
作者&投稿:浑弦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

From the investment decision-making, optimize the design, control changes, building materials selection, etc. Analysis of the construction project cost control.

enjoy the wind together and enjoy the rain together, I can not see anything clearly without your company.

Only by using VPN could you browse some foreign internet sites.It is so inconvenient.We are so depressed because we can not surf as our own wishes.

I need use VPN to connet some foreign websites in China, it is very troublesome and i can't connet with ease. It really makes me upset.

it is a very troublesome thing that we need use proxy software to get through to some foreign websites. ( I ) can't surf the internet without any limitation, which really makes me down

3、广告学专业的学生应致力于创新思维方式。3. Students learning about advertising should have an innovative mind.4、尽管他还是个孩子,但他已经掌握了三门外语。4. Although he is but a child, he already knows three languages other than his mother-tongue.5、请你帮我找能辅导我小孩语文的...

1. I would throw the money into the sea rather than give it to you.2. It's good enough that you are safe and sound.3. Facing such a bad situation, the king announces to surrender being compelled against his will.4. Under the onslaught of the enemy, the last line of ...


1,要小心感冒 其实不用这么费心想着我的 也特别特别感谢你给我的花生 我会好好吃的(잘 먹을께요)这句在韩国语里是对给花生的人的一种很礼貌的说法 就是我会好好吃的意思 2,买了后在给你 那,再发MAIL吧(보내준다&...

请日语达人帮我把这段中文翻译成日语。 好的话加100

1. All the fellow students had left, leaving him alone at the dorm.2. In the middle of a class, he went out of the classroom to phone his parents.3. On a military parade, we must keep our bodies straight and upright.4. we find that various books are available at this ...

规则说明越简单明了越好,没必要按中文的说法一个字一个字对着翻译 “球着地了但是不在球门内” 这么拗口的说法,难为LZ你想的出来……这不就是射偏了么?足球上的术语叫 shoot wide 另外 后面的按键操作可以用 tips 即提示 翻译如下:rules:将球射进球门,取得胜利 Shoot the ball into the ...

求教(1):请英语达人帮忙 翻译英语句子,谢谢您的帮助
翻译P16中译英 1, Mrs. Smith complained to me that she often found with his sixteen year old daughter just can not communicate 2, I believe, reading shorthand (simplified) English fiction is to expand our vocabulary in a relaxed and enjoyable way 3, I think we have to protect ...


1,That 主语 is twice+形容词比较级 than 宾语 or 主语 is as twice +形容词 as 宾语 even more is a serious problem.2,To 1998 主语 display an upward trend from 1992,however it showed unsteady from 98 to 08.3,get satisfactory achievement.4,reach my satisfaction.(或者contentment )...

玛多县15152994382: 几句英语 高手帮忙帮忙翻译一下下面几个句子 在线等1 Manis born good 2 All human being are equal.3 The family is important. we are members of a groud.4 ... -
骆堵全达:[答案] 1. 2.所有的人都是平等的. 3.家庭是很重要的.我们都是地球的一份子. 4.对待别人要像你希望别人对待你的那样. 5.人民比统治者更重要 6.我们应该爱所有的人. 第一个不太会.

玛多县15152994382: 翻译英语句子,不要网站上的在线翻译!.求英语达人,在线等.1.我们公司主要有4个部门组成.(make) 2.公共车上挤满了乘客.(fill) 3.唐人街以各种中国民... -
骆堵全达:[答案] 1 Our company is made up by 4 departments. 2 The bus is filled with passengers 3 Chinatown is known for various kinds of Chinese cuisines 4 In addition to Chinese books, this bookstore also has many foreign language books available for selection ...

玛多县15152994382: 请英语达人帮忙翻译几句简单的话 -
骆堵全达: i went home for the Spring Festival, during this period i can not surf on the net ,so i read your email just now.请告知我们,什么时候可以安排付款.

玛多县15152994382: 英语达人帮忙翻译哦~~~<在线等>
骆堵全达: 嘿...匿名的伙计, 你真可笑! Hey, anonymous guy, you're so ridiculous! 你信誓旦旦的样子真像个小丑! You're like a clown when making the vow. “噢~~宝贝 我爱你!” "Oh, sweetheart! I love you!" 你在这里乱叫什么? 请问你是罗密欧么...

玛多县15152994382: 恳请英语达人帮忙翻译些句子,谢谢1.I have next to nothing to say about my childhood. 2.I shall leave here for good next year. 3.He was caught red - handed. 4.... -
骆堵全达:[答案] 1.关于我的童年几乎没什么可说的. 2.明年我将永远的离开这儿. 3.他被抓了个现形. 4.这个女演员得意忘形了. 5,绝对没这个事 6.朋友有各种各样的. 7.我希望在最危急的时刻挽救和平. 8.有人将打破僵局.(你这句里的单词...

玛多县15152994382: 英语达人帮忙翻译几句话
骆堵全达: 1. please allow me to congratulate (congratulate) on your recent success expression2. our country already and more than 100 countries establishes foreign relations (establish)3. she to attempt to convince Tom to stop smoking, but was defeated ...

玛多县15152994382: 英语高手帮忙翻译~~~~~~~~急````在线等````````?
骆堵全达: 我绝对可以帮助你翻译,找我好了"I think other people refuse the invitation is a great learning thing, you are invited to express your respect, but sometimes you have to resist...

玛多县15152994382: 英语达人帮忙翻译个句子 -
骆堵全达: 前半句完整下来就是 I am moved by the noble cause of Project Hope 我被希望工程这崇高事业所感动了 and i am encouraged by what has been achieved so far 我被迄今为止希望工程取得的成就所鼓舞

玛多县15152994382: 英语达人帮忙翻译一句话
骆堵全达: Service is everywhere around you.

玛多县15152994382: 请英语达人帮忙翻译一下. 英文翻译:相遇 相识 相知 相守 尽量准确一些,印刷品上用的,在线等,谢谢.请英语达人帮忙翻译一下.英文翻译:相遇 相识 相知 ... -
骆堵全达:[答案] Encounter Acquaintance Friend Companion/Partner 若有补充,看评论

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