: The protagonist and title character, orphaned as a baby.
(2) Mr. Reed: Jane's maternal uncle.
(3) Mrs. Sarah Reed: Jane's aunt by marriage, who resides at Gateshead.
(4) John Reed: Mrs. Reed's son, and Jane's cousin.
(5) Eliza Reed: Mrs. Reed's elder daughter, and Jane's cousin.
(6) Georgiana Reed: Mrs. Reed's younger daughter, and Jane's cousin.
(7) Bessie Lee: The nursemaid at Gateshead.
(8) Robert Leaven: The coachman at Gateshead, who sometimes gives Jane a ride on Georgiana's bay pony.
(9) Mr. Lloyd: A compassionate apothecary who recommends that Jane be sent to school.
(10) Mr. Brocklehurst: The arrogant, hypocritical clergyman who serves as headmaster and treasurer of Lowood School.
(11) Miss Maria Temple: The kind, attractive young superintendent of Lowood School.
(12) Miss Scatcherd: A sour and vicious teacher at Lowood.
(13) Helen Burns: An angelic fellow-student and best friend of Jane's at Lowood School.
(14) Edward Fairfax Rochester: The owner of Thornfield Manor, and Jane's lover and eventual husband.
(15) Bertha Mason: The violently insane secret wife of Edward Rochester.
(16) Adele Varens: A naive, vivacious and rather spoiled French child to whom Jane is governess at Thornfield.
(17) Mrs. Alice Fairfax: An elderly widow and housekeeper of Thornfield Manor.
(18) Blanche Ingram: A beautiful but very shallow socialite.
(19) Richard Mason: A strangely blank-eyed but handsome Englishman from the West Indies.
(20) St. John Eyre Rivers: A clergyman who is Jane Eyre's cousin on her father's side.
(21) Diana and Mary Rivers: St. John's sisters and Jane's cousins.
(22) Grace Poole: Bertha Mason's keeper, a frumpish woman verging on middle age.
(23) Rosamond Oliver: The rather shallow and coquettish, but beautiful and good-natured daughter of Morton's richest man.
(24) John Eyre: Jane's paternal uncle, who leaves her his vast fortune of 20,000 pounds.


扩展资料《简·爱》(Jane Eyre)是英国女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特创作的长篇小说,是一部具有自传色彩的作品。

(1) Jane Eyre: The protagonist and title character, orphaned as a baby.
(2) Mr. Reed: Jane's maternal uncle.
(3) Mrs. Sarah Reed: Jane's aunt by marriage, who resides at Gateshead.
(4) John Reed: Mrs. Reed's son, and Jane's cousin.
(5) Eliza Reed: Mrs. Reed's elder daughter, and Jane's cousin.
(6) Georgiana Reed: Mrs. Reed's younger daughter, and Jane's cousin.
(7) Bessie Lee: The nursemaid at Gateshead.
(8) Robert Leaven: The coachman at Gateshead, who sometimes gives Jane a ride on Georgiana's bay pony.
(9) Mr. Lloyd: A compassionate apothecary who recommends that Jane be sent to school.
(10) Mr. Brocklehurst: The arrogant, hypocritical clergyman who serves as headmaster and treasurer of Lowood School.
(11) Miss Maria Temple: The kind, attractive young superintendent of Lowood School.
(12) Miss Scatcherd: A sour and vicious teacher at Lowood.
(13) Helen Burns: An angelic fellow-student and best friend of Jane's at Lowood School.
(14) Edward Fairfax Rochester: The owner of Thornfield Manor, and Jane's lover and eventual husband.
(15) Bertha Mason: The violently insane secret wife of Edward Rochester.
(16) Adele Varens: A naive, vivacious and rather spoiled French child to whom Jane is governess at Thornfield.
(17) Mrs. Alice Fairfax: An elderly widow and housekeeper of Thornfield Manor.
(18) Blanche Ingram: A beautiful but very shallow socialite.
(19) Richard Mason: A strangely blank-eyed but handsome Englishman from the West Indies.
(20) St. John Eyre Rivers: A clergyman who is Jane Eyre's cousin on her father's side.
(21) Diana and Mary Rivers: St. John's sisters and Jane's cousins.
(22) Grace Poole: Bertha Mason's keeper, a frumpish woman verging on middle age.
(23) Rosamond Oliver: The rather shallow and coquettish, but beautiful and good-natured daughter of Morton's richest man.
(24) John Eyre: Jane's paternal uncle, who leaves her his vast fortune of 20,000 pounds.

Jane Eyre
The orphaned protagonist of the story. When the novel begins, she is an isolated, powerless ten-year-old living with an aunt and cousins who dislike her. As the novel progresses, she grows in strength. She distinguishes herself at Lowood School because of her hard work and strong intellectual abilities. As a governess at Thornfield, she learns of the pleasures and pains of love through her relationship with Edward Rochester. After being deceived by him, she goes to Marsh End, where she regains her spiritual focus and discovers her own strength when she rejects St. John River’s marriage proposal. By novel’s end she has become a powerful, independent woman, blissfully married to the man she loves, Rochester.

Edward Fairfax Rochester
Jane’s lover; a dark, passionate, brooding man. A traditional romantic hero, Rochester has lived a troubled wife. Married to an insane Creole woman, Bertha Mason, Rochester sought solace for several years in the arms of mistresses. Finally, he seeks to purify his life and wants Jane Eyre, the innocent governess he has hired to teach his foster daughter, Adèle Varens, to become his wife. The wedding falls through when she learns of the existence of his wife. As penance for his transgressions, he is punished by the loss of an eye and a hand when Bertha sets fire to Thornfield. He finally gains happiness at the novel’s end when he is reunited with Jane.

Sarah Reed
Jane’s unpleasant aunt, who raises her until she is ten years old. Despite Jane’s attempts at reconciliation before her aunt’s death, her aunt refuses to relent. She dies unloved by her children and unrepentant of her mistreatment of Jane.

John Reed
Jane’s nasty and spoiled cousin, responsible for Jane’s banishment to the red-room. Addicted to drinking and gambling, John supposedly commits suicide at the age of twenty-three when his mother is no longer willing or able to pay his debts.

Eliza Reed
Another one of Jane’s spoiled cousins, Eliza is insanely jealous of the beauty of her sister, Georgiana. She nastily breaks up Georgiana’s elopement with Lord Edwin Vere, and then becomes a devout Christian. But her brand of Christianity is devoid of all compassion or humanity; she shows no sympathy for her dying mother and vows to break off all contact with Georgiana after their mother’s death. Usefulness is her mantra. She enters a convent in Lisle, France, eventually becoming the Mother Superior and leaving her money to the church.

Georgiana Reed
Eliza’s and John’s sister, Georgiana is the beauty of the family. She’s also shallow and self-centered, interested primarily in her own pleasure. She accuses her sister, Eliza, of sabotaging her plans to marry Lord Edwin Vere. Like Eliza, she shows no emotion following their mother’s death. Eventually, Georgiana marries a wealthy, but worn-out society man.

Bessie Lee
The maid at Gateshead who sometimes consoles Jane by telling her entertaining stories and singing her songs. Bessie visits Jane at Lowood, impressed by Jane’s intellectual attainments and ladylike behavior. Bessie marries the coachman, Robert Leaven, and has three children.

Mr. Lloyd
The kind apothecary who suggests that Jane be sent to school following her horrifying experience in the red-room. His letter to Miss Temple clears Jane of the accusations Mrs. Reed has made against her.

Mr. Brocklehurst
The stingy, mean-hearted manager of Lowood. He hypocritically feeds the girls at the school starvation-level rations, while his wife and daughters live luxuriously. The minister of Brocklebridge Church, he represents a negative brand of Christianity, one that lacks all compassion or kindness.

Helen Burns
Jane’s spiritual and intellectual friend at Lowood. Although she is unfairly punished by Miss Scatcherd at Lowood, Helen maintains her poise, partially through her loving friendship with Miss Temple. From Helen, Jane learns tolerance and peace, but Jane can’t accept Helen’s rejection of the material world. Helen’s impressive intellectual attainments inspire Jane to work hard at school. Dying in Jane’s arms, Helen looks forward to peace in heaven and eventual reunion with Jane.

Maria Temple
The warm-hearted superintendent at Lowood who generously offers the girls bread and cheese when their breakfasts are inedible. An impressive scholar, a model of ladylike behavior and a compassionate person, Miss Temple is a positive role model for Jane. She cares for Jane and Helen, offering them seedcake in her room and providing Helen with a warm, private bed when she is dying.

Miss Miller
Teacher for the youngest students at Lowood who greets Jane on her first night at the school.


Edward Rochester
Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre 是 简

1.简爱——罗切斯特(恋人\/夫妻)——疯女(夫妻)2.海伦--简爱(孤儿院好友)3.布洛克尔赫斯特——坏人,孤儿院主持 4.圣约翰——简爱(表兄妹,简爱的追求者之一)5.戴安娜和玛丽--简爱的表姐,圣约翰的胞妹 6.爱丽思·费尔菲克斯--罗切斯特的女管家,简爱的朋友 7.阿黛勒--罗切斯特的朋友的...


《简·爱》的人物关系如下图所示:1、简:女主角,孤儿,由舅妈抚养。2、爱德华 · 费尔法克斯 · 罗切斯特:桑菲尔德庄园的主人,简的情人和最终的丈夫。3、里德先生:简的舅舅。4、莎拉 · 里德:简的舅母。5、约翰 · 里德:里德太太的儿子,简的表兄弟。6、伊丽莎 · 里德:里德太太的长女,简...


2、罗切斯特 桑菲尔德庄园主,拥有财富和强健的体魄,大约三十六七岁年纪(比简爱大了将近二十岁),心地善良,表面上看起来有些冷漠,有点顽固,起初在简爱眼中,他的性格阴郁而又喜怒无常,有一种男子汉气概。他身体强健,不算很英俊,但面孔十分坚毅,有一头浓密的黑卷发和一双又大又亮的黑眼睛。

人物列表 简·爱——女主人公。(善良,勇于面对挫折) 爱德华.罗切斯特——简爱的丈夫。 贝茜——盖茨赫德庄园的仆人。 里德太太——简·爱的舅妈,对简·爱并不公平。最终良心发现,告诉简·爱真相。(已死) 里德先生——简·爱的舅舅,对简·爱比较好,但过早离世。 伊莱扎·里德...


1、简·爱(Jane Eyre):女主角 2、里德先生(Mr. Reed):舅舅,小说开始时已经逝世 3、莎拉·里德(Sarah Reed):舅妈,经常虐待简·爱 4、约翰·里德(John Reed):舅舅的儿子,在故事中是个糟糕的无赖 5、爱丽莎·里德(Eliza Reed):舅舅的女儿,崇尚简朴隐居,最后成为修女 6、乔琪安娜·...


控制欲极强。《简·爱》(Jane Eyre)是英国女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特创作的长篇小说,是一部具有自传色彩的作品。夏洛蒂·勃朗特,英国女作家。她与两个妹妹,即艾米莉·勃朗特和安妮·勃朗特,在英国文学史上有“勃朗特三姐妹”之称。夏洛蒂1816年生于英国北部约克郡的豪渥斯的一个乡村牧师家庭。

惠阳区15298924812: 简爱男女主角的英文名 -
督雅瑞兴: 女主角简·爱:Jane Eyre 男主角罗伯特:Edward Rochester 和楼主一样喜欢这本名著,更喜欢Jane的个性.

惠阳区15298924812: 简爱英文版简介 英文版对内容进行概括,简介明了,100字以内,不要有语法及单词拼写错误,把这本书中所有的人物姓名用英文表示出来 -
督雅瑞兴:[答案] Jane Eyre The orphaned protagonist of the story. When the novel begins, she is an isolated, powerless ten-year-old living ... Miss Miller Teacher for the youngest students at Lowood who greets Jane on her first night at the school 简爱——罗切斯特(恋...

惠阳区15298924812: 简爱中名字 -
督雅瑞兴: 简·爱Jane Eyre 海伦Helen 爱华德·罗契斯特Edward Rochester 阿戴列·瓦朗Adèle Varens 布兰契 Blanchy 圣·约翰Saint John

惠阳区15298924812: 谁知道《简.爱》里人物的英文名和音译??
督雅瑞兴: 《简·爱》(Jane eyre)作者:夏洛蒂·勃朗特(Charlotte Bronte男主角:爱德华·罗切斯特 Edward Fairfax Rochester庄园名就是用男主角的姓取的

惠阳区15298924812: 简爱的主要人物的英文介绍 -
督雅瑞兴: Major Characters 所有主要人物的介绍和评论 Jane Eyre: Main character of entire novel. Young orphan who grows up, goes to school, works, marries, creates a life for herself. Mrs.

惠阳区15298924812: 《简爱》的主要人物的英文介绍 -
督雅瑞兴: Jane Eyre The orphaned protagonist of the story. When the novel begins, she is an isolated, powerless ten-year-old living with an aunt and cousins who dislike her. As the novel progresses, she grows in strength. She distinguishes herself at Lowood...

惠阳区15298924812: 《简 爱》是谁写的?里面有哪些人物?
督雅瑞兴: 《简·爱》是英国十九世纪著名的女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特的代表作, 人物列表: 简•爱——罗切斯特(恋人/夫妻) 海伦--简爱(孤儿院好友) 布洛克尔赫斯特——坏人,孤儿院主持 圣约翰——简爱(表兄妹,简爱的追求者之一) 戴安娜和玛丽--简爱的表姐,圣约翰的胞妹 爱丽思·费尔菲克斯--罗切斯特的女管家,简爱的朋友 阿黛勒--罗切斯特的朋友的女儿,罗切斯特是她的监护人,简爱的学生 英格拉姆小姐(长的十分漂亮,但只看重钱的贵族小姐,她根本不爱罗切斯特先生)--罗切斯特的追求者

惠阳区15298924812: 《简爱》中主要人物的主要内容 -
督雅瑞兴: 《简·爱》(Jane Eyre)是十九世纪英国著名的女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特的代表作,人们普遍认为《简·爱》是夏洛蒂·勃朗特“诗意的生平写照”,是一部具有自传色彩的作品.讲述一位从小变成孤儿的英国女子在各种磨难中不断追求自由与...

惠阳区15298924812: 《简爱》的主要人物的英文介绍 -
督雅瑞兴:[答案] Jane Eyre The orphaned protagonist of the story.When the novel begins,she is an isolated,powerless ten-year-old living with an aunt and cousins who dislike her.As the novel progresses,she grows in str...

惠阳区15298924812: 《简爱》中有哪些人物 -
督雅瑞兴: 简爱,贝茵,约翰.里德,里德太太,艾博特小姐,劳埃德先生, 布罗克赫斯特,海伦.彭斯,坦普尔,我只大概知道这些了 简爱好可怜,海伦.彭斯也是,不过海伦.彭斯说的话好感人,我喜欢听,坦普尔真好,里德太太好过分!你觉得呢?

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