
作者&投稿:肥仲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1 Does the writer always get up early on Sundays, or does he always get up late?

The writer always get up late on Sundays.

2 Did he get up early last Sunday, or did he get up late?

He got up late last Sunday.

3 Who telephoned then?

his aunt Lucy telephoned then.

4.had she just arrived by train, or had she come on foot?

She had just arrived by train.

5 Was she coming to see him or not?

She was coming to see him.

6 Did he say, ‘I'm still having breakfast’, or did he say, ‘I am still in bed’?

He said that he was still having breakfast.

7 Was his aunt very surprised or not?

she was very surprised

8 What was the time?

it was one o'clock

Key structures 关键句型

Now, Often and Always 表示现在和经常发生的动作

Study these statements and questions from the passage.


Now Often and Always

It's raining. I never get up early on Sundays.

I'm coming to see you. I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime.

I'm still having breakfast. Do you always get up so late?

What are you doing?

Here are some more sentences:


He is still sleeping.


He rarely gets up before 10 o'clock.


We're enjoying our lunch.


We frequently have lunch at this restaurant.


I am reading in bed.


Do you ever read in bed?


Exercises 练习

A Write out these two paragraphs again. Give the right form of the words in parentheses.


1 I am looking out of my window. I can see some children in the street. The children ___are playing___ (play) football. They always ___play___ (play) football in the street. Now a little boy ___is kicking___ (kick) the ball. Another boy ___is running___ (run) after him but he cannot catch him.

2 I carried my bags into the hall.

‘What---are-- you ___doing___ (do)?’my landlady asked.

‘I __am leaving____ (leave), Mrs. Lynch, ’ I answered.

‘Why--are -- you ___leaving___ (leave)?’ she asked. ‘You have been here only a week. ’

‘A week too long, Mrs. Lynch, ’ I said. ‘There are too many rules in this house. My friends never __come____ (come) to visit me. Dinner is always at seven o'clock, so I frequently __go____ (go) to bed hungry. You don't like noise, so I rarely ___listen___ (listen) to the radio. The heating doesn't work, so I always __feel___ (feel) cold. This is a terrible place for a man like me. Goodbye, Mrs. Lynch. ’

B Note the position of the words in italics in these sentences.


My friends never come to visit me.


I frequently go to bed hungry.


I rarely listen to the radio.


I always feel cold.


I never get up early on Sundays.


I sometimes stay in bed until lunchtime.


Write these sentences again. Put the words in parentheses in the right place.


1 She answers my letters. (rarely)

1.She rarely answers my letters.

2 We work after six o'clock. (never)

2.We never work after six o'clock.

3 The shops close on Saturday afternoons. (always)

3 The shops always close on Saturday afternoons

4 Do you go to work by car? (always)

4 Do you always go to work by car? (always)

5 Our teacher collects our exercise books. (frequently)

5 Our teacher frequently collects our exercise books

6 We spend our holidays abroad. (sometimes)

6 We sometimes spend our holidays abroad.

7 I buy CDs. (often)

7 I often buy CDs.

8 Do you buy CDs? (ever)

8 Do you ever buy CDs

Special difficulties 难点

在英语中往往可以用what引导的感叹句来表示惊奇、愤怒、赞赏、喜悦等感情。在感叹句中主谓语采用正常语序。如课文中第3行的例句“What a day!”注意以下例句:

Instead of saying: We can say:

除了这种表述方法外: 还可以说:

It is a terrible day! What a terrible day!

This is a beautiful picture! What a beautiful picture!

Or : What a beautiful picture this is!

Exercise 练习

Write these sentences again. Each sentence must begin with What.


1 This is a wonderful garden!

What a wonderful garden!

2 This is a surprise!

What a surprise this is!

3 He is causing a lot of trouble!

What a lot of trouble he is causing!

4 They are wonderful actors!

What wonder actors they are!

5 She is a hard-working woman!

What a hard working woman she is!

6 It is a tall building!

What a tall building!

7 It's a terrible film!

What a terrible film!

8 You are a clever boy!

What a clever boy he is!

9 She is a pretty girl!

What a pretty girl she is!

10 He is a strange guy!

What a strange guy he is!

Multiple choice questions 多项选择题

Comprehension 理解

1 When Aunt Lucy telephoned ______ .

a.the writer was asleep

b.the writer was still in bed

c.the writer had already got up

d.the writer was having lunch

2 Aunt Lucy was surprised because ______ .

a.the writer was having lunch

b.it was one o'clock

c.it was late

d.the writer was having breakfast at lunchtime

Structure 句型

3 He sometimes ______ in bed until lunchtime.

a.stay b.is staying

c.stays d.staying

4 He stayed in bed until lunchtime. He went ______ bed late last night.

a.in b.into

c.to d.at

5 He doesn't get up early on Sundays. He gets up ______ .

a.late b.lately

c.slowly d.hardly

6 ______ did Aunt Lucy come? By train.

a.When b.How

c.Why d.Where

7 The writer can't see Aunt Lucy ______ He's having breakfast.

a.still b.now

c.often d.always

Vocabulary 词汇

8 He ______ out of the window and saw that it was raining.

a.looked b.saw

c.remarked d.watched

9 Just then, the telephone rang. It rang ______ .

a.at once b.immediately

c.again d.at that moment

10 She was his aunt, so he was her ______ .

a.son b.grandson

c.nephew d.niece

11 Breakfast is the first ______ of the day.

a.food b.dinner

c.lunch d.meal

12 Aunt Lucy said, ‘Dear me, ’ because she was ______ .

a.angry b.surprised

c.tired d.pleased

Sentence structure 句子结构

Rewrite this sentence, then check your answer against the text.


I arrived by train a moment ago.

I've __just arrived by train____

情态动词是一种本身有一定的词义,表示说话人的情绪,态度或语气的动词,但不能单独作谓语, 只能和其他动词原形构成谓语。


can (could), may (might), must, need, ought to, dare (dared), shall (should), will (would) .


情态动词在句中放在谓语动词之前, 谓语动词前若有助动词,则在助动词之前,疑问句中, 情态动词则在主语之前。


情态动词无人称和数的变化, 情态动词后面跟的动词需用原形,否定式构成是在情态动词后面加 "not"。 个别情态动词有现在式和过去式两种形式, 过去式用来表达更加客气, 委婉的语气, 时态性不强, 可用于过去,现在或将来。


can (could) 表示说话人能,可以,同意,准许,以及

客观条件许可,could 为 can 的过去式。

Must 必须,应该,一定,准是, 表示说话人认为有必要做某事, 命令, 要求别人做某事以及对事物的推测。

must 用来指一般现在时和一般将来时, 过去式可用 have to 的过去式代替。

must + have + 过去分词,表示现在对过去事物的推测。

must 和 have to 的区别: must 表示说话人的主观思想, have to 表示客观需要。

need 是一个情态动词, 他的用法完全和其他情态动词一样, 但 need 还可当作实义动词使用, 这时 need 就象其他动词一样,有第三人称,单复数, 后面加带 to 的动词等特性。

needn't + have + 过去分词 表示过去做了没必要做的事情。

dare 除用作情态动词外,更多的是当实义动词使用, 用法同实义动词一样,要考虑人称,单复数,时态等。

ought 应当,应该 后面跟带有 to 的动词不定式。

ought + to have done 句型。指过去动作,表示一件事情该做而未做。

ought not to have done 句型。表示一件不该做的事情却做了。

will (would)决心,愿望。 would 为 will 的过去式,

will, would用于疑问句表示说话人向对方提出请求或询问,用 would 比 will 更婉转,客气。

Shall, should表示命令,警告,允诺,征求,劝告,建议惊奇。

have to,不得不,必须,表示客观条件只能如此, 而must 则表示主观思想必须。

Summary writing 摘要写作

Answer these questions in not more than 50 words.


1 Do postcards always spoil the writer's holidays or not?

Postcards always spoil the writer's holidays.

2 Where did he spend his holidays last summer?

He spent his holidays in Italy

3 What did he think about every day?

Every day he thought about postcards.

4 Did he send any cards to his friends or not?

He didn't send cards to his friends.

5 How many cards did he buy on the last day?

He bought thirty-seven cards on the last day.

6 Where did he stay all day?

He stayed in his room all day.

7 Did he write any cards or not?

He didn't write any cards.

Key structures 关键句型

What happened? 一般过去时

Read this short conversation. Pay close attention to the verbs in italics. Each of these verbs tells us what happened.


POLICEMAN: Did you see the accident, sir?


MAN: Yes, I did. The driver of that car hit that

post over here.


POLICEMAN: What happened?


MAN: A dog ran across the road and the driver tried to

avoid it. The car suddenly came towards me. It

climbed on to the pavement and crashed into that




POLICEMAN: What did you do?


MAN: I ran across the street after the dog.


POLICEMAN: Why did you do that? Were you afraid of the car?


MAN: I wasn't afraid of the car. I was afraid of the

driver. The driver got out of the car and began

shouting at me. He was very angry with me. You

see, it was my dog.



Exercises 练习

A Look at the passage‘Please send me a card’. Put a line under all the verbs which tell us what happened to the writer when he was on holiday in Italy.


B Give the correct form of all the verbs in parentheses. Do not refer to the passage until you finish the exercise.


Last summer, I ___went___ (go) to Italy. I __visited____ (visit) museums and ___sat___ (sit) in public gardens. A friendly waiter ___taught___ (teach) me a few words of Italian. Then he ___lent___ (lend) me a book. I __read___ (read) a few lines, but I ___didn't understand___ (not understand) a word. Every day I ___thought___ (think) about postcards. My holidays __passed____ (pass) quickly, but I ___did not send___ (not send) cards to my friends. On the last day, I ___made___ (make) a big decision. I ___got___ (get) up early and ___bought___ (buy) thirty-seven cards. I ___spent___ (spend) the whole day in my room, but I __did not write____ (not write) a single card!

C Give the correct form of the verbs in parentheses in the passage below. Each verb must tell us what happened.


My friend, Roy, ___died___ (die) last year. He ___left___ (leave) me his CD player and his collection of CDs. Roy ___spent___ (spend) a lot of money on CDs. He __bought____ (buy) one or two new CDs every week. He never __went____ (go) to the cinema or to the theatre. He ___stayed___ (stay) at home every evening and __listened____ (listen) to music. He often __lent____ (lend) CDs to his friends. Sometimes they ___kept___ (keep) them. He __lost____ (lose) many CDs in this way.

Special difficulties 难点

英语中有些动词可以带两个宾语,这些动词大多具有“给与”的含义。如课文中第3行的句子“He lent me a book”中,动词lent后面带有表示动作结果的直接宾语(a book)和表示动作目标的间接宾语(me)。间接宾语在大多数情况下置于直接宾语之前,如果间接宾语在后,间接宾语前必须加“to”(表示动作对什么人而做)或“for”(表示动作为什么人而做),因此,课文中的句子也可以改写成:He lent a book to me. 注意以下例句。

Instead of saying: We can say:

除了这种表述方法外: 还可以说:

He lent me a book. He lent a book to me.

He sent me a card. He sent a card to me.

He passed me the salt. He passed the salt to me.

She bought me a tie. She bought a tie for me.

She made me a cake. She made a cake for me.

Exercise 练习

Write each of the following sentences in a different way:


1 He paid the shopkeeper some money.

He paid some money to the shopkeeper.

2 He handed me the prize.

He handed the prize to me.

3 The waiter brought a bottle of beer to the man.

The waiter bought the man a bottle of beer.

4 He sold all his books to me.

He sold me all his books.

5 The shop assistant found some curtain material for me.

The shop assistent found me some curtain material.

6 He did me a big favour.

He did a big favour for me.

7 She showed her husband her new hat.

She showed her new hat to her husband.

8 She promised a reward to the finder.

She promised the finder a reward.

9 He gave his son some advice.

He gave some advice to his son.

10 His uncle left him some money.

His uncle left some money to/for him.

11 He is teaching English to us.

He is teaching us English.

12 I bought this bunch of flowers for you.

I bought you this bunch of flowers.

13 Bring that book to me please.

Bring me that book please.

14 He offered me a cigarette.

He offered a cigarette to me.

15 Read me the first paragraph.

Read the first paragraph to me.

16 I've ordered some soup for you.

I've ordered you some soup.

17 I owe him a lot of money.

I owe a lot of money to him.

18 Pass the mustard to your father.

Pass your father the mustard.

Multiple choice questions 多项选择题

Comprehension 理解

1 The writer ______ .

a.doesn't like buying postcards

b.doesn't like receiving postcards

c.doesn't like writing postcards

d.doesn't like postcards

2 What was the writer's‘big decision’?

a.He decided to write postcards to his friends.

b.He decided to spend the whole day in his room.

c.He decided to buy a lot of postcards.

d.He decided not to write a single card.

Structure 句型

3 Last summer he went to Italy. He was ______ Italy last summer.

a.at b.to

c.in d.on

4 ______ him a few words of Italian? The waiter.

a.Who taught

b.Who did teach

c.What did he teach

d.Whom did he teach

5 He was a friendly waiter. He spoke to the writer ______ .

a.friend b.as friends

c.like friends d.in a friendly way

6 The writer ______ a few lines, but he didn't understand a word.

a.reads b.read

c.red d.reading

7 He spent the whole day in his room. He was in his room ______ day.

a.the hole b.the all

c.all d.all of

Vocabulary 词汇

8 A waiter usually works in a ______ .

a.public garden b.shop

c.restaurant d.private house

9 The waiter lent him a book. He ______ a book from the waiter.

a.lent b.borrowed

c.took d.stole

10 On the last day he made a big decision. It was the ______ day of his holiday.

a.final b.end

c.latest d.bottom

11 He made a big decision. He ______ .

a.thought about it b.made up his mind

c.changed his mind d.made a wish

12 He didn't write a single card. So he ______ .

a.wrote only one b.didn't write even one

c.wrote just one d.wrote all the cards except one

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