
作者&投稿:夕苗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

on one's way

积累的英文: accumulate,
造句:So this is the fundamental equation that we can write that describes how neutrons in fact do accumulate.
相关短语:accumulate experience 获取经验 ,积累经验;accumulate 积累 , 积聚Accumulate density 堆积密度;accumulate error 累积误差;repeat accumulate 交织器是重复累积 , 重复累积 ;,似重复累积 ,本文借鉴重复累积;accumulate wisdom 智积accumulate wealth 积累财富 ;,积聚财富;Accumulate dose 总剂量;accumulate 积聚 ,堆积 ,蓄积 , 既可用于具体意义。

disguisevt. 把...假扮起来;把...乔装起来[(+as)]
She disguised herself as a man.
她将自己乔装成男人。 classifyvt.将...分类;将...分等级Eggs are classified according to size.
We condemn his foolish behavior.

第一个单词不对,是不是disguise:The supposed beggar was really a police officer in disguise.那个众人眼中的乞丐,其实是化了装的警察。第二个单词:We can classify these subjects under three headings.我们可以将这些题目加以分类成三个主题。第三个单词:They condemn the meat as unfit for human consumption.他们宣告这种肉不适于给人食用。

1.单词拼写错误2.We shall classify these subjects under three topics.我们将把这些问题分成三个主题。3.We condemn his foolish behavior.我们谴责他的愚蠢行为。

He disguised his hatred with friendly care.他用友好的关心来掩盖他的憎恨。For convenience, we may classify the students into four groups.为了方便起见,我们可把学生分为四个组。We condemn his foolish behavior.我们谴责他的愚蠢行为。

He disguised his hatred with friendly care.他用友好的关心来掩盖他的憎恨。 We shall classify these subjects under three topics.我们将把这些问题分成三个主题。 We condemn his foolish behavior.我们谴责他的愚蠢行为。

语助词拼音: yu zhu ci 语助词解释: 汉语和另外一些语言中专门表示各种语气的助词,一般位于句子的末尾或句中停顿的地方。也叫语气词、语气助词。 语助词造句: 1、研究的句子包括有或没有话语语助词附加于句末的不同句子类型。 2、程度副词“哏”、句末语助词“有”等是元代新产生的语法成分...

用语言造句二年级如下:1、他们从地道口上来时,以悲壮激昂的语言讲话,吵闹声震耳欲聋。2、眼睛是心灵的窗户,动作可以作假,语言可以掩饰,但眼神永远是真诚的。抚琴的人 3、他把自己的戏叫作“传奇”,并试图吸取南戏的精神:在形式、时空背景、人物设置、情节构造、意境以及语言等方面继承南戏。4、...



Unit 1 wake up醒来 wander off 漫步 most of the time 大部分时间 either…or… 或……或……each other 互相 spend…(in)doing sth 花费时间做某事 be determined to do 决定做……think about 看法 for example 举例子 work out 得出;解决 argue for 为……辩护 argue with 与……争论\/...


1.Their school library and our school library look alike.2.My pencil-case is like your pencil-case.3.The school life in the city is different from the school life in the country. \/The school life in the city and in the country are different.4.Maths in Grade 5 of Primary ...



语序拼音: yu xu 语序解释: 见〖词序〗。 语序造句: 1、这里有一个很好的关于双语学习的语言结构以及语序的问题的例子。 2、他们是否使用机械化的方式来处理语序问题?以及,那些母语是巴斯克语又再学习西班牙语的人们是否也是一样的呢? 3、记住不同语言之间的句子中的语序是不同的;您可以...

西宁市15611313682: 用英语单词造句 -
宗圣砖清热: there is a book on the desk. go across the street, and you will find the bookshop. my book is different from his. between me and Jack, is Mary. near the river, there is a house. he goes to school in the car every day. there is a buidling in front of my house. we are thinking of him. the cat is under the table.

西宁市15611313682: 英语单词造句 -
宗圣砖清热: abandon -- The crew abandoned the burning ship. 水手们离弃了燃烧中的船. able-- am afraid I won't be able to visit you on Saturday. 恐怕我无法在星期六来拜访您了 ability-- She did the work to the best of her ability. 她已尽了力去做那件工作了...

西宁市15611313682: 英语单词造句
宗圣砖清热: 1、The two girls are different in their tastes ./2、I was impressed by their hospitality ./3、you are my only hope . 4、We were fightig to protect ours country ./Her mother has been failing in health .或we cannot fail on this match !

西宁市15611313682: 英语单词造句
宗圣砖清热: 1. I put up some posters on the wall. 2.I call up Jack to go shopping with me. 3.I make a plan about my study.

西宁市15611313682: 英语单词造句
宗圣砖清热: Please put up your hands. I often decorate my room carefully. The little boy whose leg was broken in the accident is now under treatment. aecoration不会 I can't make progress without the help of teacher. By the way,how can I get to the theatre? I made a fence around my tent.

西宁市15611313682: 英语单词造句!!!!!!
宗圣砖清热: I have a good frind, You are very beautiful. He comes from Beijing. She is a teacher. It is dilicious. Tell me something about English. I called you yesterday. I saw him last Sunday. I love her very much. You can buy it if you like. We are friends. You are ...

西宁市15611313682: 英语单词造句
宗圣砖清热: 1.quiet We have to be quiet in the cinema. 在电影院我们必须要保持安静. 2.shoe I like my green shoe. 我喜欢我的绿色鞋子. 3.fresh She grinds fresh coffee beans every day. 她每天把新鲜的咖啡豆磨成粉. 4.cookie I want candy.I Want cookie. ...

西宁市15611313682: 英语单词在线造句 -
宗圣砖清热: 1. I never think about the possibility of defeat .我从没考虑过失败的可能性.2. Have you considered the possible consequences?你想过可能造成的后果吗?3. A good salesperson has to be agg...

西宁市15611313682: 用英语单词造句
宗圣砖清热: I walk on the Center Street. The new bridge has been built for 3 years. He often mails many e-mails. There are many trees in my school. My home is near my school.

西宁市15611313682: 英语 单词造句
宗圣砖清热: I like Miss Zhang. On the one hand she is kind to everyone, on the other hand,she is rich in knowledge.

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