
作者&投稿:征韦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Lesson 76
1 She met her friends yesterday.
2 They drank some milk yesterday.
3 He swam in the river yesterday.
4 She took him to school yesterday.
5 He cut himself yesterday.
1 When did you walk across the park? I walked across the park last week.
2 When did you wash your hands? I washed my hands a minute ago.
3 When did you work in an office? I worked in an office the year before last.
4 When did you ask a question? I asked a question five minutes ago.
5 When did you type those letters? I typed those letters a month ago.
6 When did you watch television? I watched television every day this week.
7 When did you talk to the shop assistant? I talked to the shop assistant last month.
8 When did you thank your father? I thanked my father an hour ago.
9 When did you dust the cupboard? I dusted the cupboard three days ago.
10 When did you paint that bookcase? I painted that bookcase the year before last.
11 When did you want a car like that one? I wanted a car like that one a year ago.
12 When did you greet her? I greeted her a minute ago.

Lesson 78
1 She buys a new car every year. She bought a new car last year.
2 She airs the room every day. She aired it this morning.
3 He often loses his pen. He lost his pen this morning.
4 She always listens to the news. She listened to the news yesterday.
5 She empties this basket every day. She emptied it yesterday.
1 I painted the room in 1996.
2 She met him on 5th November.
3 They arrived a quarter to eleven.
4 He lost his pen on Saturday.

Lesson 80
1 I haven't got much butter.
2 You haven't got many envelopes.
3 We haven't got much milk.
4 She hasn't got many biscuits.
5 They haven't got much stationery.
1 They need a lot of bread. They haven't got much.
They must go to the baker's to get some bread.
2 She needs a lot of eggs. She hasn't got many. She must go to the grocer's to get some eggs.
3 They need a lot of magazines. They haven't got many. They must go to the newsagent's to get some magazines.
4 I need a lot of beef. I haven't got much. I must go to the butcher's to get some beef.
5 She needs a lot of butter. She hasn't got much. She must go to the grocer's to get some butter.
6 They need a lot of bananas. They haven't got many. They must go to the greengrocer's to get some bananas.
7 He needs a lot of medicine. He hasn't got much. He must go to the chemist's to get some medicine.


Lesson 44 P-88 A 1.I can see some spoons,but I can’t see any knives.2.I can see some hammers,but I can’t see any boxes.3.I can see some coffee,but I can’t see any loaves of bread.4.I can see some cupboards,but I can’t see any shelves.5.I can see Mr....

求新概念英语第一册 练习册的答案117、118课答案
Lesson 118 A 1 He knocked at the door when I was answering the phone.2 He came downstairs when I was having breakfast.3 The phone rang when I was washing the dishes.4 The boss arrived when she was typing a letter.5 The train left when I was buying the tickets.6 It ...

新概念英语第一册练习册 用一般过去时,过去完成时或者过去进行时填空...
she{had already heard }(already hear )the news before her friend told her.The girl{was joking }(joke)when she said there was no milk left.he asked for a glass of beer,but they {had drunk }(drink)all of it!when i visited them,they{were watching }(watch)television.we ...

新概念英语第一册同步测试卷Test 4答案
Key Structures A a 1 I enjoyed the film yesterday.2 My mother went to market.3 (This morning) the children asked questions continuously in class.4 (On Sundays) we stay at home.5 (This morning) I borrowed a book from the library.b 1 She rarely...2 The shops always...3...

A 1.I had better stay here 2.We had better wait for him 3.You had better call a doctor 4.They had better go home 5.She had better hurry 6.You had better be careful B 1.I'll go to Sydney in a month's time 2.The next train will leave in an hour's time 3.I'...

二 用冠词a, an, the 或 some , any 填空, 如果不需要,则用 \/ 代替.1. Alice is __an__ air-hostess. Her father is __an__ engineer and her mother is __a___ housewife. They all play ___x___ tennis very well.2. He has __an__ uncle and his uncle lives in __...

Key to written exercises Lesson 32 A 1 He is opening the window.2 She is sharpening this pencil.3 She is dusting the cupboard.4 She is emptying the basket.5 He is looking at the picture. B 1 What is Mr. Richards doing?Is he cleaning his teeth?No, he isn't ...

had some milk.8 She hasn't had any meat.She's just had some vegetables.9 I haven't had any chicken.I've just had some steak.10 They haven't had any bananas.They've just had some oranges.希望有用哦,呵呵,这在那些英语学习网站上都可以搜到的,比如说可可和爱问 ...

A.1.She says she has found her pen.2.They say they must remain here.3.He says he remembers you.4.She says she doesn't speak Englilsh.5.They say they're washing the dishes.B.1.He says he feels ill.2.She says she has got a headache.3.He says he wants a haircut....

A1 Yes, Martin is talking to Gary.2 They may go abroad .3 Gary's wife wants to go to Egypt.4 They will travel by sea.5 Yes, it may be cheaper.6 Yes, it takes a long time 7 Because his wife worries too much.B1 I'm not sure. They may be Australian.2 I'm not ...

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彭泽县13222861056: 《新概念英语》第一册练习题(含答案)《新概念英语》第一册完成学习,个人感觉在应用时不是特别顺畅,平常做的习题比较少.我希望有一些练习题帮助我... -
人览双克:[答案] 有同步的练习册,很适合入门者用

彭泽县13222861056: 新概念英语第一册课后书面练习题及答案要详细 -
人览双克:[答案] 新概念英语第一册课后书面练习题 及答案 1-2 抄写下面的句子 Excuse me! Y es? Is this your handbag? Pardon? Is this your handbag? Y es, it is. Thank you very much. 新概念英语第一册课 后书面练习题 及答案 3-4 A. 抄写下面的句子 this is not my ...

彭泽县13222861056: 新概念英语第一册练习册76、78课答案
人览双克: http://www.10xiao.com/html/daxuekechengdaan/wenxueleikechengdaan/200902/21-1795_33.html 这个是76的答案. http://www.10xiao.com/html/daxuekechengdaan/wenxueleikechengdaan/200902/21-1795_34.html 这个是78的答案. 如果答案没有在当前页面出现完整的话就点下一页就好了.

彭泽县13222861056: 新概念英语第一册练习册答案26\27 -
人览双克: 26 A 1who 2whose 3which 4what colour 5where 6what 7how 8what make B 1 a the the the 2 a the a the 3 a the a the the 4 an an a the the27 A living room large living room there they are on some on they B 1......2 no,it isn't 3 they are on the tv{缩写} 4 they are near the table 5 no,they aren't 6 they are on the table 标答

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人览双克:[答案] 79 A 1.she is making a shopping list.2.they need a lot of things.3.yes,she must.4.no,they haven't.5.she must get some tomatoes.6.no,they haven't.7.no,she,isn't.8.no,they haven't. B steak beef lamb bananas apples garden peas jam butter cheese writing ...

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人览双克: 听力部分(20分) 一、1、 B 2、 B 3、 B 4、 A 5、 C 二、6、 A 7、 A 8、 C 9、 C 10、 A 三、11、 B 12、 B 13、 A 14、 B 15、 C 笔试部分(80分) 一、单项选择(15分)16、 C 17、 B 18、 B 19、 B 20、 C 21、 D 22、 C 23、 A 24、 ...


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