
作者&投稿:骑威 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

money不能用中文读,英文音标是:英 [ˈmʌni] 美 [ˈmʌni]
We drew up a schedule of payments for the rest of the monies owed.

读音:英 [kæʃ] 美 [kæʃ]
例句:Companies could not draw money from bank accounts as cash.


money发音是:英[ˈmʌni] 美[ˈmʌni]。

money 英[ˈmʌni] 美[ˈmʌni]
n. 钱; 款项; 财富; 薪水;
[例句]A lot of the money that you pay at the cinema goes back to the film distributors

We drew up a schedule of payments for the rest of the monies owed.

He was a high-earning broker with money to burn.

If you are one of the lucky callers chosen to play, you could be in the money.

They couldn't find work or make money in the cities.

money钱。中文发音ma(第一声) nian(第四声)

money [�0�4m�0�5n�0�1] n (pl in sense 3 moneys ormonies 用於下述第3义时复数作moneys或monies)1 [U] means of payment, esp coins and banknotes, given and accepted in buying and selling 钱; 金钱; 货币: have money in one's pocket 口袋里有钱 * earn, borrow, save, etc a lot of money 挣、 借、 节省...很多钱 * How much money is there in my (bank) account? 我的(银行)户头里有多少钱? * change English money into French moneymoney => coin. easy money => easy1. even chancesmoney => even1. a fool and his money are soon parted => fool1. for `my money (infml 口) in my opinion 据我看: For my money, Ann's idea is better than Mary's. 我认为安的主意比玛丽的好. get one's `money's-worth get the full value in goods or services for the money one has spent 花得上算. good `money a lot of money; money that is hard-earned and not to be wasted 大笔的钱; 来之不易的钱: earn, pay, cost good money 赚、 付、 值很多钱. have `money to burn have so much money that one can spend it freely 有的是钱. a licence to print money => licence. `made of money (infml 口) very wealthy 极有钱: I'm not made of money, you know! 你知道我又不是财神爷! make `money make a profit; earn a lot of money 赚钱; 发财. make money ,hand over `fist make big profits from business, etc 发大财; 赚大钱. marry money => marry. money burns a hole in sb's pocket sb is eager to spend money or spends it quickly or extravagantly 有钱就想花; 大手大脚. money for `jamsth (a) place a bet that (a horse, dog, etc) will win a race 在参赛的(马、 狗等)上下赌注. (b) confidently expect sb/sth to succeed 确信某人[某事]会成功: I'll put my money on him. 我确信他能成功. put one's money where one's `mouth is (infml 口) show one's support in a practical way, not just by one's words 以实际行动支持, 并非说空话. a run for one's money => run1. see the colour of sb's money => colour1. there's money in sth profit can be obtained from sth (某事物)有利可图. throw one's money about (infml 口) spend one's money recklessly and ostentatiously 大肆挥霍. you pays your money and you takes your choice => pay2



one love的中文是什么?
One Love 惟一的爱 It's kinda funny how life can change 生活的改变有时让我感到很惊奇 Can flip 180 in a matter of days 几天之内就有180度的转弯 Sometimes love works in mysterious ways 有时爱以神秘的方式出现 One day you wake up gone without a trace 但你醒来时爱却无影无踪了...

i could be the one的中文意思

《no one》 的中文以及英文歌词。
No one no one no one没人没人没人 Can get in the way of what I’m feeling可以感受到我所感受的 No one no one no one 没人没人没人 Can get in the way of what I feel for you可以感受到我对你的感觉 You you 你、你 Can get in the way of what I feel for you 可以...

xbox one多会上市,是中文的吗?
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弄你玩【Only one(唯一)】

正确答案:一岁的 望采纳。。。

you see see you, one day day. 你看看你,一天天的。正确翻译应该是:Look at you, all day long.look at you 释义:看看你;看着你。例句:Well, well, well, look at you. Ethel, look at this little fat girl 哟,哟,看看你啊,埃塞尔,看看这个小胖姑娘啊。all day long 释义:...

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“唯一”还是“惟一”(Only) 的中文写法哪个才是正确的?
【英 文】 only one 【释 义】 同“唯一”。《辞海》和《现代汉语小词典》对“唯”的解释是“同‘惟’”。“唯”与“惟”都包含“独、只有”的意思。在实际应用方面,《古文观止·游黄山日记(后)》中有:“惟一石顶壁起犹数十丈,澄源寻视其侧,得级,扶予以登。”(令怡按:此处的“...

“字母”用英语来说是“letter”,读音是[ˈletə(r)],接下来让我们一起来详细了解一下关于这个英语单词的知识,以便更加深刻地理解该单词。letter 英 [ˈletə(r)] 美 [ˈletər]n. 信,信函;字母;<美>(缝制在运动服上的)校运动队首字母标志;<英,...

临高县17183483917: money 的发音. -
謇俗安坤: ey的音偏重于“尼”,但要读轻音,重音在“mon”上.

临高县17183483917: money的发音是“麻尼”还是“莽尼”? -
謇俗安坤: 麻尼

临高县17183483917: 钱英文怎么读
謇俗安坤: 钱的英文是money.一、读音:['m?ni]二、意思是钱.三、例句Timoney.时间就是金钱.四、词汇用法1、money的基本意思是“钱、货币”,包括纸币和硬币.money还可指某人所拥有的一切,即“财富,财产”.2、money多用作不可数名词,指多种货币时也可用作可数名词,其复数形式为moneys,此时多用于指特种钱币或数额较大的钱或用于法律用语.3、在说“用钱买东西”时,常用介词with.扩展资料近义词:cash一、读音:[k?]二、意思是现金.三、例句Haihasntianccount.他把现金存入银行帐户.四、词汇用法1590左右进入英语,直接源自古意大利语的cassa,意为钱箱.

临高县17183483917: 钱英文怎么读 -
謇俗安坤: money?[ˈmʌni] 中文发音就是“吗内” - -

临高县17183483917: “钱”用英语怎么读 -
謇俗安坤: money 钱 汉语读音 “玛尼”

临高县17183483917: money的音标 -
謇俗安坤: 你好!BrE / ˈmʌni / AmE / ˈmʌni /百度教育团队【海纳百川团】为您解答 如满意,请点击“选为满意答案”按钮,谢谢~

临高县17183483917: money是什么意思!这个单词怎么读啊???求解? -
謇俗安坤: 钱 读作“妈尼” ~亲,如果你认可我的回答,请点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~ ~手机提问的朋友在客户端上评价点【满意】即可.~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~ O(∩_∩)O,互相帮助,祝共同进步!

临高县17183483917: 请问中文的“钱”,用英语是什么??
謇俗安坤: money 标准读音不是马内 而是妈腻

临高县17183483917: “钱”用英语怎么说? -
謇俗安坤: money 音标: /ˈməni/ /ˈmʌni/1.I counted the money before putting it in my wallet 在把钱放进钱包前我数了一下2.he borrowed money to modernize the shop.他借钱把商店装修一新.3.the college is very short of money.学校很缺资金.4.the ...

临高县17183483917: 单词,钱怎么读用英语怎么写 -
謇俗安坤: money 英 ['mʌnɪ] 美 [ˈmʌni] n. 钱,货币; 款项; 薪水,报酬; 大富翁

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