英语 谓语动词 急

作者&投稿:励卞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

as well as;(together/along/combined)with;rather than;except;besides;but;including;in addition to;apart from, like, as much as, no less than,就远原则
我治学了这些 望采纳~~~

result in 导致

53. The doctor was tired. He wanted to stop ____to have______(have) a rest.
stop to do sth. 意思是 停下来 去做某事
54. Let me ____help______(help) you with your maths.
let 后面直接加动词原形
55. Thank you for ____buying______(buy) me a watch.
for 是介词,后面用动名词作宾语
56. You must remember ______to close____(close) the window when you leave.
remember to do sth, 意思是 记得去做某事
57. You’d better ____not look______(not look) out ot the window in class.
had better not do sth, 最好不要做某事
58. I’m sorry ____to keep______(keep) you _____waiting_____(wait) so long.
be sorry to do 抱歉做某事, keep sb. doing 使某事保持做某事
59. The girl is good at ____drawing______(draw).
be good at 擅长。。。 at 是介词,后面加动名词做宾语
60. Tom is the first ______to get____(get ) to school.
the first one to do sth. 第一个做某事
61. She looked ____worried______(worry). What’s wrong with her?
62. We can’t decided what _____to do_____(do) next.
what to do 固定短语,该做什么
63. Have you finish ______reading____(read) the book yet?
finish doing sth 完成做某事
64. I prefer _____swimming_____(swim) to ____skating______(skate).
prefer sth./doing sth. to sth./doing sth.
65. I heard her __singing________(sing) in the next room just now.
hear sb doing sth. 听到某人正在做某事
66. I remembered ___seeing_______(see) him before.
remember doing 记得做过某事
67. Parents stop children from _____playing_____(play) with fire.
stop... from 阻止。。。 from是介词,后面用动名词做宾语
68. He practised _____speaking_____(speak) English.
pracise doing sth. 练习做某事。。。
69. Jim went to the cinema instead of ___flying_______(fly) a kite.
instead of 代替。。。 of 是介词后面用动名词做宾语

  1. to have

  2. help

  3. buying

  4. to close

  5. not look

  6. to keep, waiting

  7. draing

  8. to get

  9. worried

  10. to do

  11. reading

  12. swimming skating

  13. saw

  14. sang

  15. playing

  16. to speak

  17. flying


53. The doctor was tired. He wanted to stop (to have) a rest.
stop to do,停下来去休息。
54. Let me (help) you with your maths.
let sb do,让某人做。
55. Thank you for (buying) me a watch.
56. You must remember (to close) the window when you leave.
remember to do,记得要做。
57. You’d better (not look) out ot the window in class.
had better not do,最好不做。
58. I’m sorry (to keep) you (waiting) so long.
be sorry to do,抱歉做。keep sb doing,让某人一直做。
59. The girl is good at (drawing).
介词 at +doing。
60. Tom is the first (to get ) to school.
the first to do,第一个做某事。
61. She looked (worried). What’s wrong with her?
look +形容词worrid,看起来担心。
62. We can’t decided what (to do) next.
疑问词+不定式。what to do,要做什么。
63. Have you finish (reading) the book yet?
finish doing,做完某事。
64. I prefer (swimming) to (skating).
prefer doing to doing,偏爱前者胜过后者。
65. I heard her (singing) in the next room just now.
hear sb doing,听见某人正在做。
66. I remembered (seeing) him before.
remember doing,记得做过。
67. Parents stop children from (playing) with fire.
stop sb from doing,阻止某人做。
68. He practised (speaking) English.
practise doing,练习做。
69. Jim went to the cinema instead of (flying) a kite.
instead of doing,代替做某事。

曲松县18526433336: 英语 谓语动词 急53.The doctor was tired.He wanted to stop - _________(have) a rest.54.Let me - _________(help) you with your maths.55.Thank you for - ____... -
尉利捷力:[答案] 53.The doctor was tired.He wanted to stop ____to have______(have) a rest.stop to do sth.意思是 停下来 去做某事54.Let me ____help______(help) you with your maths.let 后面直接加动词原形55.Thank you for ...

曲松县18526433336: 英语中的谓语动词是什么? 【急ing!!!明天考试啦!!!! -
尉利捷力: 英语的动词分为:实意动词——也就是有实际意义的词语,情态动词——can, may,must should.等等,be动词——就是am is are 希望对你有用

曲松县18526433336: 谓语动词有哪些 英语的谓语动词有哪些 -
尉利捷力: 谓语动词:1.主动词:a.实义动词:如laugh,love等;b.连系动词:如be,become,get等.2.助动词:a.基本助动词:如be,do,have(完成时),will等;b.情态助动词:如can,may,must等.

曲松县18526433336: 谓语动词有哪些 -
尉利捷力: 谓语动词指的是在句子中可以单独作谓语的动词,主要由实义动词充当.另外,某些动词短语也可以是谓语动词. 1、表示主语动作的词语和词组. 例如:I see a girl.我看见一个女孩.“看见”"see"就是这个句子的谓语.而see也是个动词,所以...

曲松县18526433336: 英语的谓语动词是什么 -
尉利捷力: 英语的动词分为谓语动词和非谓语动词.所谓谓语动词,就是在句子里做谓语动词的动词.如:i eat a lot. 中的eat. i learn english hard. 中的learn. he runs fast. 中的run等

曲松县18526433336: 英语中,谓语动词是什么,谓语动词包括什么?别复制,求原创!
尉利捷力: 英语中,含有主谓宾 如果谓语是动词那么叫做谓语动词、谓语很多比如..L LOVE YOU 这个常见的一句话,谓语动词就是LOVE.....懂了吗 多看看就会了、、、

曲松县18526433336: 英语里的 谓语动词 是 什么 ? -
尉利捷力: 谓语动词是与非谓语动词相对应的概念.两者都是动词,但是前者是作谓语成分,后者不能作谓语成分.而谓语成分就是用来说明主语的动作或状态的,一般由动词或短语动词承担. 比如:我看电视.”看”就是谓语. 你正在上网.”上网”也是谓语. 再举几个英语句子吧:I see a girl.我看见一个女孩.”看见””see"就是这个句子的谓语.而see也是个动词,所以就叫做谓语动词.She is very beautiful.她很漂亮."is"就是这个句子的谓语,也是动词.

曲松县18526433336: 英语中的谓语动词是什么? -
尉利捷力: 就是在句子中起到谓语作用的动词 因为有些时候动词不作谓语--既非谓语动词 非谓语动词包括 不定式 动名词 分词 比如He wants to sleep 这里want是谓语动词 而不定式to sleep就是非谓语动词

曲松县18526433336: 关于英语的谓语动词.
尉利捷力: 谓语 和谓语动词 是两个概念 但一般习惯上 可以把 谓语动词 简称为谓语 只有动词才能充当 谓语 如 he works .works是谓语 he studies english. studies 是谓语 english是宾语 也可以 把studies 和english 合在一起 看作谓语 因为 及物动词 不能单独作谓语 后面必须有宾语 才能构成谓语 he is a student . is是系动词 a student是表语 系动词加表语合在一起 也可称为 谓语 因为系动词不能单独作谓语 后面必须有表语 才能构成谓语 would have been done 就是 动词 do的 过去将来完成时的被动语态 的 谓语动词形式

曲松县18526433336: 英语中什么是谓语、谓语动词 -
尉利捷力: 谓语(predicate verb)是对主语动作或状态的陈述或说明,指出“做什么”、“是什么”或“怎么样.谓语动词的位置一般在主语之后.谓语由简单动词或动词短语(助动词或情态动词+主要动词)构成,依据其在句中繁简程度可把谓语分为简单谓语和复合谓语两类.不论何种时态,语态,语气,凡由一个动词(或动词词组)构成的谓语都是简单谓语.

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