
作者&投稿:国钢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. B search for 搜寻, 寻找
2. C differ vi.不同, 有区别
3. D come across 碰到, 遇到, 无意中发现, 被理解

4. C attract one's attention

16.D doubt 是怀疑 whether是是否 根据句子意思选D

17.B so far as i know 据我所知
18.D as·····as后面跟名词
19.A 问工作用what
20.C you'd rather=you would rather 宁愿
21.B hard to后面接名词 多了个to
22.D hear 感官动词后接不带to 的不定式
23.D battle本身是比较级 不能用more 和very 可用far much

1----Albert found the key which (that)I lost yesterday.
2---Where is the beautiful picture which (that )you bought last week?
3---We are looking for the nurse who looked after my little sister
4---Although she was ill,she still went on working.


1----Albert found the key (that)I lost yesterday.
2---Where is the beautiful picture (that )you bought last week?
3---We are looking for the nurse who looked after my little sister

Albert found the key which I lost yesterday.
Where is the beautiful picture which you bought last week.
We are looking for the nurse who looked after my little sister.
Although she was ill,she still went on working.

高中英语题目 本人有好几道题目,希望耐心人士帮我接到,谢谢!!第一题...
life 作生活在这里是不可数名词,且是泛指,不可数名词表泛指前面不用冠词。考查定语从句,先行词是sport ,,---courage matters more than strength ( in the sport ) ,.可见sport 在从句中作地点状语, 应该用 where = in which 。正确答案是 in which .这道题考察宾语从句, ---I thought...

几道英语选择题 请帮选择下 说下原因 谢谢
1.D 2.B It is important\/necessary\/strange\/anxious\/surprised\/determined+that···,这些句子的从句都习惯性用 (should)+动词原形 虚拟,should可以省略,所以是D.2.原因同上 3。D exercise当练习题\/操(体操\/眼操等)讲,是可数的,其余意思比如锻炼啊都不可数。这题第一个空表示锻炼,第二...

1.as careful as possible是错的,因为这个句子中,修饰的是动词do需要用副词,而careful 的副词是carefully所以用as carefully as you can 意思是尽可能仔细地 全句可以翻译为你要认真作作业,尽量不要犯错误 2.how long与how soon都可以用来提问时间。但是how long一般用于提问完成时,例如:How long...

1 He sees it as a loss of the sense of common public good and public courtesy,and says that adults suffer from it ___ children.A the same as B as much as 答:B 译:他将它看作是公德的一种缺失,并说成人和儿童蒙受的损失是一样的多。析:suffer 在这里是及物动词。

小丽应该说:算了,说不定等下写的会更好。第二题:贼眉鼠眼 九牛一毛 龙腾虎跃 守株待兔 龙飞凤舞 引蛇出洞 马到成功 三羊开泰 轩鹤冠猴 闻鸡起舞 鸡犬不宁 牧猪奴戏 英文翻译:鼠—Rat 牛——Ox 虎——Tiger 兔——Hare 龙——Dragon 蛇——Snake 马——Horse 羊——Sheep 猴——...

1.Mitchell Joachim,一位来自麻省理工学院的建筑师,花了一整天画活树。2.在他告诉我们答案之"前"after是在之后,直译就是他做好决定后的几分钟;It seemed minutes until sth,语法上不通 3.be famous for among other things是插入语,可以调掉句末 ...

3. 道理是一样的,你可以自己分析一下。4. 原句是:I have many friends , some of them(指代many friends) are bussinessmen. 后一句变为定语从句来修饰many friends, 修饰人的定语从句用who, whom引导,这句形式为of whom(不能用who, of 后面要跟宾格,如要说some of us,而不能说some ...

看病常用语 6.What a ( B )story you have told us!A.fun B.funny C.dull D.boring funny有趣的 7.The students ( C ) when their teacher suddenly came in A.was talking B.talked C.were talking D.talking 一件事正在发生时突然发生了另外的事。从句用过去式,主句...

不是这样的,先行词用什么格是根据它在从句里属于什么成分而决定的。在从句里面he believes是插入语,先行词是主语所以用主格而不用宾格。2. ___ we go swimming every day ___ us a lot of good .That作为先行词引导一个从句作为句子的主语...does是谓语。整句话很简单就是每天游泳对我们有...

---选A,因为B的“憧憬”和“向往”语意重复,C的“发扬”和“感情”不能连用,D的“能否”有肯定和否定的对举,而前面的动词“保持”只有肯定的含义,无法对应 4,下列各句中表意明确,没有歧义的一句是( )A,母亲终生勤俭朴素,任劳任怨,几十年间一直操持着十几个人的家务 B,参赛作品一律...

青河县13812469754: 英语几道题目``帮下忙``谢谢啦``按照要求写句子.1)Albert found the key .I lost the key yesterday.(合成一句)_______________________________________... -
郭印方克:[答案] 1----Albert found the key which (that)I lost yesterday. 2---Where is the beautiful picture which (that )you bought last week? 3---We are looking for the nurse who looked after my little sister 4---Although she was ill,she still went on working.

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郭印方克:[答案] 1.C (Children often form bad habits, some of which remain with them as long as they live ) 2.C(“which should be avoided”是个定语从句,那么既然是要避免的肯定不是不好的,所以选BC之间选,前面的形容词是...

青河县13812469754: 好心人帮忙做几道英语题啦,谢啦 -
郭印方克: 1. take a ride;2. pay a visit to;3. took(had)a rest;4. had a talk;5. had a discussion;6. took a last look(听我的,准没错)...

青河县13812469754: 请帮忙填几道英语题,谢啦! -
郭印方克: 1,incidentally(顺便提一句)2,generously(老板总是尽力地,慷慨地帮助他的员工)3,prospective(潜在的,可能得)4,administrative(管理的,行政的)5,employment(雇佣)6,physical...

青河县13812469754: 帮忙解答几道英语题,谢谢(在线等) -
郭印方克: A B c 第一题意思是你因该这么想,用should 第二题一位除非他亲自下...

青河县13812469754: 帮我完成以下几道英语题谢谢 -
郭印方克: 第一题是C,第二题是B,用I would love to更好,第三题是A

青河县13812469754: 英语高手进来帮下忙、谢谢喽!一、单项选择题(共20道小题,共100.0分) I suggest that he - ________ - the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and the Zoo. ... -
郭印方克:[答案] 一、单项选择题(共20道小题,共100.0分) I suggest that he ___is visiting_______ the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and... a generous sum to the relief of the physically disabled. assigned contributed constructed administered 望采纳,谢谢

青河县13812469754: 帮忙做几道英语题、谢谢
郭印方克: 1. for (to need sth.for) 2.does (助动词第三人称单数)3.do (那个女孩可以做点什么)

青河县13812469754: 三道英语选择题目~!大哥哥 姐姐 帮下忙了 ~!谢谢 -
郭印方克: sincebehind 学校在高楼后面, 从这里你看不见through

青河县13812469754: 几道英语高2选择题.帮个忙啦..谢谢啦.. -
郭印方克: 1. D 2. A 3. B 4. D 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. C 11...

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