
作者&投稿:冉航 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.Once upon a time a tortoise and a hare had an argument about who was faster. They decided to settle the argument with a race. They agreed on a route and started off the race.

2. 构建"以人为本"的现代体育教育观
The Modern Physical Education View of Establishing Center around the Human Being
3. We should not identy happiness with money.我们不应该认为幸福和钱是一致的。
4.Don't refer to this matter again, please.
5.What's on the screen? Is there an ad for a new film?
荧幕上上映的是什么? 是为新电影做的广告?
6.She speculated about her friend's motives.
7. Our team finally succeed in winning the game.我们队最终赢得了比赛。

an argument about/over关于...的争论
They are having an argument about/over the way to educate kids.
center around聚集...
We have to center around all the people before we start the meeting.
identify with 视...为一体, 认同
Teachers sometimes don't identify with what students say.
refer to 查阅, 提到, 谈到, 打听
Their discussion refer to all aspects of the knowledge.
speculate about 思索...
I usually speculate about something would never happen.
scuceed in doing 在...取得成功
Our army scuceed in fighting with USA army.

1. This old man is very forgetful. He often forgets to turn off the gas after he finishes cooking.
2. If you say sorry, the teacher may forgive you.
3. Why do you eat noodles with a fork?
4. The cookies are in the form of stars.
5. When you write a letter in English, you should pay attention to the format.
6. Yesterday we went to see our former English teacher.
7. Let's meet in a fortnight.
8. I think I was very fortunate to have met such a nice teacher.
9. They went to California to make a fortune.
10. There are 40 students in our class, 20 boys and 20 girls.
11. I went forward to ask him why.
12. The People's Republic of China was founded on October 1.
13. This kind of pen is called fountain pen in English.
14. Four and four is eight.
15. How o;ld are you? I am fourteen.
16. This is the fourth time that I have been in Beijing.
17. This fox is not as cunning as that one.
18. This glass dish looks very fragile.
19. These flowers are very fragrant.
20. The framework of the society is very complex.
21. This necklace cost me 400 Francs.
22. Paris is the capital of France.
23. Are you free this afternoon?
24. Nothing is as important as freedom.
25. What's the difference between a freeway and a mortor way?
26. Water freezes at 0 degree.
27. Can you speak French?
28. He made frequent visits to the museum.
29. This glass of milk is not fresh. So don't drink it.
30. The Spring Festival falls on Friday this year.
31. I like fried chicken wings very much.
32. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
33. Our neighbor Tom is very friendly. He often helps us.
34. The friendship between Mr. Brown and his teacher has lasted 20 years.
35. The dog barked and gave me a fright.
36. When I heard the noise, I was frightened.
37. As soon as I got on the bus, I found a seat in the front.
38. It is fun to swim in the lake in summer.
39. No one knows what will happen in the future.
40. Fruit and vegetables are good to our health.

1.I found lots flies flying around a pool, as it was not cleaned very frequently. Now it becomes a fountain fortunately, and many people come here frequently.
2. His mistakes are Forgetful as he made them without intention.
3. I did forgive him as he appologised to me.
4. I used a fork to eat some fried chips.
5. he is in good form to play.
6. I changed the format in my word file.
7. My PE teacher is a former football player.
8. We will have four exams within a fortnight.
9. The current studies are our future fortune.
10. I am looking forward to seeing you.
11. He has forrth number in fourteen players.
12. I believe a fox clever.
13. We should give our help to those fragile people.
14. This oil cost 14 Francs, and gives fragrant smells.
15. The framework of the bridge is bulit by a good ompany.
16. I hope we can have free time after school.
17. We may seek freedom at our age.
18. There a few freeways in our sity.
19. Franch people always speak Franch in France.
20. We should freese fresh food in a fridge after use.
21. We have a meeting on Friday.
22. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
23. He speaks to us friendly.
24. It is always reminded me our friendship in middle school.
25. This flight will take off at 10:30 am.
26. She is frifgten of swimming.

Forgetful 遗忘的
Forgive 可原谅的
Fork n.餐叉
Form n.格式
Format v.使格式化
Former 前一个的,先前的
Fortunate 幸运的
Foftune n. 财富,幸运,命运
Forty n. 四十
Forward adv 向前
Found 发现,被发现的
Fox 狐狸
Fragile 易碎的
Fragrant 芬芳的
Framework n. 诬陷
Franc n. 法郎
France n.法国
Free 免费的,自由的
Freedom n. 自由
Frequent 频繁的
Fresh 新鲜的
Fright n. 害怕
Frighten v. 害怕


What price are you offering on ' Lucky Seven to four .
"你给‘幸运射手’的赔率是多少?" "7赔4."
A box has a top ,a bottom and f-our sides.

fortunately,farmers found four foxes finally.French found friendship fine.



1、一阵忙乱过后,你便体会到其中的节奏,那便是平静的大海的心跳。随浪涌动是一种情趣,是一种从未有过的奇妙感觉,你需要感受的是实实在在的生命跳动,是一种即使平静,也如此博大,强烈的心跳。 2、最好是娴静地招呼那熹微的晨光,不必忙乱地奔向前去,也不要对落日忘记感谢那曾晨光之垂死的光...

忙碌又充实的一天经典句子 形容忙碌充实的句子(85句)
14、加班加班没完没了的工作!又到年底了,忙的忙死,闲的闲死。 15、如果你的生活已处于低谷,那就大胆走,因为你怎样走都是在向上。 16、对我协助最大的并不是朋友们实际协助,而是坚信得到协助的信念。 17、时光不会停留,人生总在改变,所有面临的问题只会无休止地蔓延。 18、事业的成功,往往在于再坚持一下的...

1. 总有一天,你不再需要轰轰烈烈的爱情,只需要在你身边给你一杯热水的人,你想要的只是一个不会离开你的人。2. 每天忙到好晚,刷牙,洗澡,倒头就睡,一夜无梦,也没有多余的时间想念。3. 工作辛苦,收入低,生活累,人心疲惫,让人焦脆!4. 从工作求经验,从事实求进步,培养深厚的力量,...

生活工作虽然忙碌但自己很充实的心情句子(篇一) 1.恭喜我的爱徒升职了,好有成就感,真为他感到高兴。 2.在这个世界上没有人会瞧不起你,因为大家都很忙没时间瞧你。 3.我愿成为参天的大树,用坚强有力的臂膀,为你撑起一片快乐的天堂;我愿化为飘零的落叶,用温柔缠绵的语言,为你守候一生幸福的家园,爱你永远...



慌忙: [ huāng máng ]1. in a great rush 2. in a flurry 其它相关解释:<flurried> <hurriedness> 例句与用法:1. 警方来到时, 他慌忙逃走[夺门而逃]了.When the police arrived he made a bolt for it\/for the door.2. 别慌忙,时间多的是。Don't rush; there is plenty of time....

1、忙忙碌碌,祈求舒舒服服,黑暗中前行惟盼自我点盏灯,别人的光难以长久照耀我路,还幸想起有你的指引,一路前行。 2、大路走尽还有小路,只要不停地走,就有数不尽的风光。 3、感谢你陪我闯过那些风那些雨,感谢在最无助的时候有你鼓励,感谢在孤独的时候至少还有你,亲爱的朋友,想说真得很谢谢你陪我走过人生那么...

合水县19536803267: 有趣帮忙造句子,谢谢了. -
苌章如意:[答案] 这是一个有趣的游戏.

合水县19536803267: 大家帮忙造句啊.帮忙用“做人~ 朋友~”造句子,谢谢大家了 -
苌章如意: 做人-脚踏实地 朋友-坦诚相待 做人-侠肝义胆 朋友-肝胆相照 做人-与人为善 朋友-互帮互助

合水县19536803267: 帮忙造句谢谢
苌章如意: 集四海来客,结八方好友,号众志成城.

合水县19536803267: 请帮忙造句,谢谢
苌章如意: There is no use in doing it There be/is a brand new day begining It is time for us to go shopping It is so great that you did It is two years since I became a postgraduate student

合水县19536803267: 谢谢 帮忙造个句
苌章如意: 1. of the One of the children is from China. 其中有一个小孩来自中国. ———— 2. perhapsPerhaps I can help you. 也许我能帮你. ———— 3. too.....toI am too short to reach the box. 我太矮了够不着盒子. ———— 3. at the top ofThere's an apple at the top of the tree. 树顶上有个苹果.

合水县19536803267: 帮忙造个句子,谢谢.
苌章如意: 父母就像是雨水,给子女成长的同时也让自己有了再一次升华

合水县19536803267: 帮忙造两个句子
苌章如意: 语文是我的人生灯塔,是我生活前方温暖安全的港湾 语文是我的完美天堂,是我奋斗路上热情激扬的乐章

合水县19536803267: 帮忙造几个句子.谢谢 -
苌章如意: I am the same age as you.I make you keep reading English all the day.It takes twenty minutes for me to walk to school.I help you translate some sentences.I help you with your English.

合水县19536803267: 帮忙造几个句子
苌章如意: 顶礼膜拜:伟人不管别人的顶礼膜拜,众星捧月,依然谦虚对人!

合水县19536803267: 帮忙造个英语句子吧``!!谢谢了
苌章如意: 1. It is useful\important\good\nice \ necessary... for us to learn English well. 2. i don't know whether\if he is a teacher\star\policeman... 上面是我的做题思路,看明白了吗?只要换换词语,别说10句,20句都没问题.

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