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16. B. It's no use doing sth. 做什么事也没用。这里的doing 是一个动名词,它的使用方法与名词一致,既我们可以在它的前面加一个物主代词,就好像我们说my book 一样。
17. B.经历。 go into 进入;go back on 违背; go along with 与某人一起去。
18. B.固定搭配,be opposed to sth. / doing sth. 反对做某事
19. A. 眼镜如果佩戴合适的话,
20. B. 倒装句,因为动词是came, 主谓直接颠倒。
21. A. 形容词,“值得的”。我宁可这笔钱用在值当的事业上。
22. C. 令人尊敬的。respective 各自的;respected 令人尊敬的(必须是人做主语); respectful 表示对他人尊敬的。
23. A. 当与地球的整个面积做比较的时候
24. C. 谁通过什么渠道对谁说了什么
25. B. 表示比较,这时必须用than。对于一个科学家来说,没有什么品质比仔细观察更重要了。
26. C. 当完工时,这座大楼就是亚洲最高的(大楼)了。
27. D. 不管他怎么努力,他都没能找到解决这个问题的方法。
28. C. 形容词,棘手的。
29. A. 除非你做了糟糕透顶的事情,(否则)你的这份工作将非常安全。
30. A. should have done, 虚拟语气,表谴责:“你太懒了。这活儿几天前就应该做完了”。must have finished 表推测,一定做完了; must be finished 表命令,必须完成;should be finished表建议,应该完成。

16. It’s no use _______with him over the matter. He will not change his mind.
C. of you arguing 【no use doing 固定搭配】
17.The early pioneers had to _____ many hardships to settle in the new land.
B. go through 【克服,历经磨烂、艰辛】
18.Some members of the committee were opposed______ the club members’ money to redecorate the meeting hall.
A. to use 【be opposed to:反对( 固定搭配)】
19.______, glasses can correct most sight defects in healthy eyes.
A. When well fitted 【条件状语从句】
20. Through the window______.
B. came the fresh air 【倒装】
21.I’d rather the money went to a ______ cause.
A. worthwhile 【adj.值得的】
22. Law and medicine are _____ professions in most countries.
C. respectable 【受人尊敬的】
23._______with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.
A. When compared 【被比较】
24. The basic features of the communication process are identified in one question: who says ______ through what channel to whom?
C. what 【what作says的宾语,后面一句意为:谁通过什么方式对谁说了什么】
25.No other quality is more important for a scientist to acquire_______ to observe carefully.
D. but 【no…but 固定搭配】
26. When______, this building will be the highest in Asia.
C. completed 【被建完】
27. _______, he failed to find a solution to the problem.
D. However hard he tried 【however表程度,修饰hard】
28. This problem is very difficult to deal with. It’s really_______.
C. tough 【棘手】
29. Unless you do something really bad, ______.
A. your job here will be quite safe 【unless:除非,然后把两句倒过来读就易懂了】
30. You are so lazy. The work _______ days ago.
A. should have been finished 【should have done:本应做却没做】


几个英语单选题求解释.1.More than one student in my class...
2.选has,两个疑问句作主语看成是单数 3.选C,each of the students主语是each,是单数,they each 主语是they,是复数;再根据搭配show great interests in...可断定选C 4.选B,这是过去分词作状语的用法 5.选C,bond 表示一种连接彼此的亲密关系,7,几个英语单选题求解释.1.More than one ...

1 B 给朋友介绍第三者时用的习惯用语 2 B 两者共同拥有的东西,只在最后一个名词用所有格,即加’‘s’3 B 表示性别时的复数,两个名词都要用复数 4 B 固定用法:结束 be over 5 B in the car 固定用法 6 A 外来物在树上用in , 树上长出来的东西用on 7 A 前面有THERE IS 8 ...

the left在右边、在左边;第一格against是逆、顶的意思,放在句子中就能看出意思符合,所以B正确 15 D be struck by ..其实这是一个被动语态,所以用by,被..震惊的意思 后一个空格for another night,另外一晚,表示时间持续用for,如:I have studied English for 10 years.我学英语有10年了。

5.翻译: 没有___,我们在这里等着什么事也不做。我们应该做些什么。A. make progress进步 B. make efforts努力C. make a difference多大区别 D. make any sense任何意义 6.翻译: ___,他们的计划是可行的,取得成功。A. turned out 结果表明 B. gave out给出了C. brought out 拿出D...

5.表明,显示,表达(思想、感情)6.把…说确切,确定 It's hard to say what is wrong.很难说出了什么毛病。7.断言,断定,主张 I say her plan is the better one.我认为她的计划是个好主意。8.估摸着说,约莫,估计 I'd say he'll come at 9 o'clock.我估计他将在九点钟回来。9.报道,声称;预告...

where)呢?是他们将要呆上两三天的地方(where)4、这个题没什么可说的,动物保护项目使得狐狸分布更加广泛了。你也许质疑其它的答案也说得过去,但是最在这局里贴切的还是widespread 5、account是对过程的陈述,其它的几个的意思分别是解释、观点、评论,意思和语境不搭,所以选account ...

5.A,above是上空的意思 6.C,Wwork out意思是:弄懂,理解 7.B 只有adjust to的意思是适应,adopt应该改为adapt.8.D 通过节省逐渐在银行帐户里积累了更多的钱.9.B examiner是主考官的意思,答案的意思是偏袒.10.答案只能从A和C里面选.hardlt..when..是个固定搭配,意思是刚..就......

高一英语单选 求理由
2、A 原因:related to 表示无形的东西有联系时 connected with 表示有形的东西有联系时如两个电话用电话线相连。另两个不合题意。3、B i'd like to go 表示很想去。而i'd like to 只表示想去。4、A 非谓语动词,表示正假装看报纸 be seated 表示落座。5、D have difficulty in ...

3、trying 。做建议的用法的时候是ing吧。4、Anyone who。后面的fail用的是fails,说明是单数。any怎么说也是一些,one是单数,这两个词不该一起出现。5、laid,lay。看选项,看主语,第三人称,就没有几个可以选了。lay,laid就这两个了。“说谎”印象中都是,谁说谎了,就是类似,He lied。就...

求英语高手帮忙几个 单选题~
题号:5 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案) 本题分数:5 内容:___C__ to have a good rest after a long journey.选项:a、What a fun it is b、 what the fun it is c、 What fun it is d、How fun it is 题号:6 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一...

泾川县18896106346: 15道英语单选~着急用,高手回答下,谢谢了21. I don't usually like staying at hotels, but last summer we spent a few days at - __ - very nice hotel by - ____ - ... -
郗鬼重组:[答案] 21.B 22.C 23.B 24.A 25.B 26.C 27.D 28.D 29.A 30.A 31.C 32.A 33.B 34.B 35.B

泾川县18896106346: 15个 英语单选 着急 -
郗鬼重组: 1.C capital资本资金,启用资金2.A 3感觉没有选项 4 .C vacant room 未被占用的房间 5. D call off 取消6. A 主语从句,what作主语 7.C hold up 有堵塞的意思 8.A. 维持,继续9.A 他们确信 10.A with表伴随 11.A 12.A 13.B 对将来的虚拟,did/were to do 14. D insisted 作坚持认为是不用虚拟,作要求是用should+v15. C

泾川县18896106346: 15道英语单选~着急用,高手回答下,谢谢了 -
郗鬼重组: 21.B22.C23.B24.A25.B26.C27.D28.D29.A30.A31.C32.A33.B34.B35.B

泾川县18896106346: 请高手帮帮忙做做这20道英语单选题啊?单选题1.内容:Much importance should be - __ - to the conservation of the endangered animals.选项:a、attachedb... -
郗鬼重组:[答案] 单选题 1.内容: Much importance should be ____ to the conservation of the endangered animals. [选a,attach much importance to重视……] 选项: a、attached b、acquired c、afforded d、awarded 2.内容: This map gives no ______ of the height of ...

泾川县18896106346: 请高手帮忙做这10几道英语单选题,1.With the joint effort of everyone,the plan is - ___ - to succeed; I'm sure of that.a、obvious b、bound c、doubtless d、... -
郗鬼重组:[答案] 1.With the joint effort of everyone,the plan is _____ to succeed; I'm sure of that.b、bound be bound to 必然...2.Liquids are like solids ____________they have a definite volume.c、in that在……方面3....

泾川县18896106346: 接着15个英语单选题,求解16. Your L/C calls for an insurance amount for 130% of the invoice value. - __ - We would request you to amend the insurance ... -
郗鬼重组:[答案] 16.Your L/C calls for an insurance amount for 130% of the invoice value._C___ We would request you to amend the insurance clause.(If such is the case=such being the case,独立主格表假设)A.The Case bei...

泾川县18896106346: 求高手帮忙给出下面几个英语单选题的答案There are just two stories - _________ - many.afterbeforeout ofin middleIf I had to do something - _________ - with ... -
郗鬼重组:[答案] There are just two stories __out of__ many.If I had to do something __intricate___ with my hands.I would do poorly.I believe that a student knows when he has handed _____in______ something ____above__...

泾川县18896106346: 15道英语选择题 麻烦高手帮忙做一下!!!!谢谢!!!! -

泾川县18896106346: 20道大学英语(二)题,求高手速做,谢谢!全部都是单选.1:He wouldn't have been saved even if he - __ - to hospital at once. 1.has been sent 2.was sent ... -
郗鬼重组:[答案] 1,3 2,3 3,1 4,2 5,1 6,3 7 ,1 8,3 10,4 9.2 10,2 11,4 12,3 13 ,4 14,4 15,4 16,1 17,2 18,1, 19,4

泾川县18896106346: 求英语高手帮忙几个 单选题~ -
郗鬼重组: 1. C2. B3. B4. B5. B6. B7. A8. C9. A10. B11. A12. D13. A14. B15. B16. B17. A18. A19. D20. D希望能帮助你

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