
作者&投稿:蹉殷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 您好,我是专注留学考试规划和留学咨询的小钟老师。在追寻留学梦想的路上,选择合适的学校和专业,准备相关考试,都可能让人感到迷茫和困扰。作为一名有经验的留学顾问,我在此为您提供全方位的专业咨询和指导。欢迎随时提问!https://liuxue.87dh.com/
考试日期: 202332 Reading Passage 1 Title: New Energy in USA Question types: True/False/Not Given; Flow Chart; Short Answer Questions 文章内容回顾 美国的一种新能源,关于从玉米中提取乙醇为燃料。 20230708旧文 英文原文阅读 Ethanol is also called ethyl alcohol or grain alcohol. It's made from a fermented mixture of corn, yeast, sugar, and water. The resulting alcohol is 100 to 200 proof (200 proof is pure alcohol). In addition to use in the lab, ethanol is a popular fuel alternative and gasoline additive. Because it is flammable, ethanol can be prohibitively expensive to ship, so it may make sense to distill your own. Anyone can have a still, but be advised you may need to get a permit in order to make ethanol. Difficulty: Easy Time Required: 3 - 10 days, sometimes longer Here's How: If you are starting with whole corn, you first need to convert the cornstarch into sugar by 'sprouting' the corn. Place the corn in a container, cover it with warm water, and drape a cloth over the container to prevent contamination and conserve heat. Ideally, the container will have a slowly draining hole at the bottom. Add warm water from time to time as the liquid level falls. Maintain the setup ~3 days or until the corn has sprouts about 2 inches long. Allow the sprouted corn to dry. Then grind it into meal. Alternatively, start with cornmeal. Other grains can be prepared in much the same way (e.g. rye mash). Mash or mush is made by adding boiling water to the corn meal. The mash is kept warm to start the fermentation process. Yeast is added, if available (half pound yeast per 50 gallons of mash, for example), and sugar (variable recipe). With yeast, fermentation takes about 3 days. Without yeast, fermentation could require more than 10 days. The mash is ready to 'run' once it stops bubbling. The mash has been converted into carbonic acid and alcohol. It is called 'wash' or 'beer' or 'sour mash'. The wash is placed into a cooker, which has a lid that is pasted shut, so that it has a seal which can be blown off should internal pressure become too great. At the top of the cooker, there is a copper pipe, or 'arm' that projects to one side and tapers down from a 4-5 inch diameter to the same diameter as the 'worm' (1 to 1-1/4 inch). The 'worm' could be made by taking a 20 ft length of copper tubing, filling it with sand and stopping the ends, and then coiling it around a fence post. The sand prevents the tubing from kinking while being coiled. Once the worm is formed, the sand is flushed out of the tube. The worm is placed in a barrel and sealed to the end of the arm. The barrel is kept full of cold, running water, to condense the alcohol. Water runs in the top of the barrel and out an opening at the bottom. A fire is maintained under the cooker to vaporize the alcohol in the wash. The ethanol vaporizes at 173°F, which is the target temperature for the mixture. The spirit will rise to the top of the cooker, enter the arm, and will be cooled to the condensation point in the worm. The resulting liquid is collected at the end of the worm, traditionally into glass jars. This fluid will be translucent, and about the color of dark beer. The very first liquid contains volatile oil contaminants in addition to alcohol. After that, liquid is collected. The containers of liquid collected from over the wash are called 'singlings'. Liquid collected toward the end of this run is called 'low wine'. Low wine can be collected and returned to the still to be cooked again. The initial collections are higher proof than those collected as the distillation progresses. The singlings tend to have impurities and require double-distillation, so once the low wine has been run to the point where a tablespoon or so thrown on a flame won't burn (too low proof), the heat is removed from the still and the cooker is cleaned out. The liquid remaining in the still, the 'backings' or 'slop', can be recovered and poured over new grain (and sugar, water, and possibly malt) in a mash barrel for future distillations. Discard mash after no more than eight uses. The singlings are poured into the cooker and the still is returned to operation. The initial collections can approach pure alcohol (200 proof), with the end collections, using the flash test on the flame, at about 10 proof. The desired proof depends on the application. The highest proof usually obtained from a still is 190 proof. For using alcohol as a fuel alternative, for example, addition purification with a sieve may be required to obtain 200 proof ethanol. 题型难度分析 根据考试回忆本篇难度一般 题型技巧分析 是非无判断题是雅思阅读考试的经典题型,虽然今年的题量相对减少,但是仍是复习备考时应关注的题型。 首先应该注意看清是TRUE还是YES, 本篇是TRUE/ FALSE/ NOT GIVEN 解题步骤: 1. 速读问题的句子,找出考点词(容易有问题的部分)。考点词:比较级,最高级,数据(时间),程度副词,特殊形容词,绝对化的词(only, most, each, any, every, the same as等) 2. 排除考点词,在余下的词中找定位词,去原文定位。 3. 重点考察考点词是否有提及,是否正确。 TRUE的原则是同义替换,至少有一组近义词。 FALSE是题目和原文截然相反,不可共存,通常有至少一组反义词。 NOT GIVEN原文未提及,不做任何推断,尤其多考察题目的主语等名词在原文是否有提及。 剑桥雅思推荐原文练习 剑4 Test1 Passage1 剑5 Test3 Passage1 Reading Passage 2 Title: Hunger in Africa Question types: List of Headings (7); Summary; Multiple Choice 文章内容回顾 食物对非洲M地学生的影响,教育与食物的关系。提供食物给M地的学校后,其入学率与学生的考试通过率均提高了,而且还促进了孩子们的智力发育。 20230710旧文 题型难度分析 据考生回忆,稍微偏难,但是旧题 题型技巧分析 Heading题型做题步骤: 1. 读题目要求,注意是将heading前的序号写在答题卡上。 2. 划去Example项,在Lists of headings中将例子的标题划去,同时将对应段落在文章中划去,以免做题时重复找。 3. 在给出的标题中划出关键词,以名词为主。 4. 读文章段落,主要读段首和段尾,找出主题句。 5. 将段落主题句和标题相比较,选出答案。 注意事项: 1. 在找主题句的时候,段首不一定是段落的第一句,很多时候,尤其是第二段及以后的段落,第一句往往是对上一段的概括,第二句第三句才是主题句。 2. 如果本段有however, but等转折词汇以及also, although等,主题句即作者的中心在其后面。 3. 如果某段中重复出现标题中的某个关键词,也可以判定此段的标题即是含有这个关键词的标题。 剑桥雅思推荐原文练习 剑3 Test4 Passage1 Reading Passage 3 Title: 澳大利亚博物馆的改建博物馆自身形象与艺术性 Question types: Multiple Choice; Yes/No/Not Given; Matching 文章内容回顾 讲澳大利亚的博物馆NGV, 先讲了一下1968年的时候博物馆什么样子,接着讲了现在的那个博物馆什么样子。 题型难度分析 难度较大 题型技巧分析 Matching题分为一方是特殊定位词的配对,分类题,段落配标题,段落细节信息定位。一方是特殊定位词的配对主要有人名配观点,时间配事件,地点配事件。这种题目在做的时候要注意以下几点: 1. 审题,读Instruction。一般来说,都会有You may use any letter more than once. 遇到这行字时,提醒考生一般本题中肯定会有一个字母用两次的,而且只有一个字母会重复。 2. 迅速浏览人名,在文章中圈出人名。 3. 通读配对另一方,划出关键词。 在文章中圈出的人名旁找相应信息与关键词进行匹配。 一方不是特殊定位词时,需要将配对双方都要通读,并划出核心词汇,以名词为主。同时这类题目要放在本篇文章的最后做。 剑桥雅思推荐原文练习 剑8 Test1 Passage3

希望以上的答复能对您的留学申请有所帮助。如果您有任何更详细的问题或需要进一步的协助,我强烈推荐您访问我们的留学官方网站 https://liuxue.87dh.com/ ,在那里您可以找到更多专业的留学考试规划和留学资料以及一对一的咨询服务。祝您留学申请顺利!

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https:\/\/liuxue.87dh.com\/ 解析:根据上下文定位到文中Over the past 40 years, most have abandoned their nomadic ways and settled in the territory's 18 isolated communities, but they still rely heavily on nature to provide food and clothing. 本题的替换很明显也很简单,因为大多数同学...

新安县15652901606: 据说今年3月2号是托福新题日,我已经报了,新题日会影响考生分数吗?
右珍普南: 不会影响,只是新题日是没有机经的,即不可以考背题考高分了. 但是你的英语水平只要在那里,都无所谓啦. 托福的分数是按百分比来的,比如你是top10%对应的就是某个固定的分数. 当出现新题的时候,大家都一样会多错几题(大神除外),所以整体水平下降后,你还是原来的分数的,霍霍

新安县15652901606: 雅思 托福 GRE分别是多长时间考一次? -
右珍普南: 雅思考试现在报名费为1750,考试时间每个月有3场以上托福考试报名费为1635,考试时间每个月大概2场以上GRE考试报名费为1287,每月两场左右

新安县15652901606: 出国留学选择雅思考试还是托福考试? -
右珍普南: 雅思考试(IELTS), 全称为国际英语测试系统(International English Language Testing System),是著名的国际性英语标准化水平测试之一;而托福是由美国教育测验服务社(ETS)举办的英语能力考试,全名为“检定非英语为母语者的英...

新安县15652901606: 雅思、托福、新托福和托业三者有什么区别和联系? -
右珍普南: 1、雅思是英属国家留学、务工出国比较认可;托福是美属国家留学、务工出国比较认可.2、新旧托福题型、机经、计分方式有区别,新托福会逐步代替旧托福3、托业在出国、留学、务工的应用较少,近几年才兴起来,以后地位可能会慢慢上...

新安县15652901606: 托福和雅思的区别以及考试时间 -
右珍普南: 我是考的雅思,但是之前也准备过托福.总体来说,雅思要比托福简单一点.我就上了一个月的托福,然后就转成雅思了,对雅思比较了解一点,我就先说一下雅思.雅思总共有四个部分,听力阅读口语写作.听力里有4个部分,从易到难.阅...

新安县15652901606: 雅思和托福各是什么?有什么区别? -
右珍普南: 雅思考试(IELTS),外文名International English Language Testing System,由剑桥大学考试委员会外语考试部、英国文化协会及IDP教育集团共同管理,是一种针英语能力,为打算到使用英语的国家学习、工作或定居的人们设置的英语水平考...

新安县15652901606: 请问雅思或者托福一般在什么时候考试和报名? -
右珍普南: 雅思:报名费1450 成绩有效期2年 考试时间:各个城市的都不同,如果网上报名的话可以选择城市,到时候会自动显示时间.基本上有考点的城市每个月都有,大城市例如北京那种,一个月有3-4次. 雅思是人考托福是机考. 个人认为去香港读研选雅思比选托福好.

新安县15652901606: 雅思听力机经的答案都正确么 -
右珍普南: 不一定都正确 机经是考生考完以后的回忆 回忆就不一定准确,更何况考生的答案也不一定是标准答案 所以一般机经的作用就是背单词

新安县15652901606: 雅思,GRE,托福,有什么区别?报考费用分别多少? -
右珍普南: 一、雅思、GRE和托福的区别如下: 雅思托福gre的宏观区别: 如要留学北美呢,建议去考托福,因在北美那边比较注重托福成绩,而且大部分学校对于雅思成绩相对于托福的话,要求会高一点. 如要留学北美以外呢(什么英国,澳洲,新西...

新安县15652901606: 托福雅思通常什么时候考
右珍普南: 雅思每月都考 要提前好几月报名 尤其是5,6月的考试 一般在3月就满了 托福 也很难报

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