
作者&投稿:晨屠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.A plane crashed in the mountains, but the only passengers, a young woman and her two baby daughters, were not hurt. It was midwinter and extremely cold, so the woman put the children in a case, covered them with clothes and kept close to them all night. When she heard planes early next morning, she stamped out SOS in the snow. This was seen by a pilot, who sent a radio message, and they were soon rescued by a helicopter.

2.When a plane crashed in the mountains, the only passengers, a young woman and her two baby daughters, were not hurt. However, it was midwinter and extremely cold. After putting the children in a case and covering them with clothes, the woman kept close to them all night. On hearing planes early next morning, the woman stamped out SOS in the snow, which was seen by a pilot. A message was sent and they were soon rescued by a helicopter.

1 .To end the special news bulletin ,the television announcer showed viewers the macaroni fields of Calabria,where macaroni has been grown for over six hundred years.Harvesting has begun earlier this year and the whole village has been working hard,gathering and threshing the crop before the September rains.Thecrop is processed in the local factory.After the harvest ,the famous Calabrian macaroni-eating competition,which Signor fratelli has won every year since 1991,will take place.That ended the news bulletin for April 1st.

2. To end the news bulletin ,the television announcer showed viewers the fields of Calabria.Here ,macaroni has been grown for over six hundred years. This year,harvesting has begun earlier.The whole village has been working hard,gathering and threshing before the September rains so that the crop can be processed in the local factory.After the harvest,the famous macaroni-eating competition will be held.Tis has been won by signor fratelli rvrry year since 1991.With that ,the news bulletin for April 1st ended.

Lesson 71
1. b
根据课文第3-4行If the Houses of Parliament had not been burned down in 1834 可以判断只有b.符合课文内容,其他3个选择都与课文实际内容不符。
2. d
根据课文第8行Officials from Greenwich Observatory have the clock checked twice a day 可以判断只有d与课文事实相符,其他3个选择都与事实不符.
课文中用的是have sth.done 的形式,那么就是说是official让别人来检查clock, 但是检查clock 的也可以是official啊, 某个official让另外一个人去检查,这个人不是他本人,是另外的officail 也是可以的啊.
3. b
本句前半句陈述的是一个公认的事实,后半句则表示一个经常性或习惯性的动作,应该用一般现在时才符合逻辑,即“每当你到伦敦的时候”。a. will visit c. have visited , d. will be visiting 这3个选择时态都不对,只有b. visit 是一般现在时,最符合语法,所以应该选b.
4. b
只有选b. 最符合题目意思,符合语法。 a. famousest 不是正确的最高级形式,famous 的最高级应该是the most famous; c. the more famous:比较级前不应该有定冠词,另外本句也没有表示比较的连词than; d. famouser 不是正确的比较级形式。
5. c
本句若选a. and, b. also, d. together都不合乎语法,也不符合题目意思,只有选c. both才合乎语法,意思通顺.所以选c.
6. c
该句是疑问句,因此需要用疑问句的语序,b. they have it 和d. they do have it 都是陈述句语序,所以都不能选;a. have they it 意思不完整;只有c. do they have it 是疑问句语序而且符合题目意思,所以选c.
7. d
a. who, b. had been, c. had 都不合乎语法,只有不加任何词,这个句子才是正确的,所以选d.
8. b
前一句中的erected 意思为“建造,建立”,该句只有选b. up 与put 构成词组表示建造,与erected 的含义相同,这样一来两个句子的意思才吻合。而其他3个选择都不符合题目意思。
9. b
只有b. duty(责任,职责)才能同前一句意义相同. a. responsible(负责的)虽然词意思正确,但词性不对,应该是名词才适合这个句子.c. charge(责任,职责)虽然词义和词性都正确,但一般不用在这类句子中,而常用在词组中,如in charge of , take the charge of等, d. control(控制,支配)不符合题目意思.
10. c
a. great(大的,重大的)主要强调等级上重要的, b. large(大的,巨大的)主要强调空间的宽敞,广博; c. huge(非常大的,巨大的,庞大的)主要指体积的大; d. big(大的)主要指体积的大,也可指力量的大,但它强调超出一般体积或程度的大.这4个中只有c. huge与immense含义最接近,所以选c.
11. b
该句需要选出一个与前一句引导时间状语从句的连词when意义相同的词,以使两个句子意思相同.a. the hour 不能引导从句, c. really, d. indeed 都是副词,都不能引导从句,只有b. the moment(当……时,一……就)与when 意思相同,并可以引导时间状语从句,所以选b.
12. a
went slowly 慢慢地走,和前一句的the clock slowed down(钟变慢了)意思不同.
只有a. was slow(慢了)和前一句意思相符合,所以选a. 而b. was behind(在后面), c. went back(回去), d. went slowly(慢慢地走)都与前一句含义不符合.
Lesson 72
1. a
根据课文第9-10行,只有a 是课文所暗示的情况,其他3个选择都与课文内容不符。
2. c
3. a
只有选a. before 才能与前一句含义相吻合。 b. ago 不合乎语法,因为ago 不能用于完成时;c. since 也不合乎语法,可以是since then, 用于现在完成时的句子中;d. again 虽然意思讲得通但与前一句含义不符;所以选a.
4. d
本句是一个疑问句,回答是30 feet,表示长度,所以应该选问长度的疑问词.
a. how long ago 是对时间提问的
b. Which length表达方式错误
c. how length语法错误
d. how long 是对长度提问的,
5. b
a. It was difficulty for him 和c. It was difficulty 都有语法错误,应该用形容词difficult 作表语才对;d. He was difficult 也不对,因为本句的主语是后面的动词不定式,所以前面应该用it做形式主语才对; 只有b. It was difficult for him 最合乎语法,所以选b.
6. a
前面的疑问句是针对速度提问的,后面的回答需要一个表示速度的介词。 b. with, c. to , d. by 都不能引出表示速度的短语,只有a. At 可以表示速度,所以选a.
7. c
只有选c. called 最合乎语法,因为过去分词called 可以放在名词后面作定语,表示被动的意思“被称作”。其他3个选择都不能用在名词car 后面做定语,更没有被动的含义。
8. c
该句需要选一个与前一句中的set up(创立)意义相同的动词才能与前一句含义相同.a. did(做), b. played(玩), d. found(发现)这3个选择都不是set up 的同义词.只有c. created(创造)与set up 含义相同, created a record 和 set up a record 都有创纪录的意思,所以选c.
9. d
前一句的30 feet in length 表示长度,本句需要一个说明长度的形容词,才能使两个句子含义相同.
a. length(长度)因为是名词,不能用在how 后面
b. tall(高的)和c. large(大的)都不符合题目意思.
只有d. long(长的)是形容词,最符合语法和题目意思,所以选d.
10. b
前一句中的301 miles per hour (每小时301英里)说明的是速度,本句需要一个说明速度快慢的副词才能与前一句意思吻合。 a. speed (速度)是名词,不能说明速度的快慢;c. soon (不久,快)是副词,一般不指速度的快,而是强调时间上的早晚;d. rapid(迅速的,急促的)是形容词,一般不说明速度的快慢,而是强调动作的节奏快,另外词性也不和好要求;只有b. fast (快,迅速)既可以做形容词,也可以做副词,可以指速度的快慢,所以选b.
11. a
本句需要一个与前一句中的disappointed(失望的,不满意的)含义相同的词. a. sorry(惋惜的,遗憾的), b. hopeless(无望的,绝望的), c. despair(绝望,灰心), d. desperate(拼命的,绝望的)4个选择中只有a.与 disappointed 含义最接近,所以选a.
12. d
本句需要一个与前一句中的mistake(错误)含义相同的形容词,才能使两个句子意思相吻合. a. mistake 是名词或动词,不合乎语法,若是过去分词mistaken就适合这个句子了.
b. correct(正确的), c. right(对的)都与mistake 含义相反,因此都不准确.只有d. wrong(错的)与mistake 含义相同,所以选d.

Answers for New concept English book 2
Unit Four (Lesson 73~Lesson 96)

40—43(打得手痛死了,只能帮你那么多了)Key to Summary writing The writer sat next to Mrs. Rumbold at the dinner party. He tried to make conversation but she was busy eating. He talked about the new play at ‘The Globe’and about the holidays. She answered his questions ...

I was having dinner at a restaurant. After a while I saw Tony Steele. He always borrow money from his friends. He sat at my table. I asked him to lend me twenty pounds. He gave the money at once.40词供参考

the public is grateful. Only one or two people have objected that the students will drive too fast.chapter2.Because busmen's strike begins on Tuesday which may last a week, car owners are going to offer "free rides" to people on their way to work. University students who ...

求:新概念英语2 摘要写作(27~41课) 在线等
27课 Key to Summary writing The boys put up their tent in the middle of a field and cooked a meal. After their meal they told stories and sang songs but it began to rain so they crept into their tent. The boys woke up in the middle of the night. The tent was full of...

attending a farewell dinner in honour of a man who has completed forty years as a teacher.Now he will devote himself to gardening.Though it will be a new hobby for him, this dose not matter because one is never too old to learn.(78words)参考资料:新概念英语2册练习详解 ...

The writer studies art and paints a lot of pictures.Many people do not really understand modern art.Paintings do not always have a meaning.They are sometimes pretty patterns.Young children not only appreciate modern paintings better than others but they notice more.The writer's young ...

第五十四课 Sticky fingers 黏糊的手指 一、摘要写作 1、摘要练习 分别使用快速阅读法、听写法和合并法练习写摘要。将合并句子写的摘要贴到会员社区。自己根据课文内容,将可以合并的句子合并,去掉一些细节,篇幅争取控制在50字到60字。2、继续做两句话概括的练习。用两句概括,请大家自己做。从第三十一...

one of the boxes was extremely heavy, so a workers to open up the box. He found a man was lying in the box on top of a pile of woollen goods. The man was arrested. He had travelled in the box from London. he payed £3,500 and ordinary ticket is £2,000.

新概念英语2 摘要写作(4~5课) 在线等
Lesson 4 An exciting trip Key to Summary writing The writer. has just received a letter from his brother, Tim. Tim is an engineer. He has been in Australia for six months. He has already visited many places. Now he is in Alice Springs:Tim has never been abroad before. ...

Lesson 48 Did You Want to Tell Me Something The dentist in the story had pulled out one of the writer’s teeth and had told him to rest for a while. He asked several questions but the writer couldn’t answer them. His mouth was full of cotton wool. He suddenly discovered ...

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展柴捷佰:[答案] Lesson 711. b根据课文第3-4行If the Houses of Parliament had not been burned down in 1834 可以判断只有b.符合课文内容,其他3个选择都与课文实际内容不符.2. d根据课文第8行Officials from Greenwich Observator...

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展柴捷佰:[答案] 50 TAKEN FOR A RIDE KEY TO SUMMARY WRITING The writer wanted to go to Woodford Green but as he did not know the way,the conductor promised to tell him where to get off.when they arrived at the bus terminus,the writer asked if they were at ...

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展柴捷佰:[答案] 1.Dr.Millington refused to tell John Gilbert whether his operation had been sucessful. 2.The patient telphoned Dr.Millington next day and inquired about himself. 3.The docter answered the questions and asked whether the caller was a relative or not. 4....

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展柴捷佰:[答案] Mr.Scott has opened his second garage in Pinhurst. His first garage is in Silbury. Silbury is five miles away. Mr.Scott cannot get a telephone for his new garage. He has boughe twelve pigeons. They ca...

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