The TA Project组织性质

作者&投稿:余娜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ The TA Project, established in 2011, is a part of the renowned TopU Education and serves as an open-source educational resource platform. Its acronym, 'TA,' stands for Teach Anything, Teach Anywhere, reflecting its mission. The primary objective is to establish a global, inclusive platform where knowledge can be freely shared and accessed by anyone, fostering a true spirit of openness and universality. This initiative aims to evolve into a virtual university that transcends geographical boundaries.

Focusing on promoting discussion courses from prestigious international universities, The TA Project seeks to enhance the utilization of open educational resources for Chinese students. By doing so, it seeks to bridge the gap and provide them with a wider array of learning opportunities, enabling them to expand their horizons and deepen their understanding of various subjects. Through its platform, the organization strives to democratize education and promote lifelong learning for all who seek knowledge.

新华区17314168040: 请问TOPU怎么样?今天刚在网上看到的,是他们那个什么the TA project,貌似挺火的,求大牛提供细节!! -
倚空康力: TA 是teaching anything, teaching anywhere 类似于远程高等教育

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