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"Young Prince" narrates is lonely, the sad child's story, he lives ona young star. One day, he left the star which he lives, starts totravel. He passed through various star, afterwards, he arrived theEarth, finally, he returned to his star.


The narrator of the novel is a pilot who tells the story of the little prince and their friendship. The pilot is a fantasy person.
He is not used to those who are too practical adults. He likes to get along with children. The children are natural and pleasant.
The pilot was forced to land in the Sahara Desert due to an aircraft failure, where he met the little prince. This encounter with the little prince made the pilot sad and revived himself. The little prince left because of emotional entanglement.
He roamed among the planets, visiting the planets of kings, egos, drunkards, merchants, lamplighters, and geographers, and finally came to earth to try to find solutions to loneliness and pain.


the Little Prince (Summary)

On the surface this book seems like a simple children's story about a mysterious traveler from outer space. As you look deeper, however, you see that the book adresses numerous social and moral issues. The first issue adressed is the issue of adults being to grown up to see the beauty of things like children do. The story begins with a young child drawing a picture. He draws a picture of a boa constrictor eating an elephant from the outside and the adults think it is a hat. He then draws a picture of the boa eating an elephant from the inside. When the adults saw this they advised the young child to lay aside his artistic endeavors and find a more suitable career. This discouraged the boy very much. He went on to become a pilot but always asked the people he met what they saw in his two drawings. Each person he spoke to thought it was a hat so he resorted to speaking to them about things like gold and politics. One day he is flying over the Sahara Desert and crashes. It is while he is stranded in the desert that he meets the little prince. The prince comes to him and requests the young man draw him a sheep. The young man insists that he cannot draw and shows the little prince his picture of the boa constrictor. The little prince proceeds to tell him that he doesn't want a picture of a boa who has eaten an elephant whole. The prince asks again for a sheep and after a few failed attempts the young man draws a box and tells the prince his sheep is inside. This pleases the little prince and they become friends. The little prince asks many questions but doesn't directly answer any of the young man's questions. However, he does tell about his coming to Earth by randomly dropping comments. He tells of his planet which is scarcely larger than a house. It has three volcanos and has a beautiful flower on it that is very special to the prince. The little prince asks the young man why flowers have thorns and the man says that they have thorns just for spite. This angers the little prince for he sees that his little flower in naive and truly believes it's thorns are capable of protecting her. The young prince tells of his travel to Earth and the people he meets. The people a king, a conceited man, a tippler, a businessman, a lamplighter, and a geographer all make a point about society and people's true characteristics. The little prince comes to Earth after he has visited these places. Soon after arriving he meets a snake who promises to help the prince return to his planet when he is ready. The prince walks a while on Earth and sees some flowers. He becomes very upset because they look like his flower on his planet and he thought she was the only one like her in the whole universe. This makes the prince so upset that he lay down and cried. While he's crying a fox appears. The prince tries to convince the fox to play with him but the fox says he cannot because he is not tamed. From the fox, the prince learns that his flower is the only one truly like it in the world because it is the one he has established ties with and loves. The young man becomes very thirsty while trying to fix his plane. He and the little prince go to find water. They find water and it is unlike any other they have ever had. After the young man fixes his plane the prince prepares to return home. The little prince asks the young man to make a muzzle for his sheep so it cannot eat his flower. The prince then asks the snake to bite him so he can go home. The story ends with the young man being scared because he forgot to put a leather strap on the muzzle and does not know it the sheep has eaten the little prince's precious flower.



The Little Prince, drawn by Saint-Exupéry himself, chapter IIInterleaved in the first nine chapters the narration's point of view changes from third person to first person. In the first eight days of the narrator being stranded in the desert, the Prince has been telling these stories to the narrator.

The Prince asks the narrator to draw a sheep. Not knowing how to draw a sheep, he draws what he knows, a boa with a bulging stomach, a drawing which previous viewers mistook for a hat. "No! No!" exclaims the Prince. "I don't want a boa with an elephant inside! I want a sheep..." He tries a few sheep drawings, which the Prince rejects. Finally he draws a box, which he explains has the sheep inside. The Prince, who can see the sheep inside the box just as well as he can see the elephant in the boa, accepts it.

The home asteroid of the Little Prince is introduced. He inhabits a house-sized planet, B612, which has three volcanoes (two active, and one dormant) and a rose. He spends his days caring for his asteroid, pulling out the baobab trees that are constantly trying to take root there. The trees will make his little planet turn to dust if they are not pulled out.

The Prince leaves one day to see what the rest of the universe is like, and visits six other asteroids (numbered from 325 to 330) each of which is inhabited by an adult who is foolish in his own way:

The King who can "control" the stars by ordering them to do what they would anyway. He then relates this to human subjects; it is the citizen's duty to obey, but only if the king's demands are good for the citizens.
The Conceited Man who wants to be admired by everyone, but lives alone on his planet. Anything that is not a compliment he cannot hear.
The Drunkard/Tippler who drinks to forget that he is ashamed of drinking.

The Businessman, chapter 13The Businessman who is constantly busy counting the stars he thinks he owns. He wishes to use them to buy more stars. The Prince then goes on to define property. The Prince owns the flower and volcanoes on his planet because he cares for them and they care for him. Because one cannot maintain the stars, he argues, the Businessman cannot own them.
The Lamplighter who lives on an asteroid which rotates once a minute. Long ago, he was charged with the task of lighting the lamp at night and extinguishing it in the morning. At that point, the asteroid revolved at a reasonable rate, and he had time to rest. As time went on, the rotation sped up. Refusing to turn his back on his work, he now lights and extinguishes the lamp once a minute, getting no rest. (The Prince actually empathizes with the Lamplighter, who is the only adult to care about something other than himself.)
The Geographer who spends all of his time making maps, but never leaves his desk to explore (even his own planet), going on the pretext that it is the job of an explorer to do so. Even if an explorer were to visit the Geographer, the Geographer is very doubting of any explorer's character and would most likely disregard the report. He doesn't trust things he hasn't seen with his own eyes, yet will not leave his desk. Out of professional interest, the geographer asks the Prince to describe his asteroid. The Prince describes the volcanoes and the rose. "We don't record flowers", says the geographer, because they are only temporary. The Prince is shocked and hurt to learn that his flower will someday be gone. The geographer then recommends that he visit the Earth.

The prince lives on an asteroid, B612, which has three volcanoes (two active, and one dormant) and a rose. He spends his days caring for his asteroid, pulling out the baobab trees that are constantly trying to take root there. The trees will rip his little world apart if they are allowed to grow. The Prince leaves one day to see what the rest of the universe is like, and visits several other asteroids each of which is inhabited by an adult who is foolish in his own way:

The King who can "control" the stars by ordering them to do what they would anyway. He then relates this to human subjects; it is the citizen's duty to obey, but only if the king's demands are good for the citizens.

The Conceited Man who wants to be admired by everyone, but lives alone on his planet. Anything that is not a compliment he cannot hear.

The Drunkard who drinks to forget that he is ashamed of drinking.

The Businessman who is always busy counting the stars he believes he owns. He wants to use them to buy more stars. The Prince then goes on to define property. The Prince owns the flower and volcanoes on his planet because he cares for them and they care for him. Because one cannot maintain the stars, he argues, the Businessman cannot own them.

The Lamplighter who lives on an asteroid which rotates once a minute. Long ago, he was charged with the task of lighting the lamp at night and extinguishing it in the morning. At that point, the asteroid revolved at a reasonable rate, and he had time to rest. As time went on, the rotation sped up. Refusing to turn his back on his work, he now lights and extinguishes the lamp once a minute, getting no rest. (The prince actually empathizes with the Lamplighter, who is the only adult to care about something other than himself.)

The Geographer who spends all of his time making maps, but never leaves his desk to explore, going on the pretext that it is the job of an explorer to do so. Even if an explorer were to visit the Geographer, the Geographer is very doubting of any explorer's character and would most likely disregard the report. He doesn't trust things he hasn't seen with his own eyes, yet will not leave his desk.

Out of professional interest, the geographer asks the Prince to describe his asteroid. The prince describes the volcanoes and the rose. "We don't record flowers", answers the geographer, because they are only temporary. The prince is shocked and hurt to learn that his flower will someday be gone. The geographer recommends that he visit the Earth.

On the Earth, the prince sees a whole row of rosebushes, and is downcast because he thought that his was the only one in the whole universe. He then meets and tames a fox, who explains to the prince that his rose is unique and special, because it is the one that he loves.

The prince meets the narrator and asks him to draw a sheep. Not knowing how to draw a sheep, he draws what he knows, a boa with a bulging stomach, a drawing which previous viewers mistook for a hat. "No! No!" exclaims the prince. "I don't want a boa with an elephant inside! I want a sheep..." He tries a few sheep drawings, which the prince rejects. Finally he draws a box, which he explains has the sheep inside. The prince, who can see the sheep inside the box just as well as he can see the elephant in the boa, accepts it.

In the desert, the prince meets a snake that claims to have the power to return him to his home planet. After some thought, he bids an emotional farewell to the narrator, then allows the snake to bite him. The next morning when the narrator looks for the prince, he finds his body has disappeared, leaving no physical trace.

小王子 梗概
小王子》故事大概是讲一个外星的小孩 生活在一个很小的星球上,那星球上只有他一个人,他要照顾那个星球,他是那个星球的小王子,长大了,他去别的星球旅行,碰到了各式各样的人(外星人)。最后他来到地球上碰到了作者,,, 然后在这里死去 文章通过简单的故事蕴涵了丰富的哲理,里面讲到玫瑰(爱人...


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易颜盐酸:[答案] The little prince "is the most famous French literature translation. This is a famous French contemporary fairy tale - French writer holy one angstrom grams of flocculant perry "for adults write fairy tales".But also by small of readers.The author in XianCi ...

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易颜盐酸: The story of The Little Prince is summarized as follows: The narrator of the novel is a pilot who tells the story of the little prince and their friendship. The pilot is a fantasy person. He is not used to those who are too practical adults. He likes to get along ...

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易颜盐酸: "Young Prince" narrates is lonely, the sad child's story, he liv...

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易颜盐酸: "The little prince" is a fairy to adults see a world, the sad story about love and responsibility, and a fable. Novel about a plane crash and retention of the big desert in Africa, a little alien encounters the pilot is a sad story: the prince, he is from a ...

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