I want to invite my frrends to my party 同义句

作者&投稿:卓知 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

America is a mobile society. Friendships between Americans can be close and real, yet disappear soon if situations change. Neither side feels hurt by this. Both may exchange Christmas greetings for a year or two, perhaps a few letters for a while — then no more. If the same two people meet again by chance, even years later, they pick up the friendship. This can be quite difficult for us Chinese to understand, because friendships between us flower more slowly but then may become lifelong feelings, extending (延伸) sometimes deeply into both families.
Americans are ready to receive us foreigners at their homes, share their holidays, and their home life. They will enjoy welcoming us and be pleased if we accept their hospitality (好客) easily.
Another difficult point for us Chinese to understand Americans is that although they include us warmly in their personal everyday lives, they don’t show their politeness to us if it requires a great deal of time. This is usually the opposite of the practice in our country where we may be generous with our time. Sometimes, we, as hosts, will appear at airports even in the middle of the night to meet a friend. We may take days off to act as guides to our foreign friends. The Americans, however, express their welcome usually at homes, but truly can not manage the time to do a great deal with a visitor outside their daily routine. They will probably expect us to get ourselves from the airport to our own hotel by bus. And they expect that we will phone them from there. Once we arrive at their homes, the welcome will be full, warm and real. We will find ourselves treated hospitably.
For the Americans, it is often considered more friendly to invite a friend to their homes than to go to restaurants, except for purely business matters. So accept their hospitality at home!

I would like to see my friend in my party.

I wish that my friends could come to my party.

冷水江市19555562587: 我请你吃饭用英语怎么说 -
兀有浅氨麻:[答案] I want to invite you to a dinner(or lunch)比较正式的邀请 want to go out and eat with me?约异性或不太熟的朋友时 let's go eat, my treat(我请客)

冷水江市19555562587: i want to invite作文 -
兀有浅氨麻: They all, all of them 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*) 有不会的可以再问我:) pengjigui 2014-12-02 I'd like to invite you for lunch.与I want to ask you to ...

冷水江市19555562587: 我想请你到中国来 英文 -
兀有浅氨麻: I want to invite you to China

冷水江市19555562587: 关于时态的固定用法I want to invite you to our home.I wanted to invite you to dinner.这是我在初中语法书上看到的 第一句是说一般现在时固定用法:当want 是... -
兀有浅氨麻:[答案] I wanted to invite you to dinner. 我想请你吃饭.(我本来是想你吃饭的打算,但是现在不一定想了.或者是客观陈述过去某个时间段的一个想法.) I want to invite you to our home. 我想请你来我家.(客观表达一种意愿.或者是当面对对方提出一种邀请.) ...

冷水江市19555562587: 我想邀请你来参加我的生日聚会.英文怎样翻译. -
兀有浅氨麻:[答案] 我来提供几种说法:1.I want to invite you to my birthday party.2.I would like to invite you to my birthday party.3.May I have the honour of you being at/coming to my birthday party?4.Could I ask you yo...

冷水江市19555562587: 我想邀你来我家吃饭翻译 -
兀有浅氨麻: 我想要请你来我家吃饭译文: I want to invite you to come to my home to have a dinnerI 我want to 想要invite 邀请you 你to come to my home 来我家to have a dinner 吃饭很高兴为你解答,满意请记得采纳哦 不理解的欢迎随时追问,希望能帮到你

冷水江市19555562587: 你想邀请你同学和你一起去学校,你可以用英语这样说? -
兀有浅氨麻: I want to invite you to go toSchool.这就是我想邀请你一起去学校.

冷水江市19555562587: 翻译:我想请你来北京玩,希望你能来. -
兀有浅氨麻: I want to invite you to Beijing and hope you will come.

冷水江市19555562587: I want to invite you to have a dinner with me同义句 -
兀有浅氨麻: I want to invite you to have a dinner with me同义句 I want to have a dinner with you同义句 【I wanna】invite you to have a dinner with me 祝学习进步

冷水江市19555562587: 英文翻译.我今晚想请你吃个饭. -
兀有浅氨麻: I want to invite you for a dinner tonight.

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