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~ 人教 PEP 五年级英语上册 第一单元测试题 一、辨音,选出与其他三个划线部分发音不同的单词。 辨音,选出与其他三个划线部分发音不同的单词。
) 1.A. student
B. you
C. music
D. sun
) 2.A.hat
B. bag
C. name
D. cap
) 3.A.beef
B. tea
C. peach
D. head
) 4.A.bread
B. seat
C. ready
D. sweater
) 5.A.box
B. go
C. not
D. hot
二、写出下列单词或短语的中文意思。 写出下列单词或短语的中文意思。
know__________ principal ___________university student _____________so much_______
三、翻译下列词组。 翻译下列词组。
PEP 小学英语第五册单元练习题 第一单元
一、listen and tick。 1、高 ( ) 2、健壮的 ( ) 3、年轻的 ( 5、可亲的( ) 6、滑稽的( ) 7、严格的( 9、安静的( ) 10、矮而胖 ( ) ) 4、高、廋( ) ) 8、活跃的( )
二、listen and choose。 1、A、年轻 B、年老 2、A、高的 B、矮的 3、A、文静的 A、活跃的 4、A、健壮的 B、廋的 5、A、严格的 B、活跃的 6、A、滑稽的 B、聪明的 三、listen and match。(16 分) 英语 语文 音乐 科学 数学 高 廋 胖 严格 活跃
计算机 文静
美术 聪明
体育 滑稽
4.Listen and write . (1)My P.E. teacher is ______ and _______. (2) My English teacher is _______ and _________ . (3) My music teacher is _______ and _________. (4) My math teacher is _______ and _________. (5) My art tacher is _______ and _________. write part 1. write the words and the sentences. 滑稽的 可亲的 喜欢 聪明的 严格的 非常 但是 __________________________________________________________ 年轻的 年老的 矮的 高的 胖的 廋的 文静的 活跃的 __________________________________________________________ 你们的新英语老师是谁? 卡特先生。 __________________________________________________________ 他什么样子? 他高而胖,他很滑稽。 __________________________________________________________ 她文静吗?不,她很活跃。_____________________________________ 她严格吗?是的,但是她很和蔼可亲。 __________________________________________________________
2.Read the dialgue and tick or cross. Zip: Hi , Bird ! Who’s your English teacher ? Bird : Miss White . She’s very young . She’s 18 years old . She’s a university student . Zip : Where is she from ? Bird : She’s from America . Zip : What’s she like ? Bird : She’s short and thin , she’s very active . Zip : Oh ! she’s my English teacher , too . (1) Miss White is an English teacher . ( )(2) Miss White is from USA . ( ) (3) Miss White is strong . ( ) (4) Miss White is very funny .( ) (5) Zip is Miss White’s student . ( ) 3. Read the short passage and finish the question . I have a new friend . Her name is Cathy . She’s 20 years old . She’s from America . She’s a university student . She’s tall and thin . She’s very smart and active . I like to play with her . We are good friends . (1) Answer the question . Is Cathy a big girl ? _____________________ How old is she ?_________________ Is she from USA ?_____________________ Is she a student ?_________________________ What’s she like ? _____________________________ (2) Write the question . ____________________________? She’s my new friend . ____________________________? Yes , she’s very smart . ____________________________? No, she’s tall . _______________________? No, she isn’t . She’s very active . 3、选择填空。 (1) ___ you have a new teacher? A has B have C. Do (2) ____ is your English teacher? A. What B. Where C. Who (3) ____ is he like? A. What B. Where C. Who (4) ___ he quiet ? A .Is B. Are C. Am (5)I have ___ art teavher. A. a B. an C. × 4. Write and match . t _ _ cher 座位 p _ _ ch 教师 j _ _ ns 桃子
b _ _ f sl _ _ p gr _ _ n
女王 绿色 睡觉
s _ _ t
qu _ _ n
五、连词成句。 1. have I teachers three new ________________________ 2. he he tall funny and thin very is is __________________________________________________________ 3. new my Mr Liu math is teacher ______________________________________________ 4. Amy’s pretty mother and is young ___________________________________________________ 5. she she is isn’t quiet no 附:听力部分内容: 一、1. Our Chinese teacher is short . 2. Our math teacher is strong . 3. Our art teacher is old . 4. Our music teacher is tall and strong . 5. randpa is very kind . (6) My brother is very active . (7) My music teavher is very strict . (8) Our P.E. techer is very funny . (9) Is se quiet ? No, she’s vry active . (10) our principal is short and strong . 二、 a) Our music teacher is old . b) Our Chinese teacher is short . c) Our atr teacher is quiet . d) My P.E. teacher is thin . e) Our principal is strict . f) My math teacher is smart . 三、Listen and match . 1. My English teacher is active. 2. My Chinese teacher is quiet . 3. My music teacher is smart . 4. My sience teacher is very funny. 5. My math teacher is tall . 6. My computer teacher is thin . 7. My art teacher is strong . 8. My P.E. teacher is strict . 4.Listen and write .(10)
1.My 2.My 3.My 4.My 5.My
P.E. teacher is tall and strong. English teacher is thin and short . music teacher is tall and funny. math teacher is smart and active. art tacher is smart and kind.
PEP 英语第五册第二单元
听力部分 一、听音,判断。 1、星期一 ( ) 2、 星期六( ) 3、社会课( ) 4、做作业( ) 5、 读书( ) 6、玩电脑游戏( ) 7、星期六在家看电视( ) 8、星期天做家务( ) 二、听音,选择。 1.( )A、星期一 B、星期二 2、( )A、社会课 B、语文课 3、( )A、星期六 B、星期天 4、( )A、语文课和英语课 B、数学课和思品课 5、( )A、音乐课和英语课 B、体育课和数学课 6、( )A、玩足球 B、玩电脑游戏 7、( )A、做作业 B、 看电视 8、( )A、读书 B、 写信 9、( )A、 星期一和星期五 B、 星期二和星期四 10、( )A、星期三和星期六 B、 星期二和星期五 三、听写。 1._____ _______ is it _______? It’s _________. What do _____ ____ on _________? We have _______ ______ and ______ on _______. 2.What do you do ____ ___________? I __________ on ___________. ______ ______ ______? I _________________. too. 笔试部分 一、将下列单词重新整理成一个通顺、完整的句子。 1.today it is It’s What Wednesday day __________________________________________________ 2. you do What have Thursdays on ___________________________________________________
3. Chinese English have We computer and Friday on ________________________________________________________ 4. on What you Sundays do do ____________________________________________________ 5. I paly ping-pong Saturdays often on ____________________________________________________ 二、将下列单词归类写在相应的横线上。 how clock our house cry crop town clean now brown close crow cream mountain mouth class cow crown mouse clothes closet loud ow: cow____________________________ ou: our____________________ cl: close______________________ cr: cry__________________________ 三、阅读下面的短文,完成后面的题目。 Elephant: What do you do on Saturdays? Monkey: I play football and watch TV. Rabbit: I run and jump and do my homework . Elephant: What do you do on Sundays? Monkey: I play ping-pong, play computer games and do my homework. Elephant: What about you , Panda? Panda: I run and junp and read books . I eat only two meals(饭)on Sundays. Elephant: Why? Panda: Mom and Dad say I’m too big . 1. 根据短文内容判断。 1) The elephant often play football on Saturdays.( ) 2) The rabbit often do home work on Satuerdays. ( ) 3) The panda is too big . ( ) 4) panda often play computer games on Sundays. ( ) 5) The monkey isn’t do his home work on weekends. ( ) 2.根据短文内容填表。 Monkey Panda Rabbit Saturdays Sundays 四、补充句子。 1、_____(星期几)is it today?联单 It’s _________(星期三). _______________________(你们有什么课) on Thursdays? We have ______(语文)、____(数学)and ____(音乐). 2. __________________ ( 你做什么)on weekends?
I often______________(做家庭作业)______(看电视)and _____(读 书)on ________(星期六) _______________(玩电脑游戏) and_______(踢 , 足球)on ____(星期天) 。 五、将下列单词译成英语。 星期五 星期一 星期二 星期三 星期天 星期六 ____________________________________________________________ 星期四 做家务 读书 看电视 玩电脑游戏 ___________________________________________________________ 我通常在星期六做家庭作业,在星期天玩足球。 ___________________________________________________________ 今天星期几?星期三。_______________________________________ 你们星期四有什么课?我们星期四有英语、科学和音乐课。 ___________________________________________________________ 你星期六干什么?我看电视。__________________________________ 附:听力部分内容: 一、听音,判断。 1.What day is it today ? It’s Wednesday. 2.What day is it today ? It’s Sunday . 3.What do you have on Mondays? I have Social Studies . 4.What do you do on week ends? I do my home work . 5.What do you do on week ends? I write the letters . 6.What do you do on week ends? I play football . 7.On Saturdays I watch TV at home . 8.On Satuedays I do house work. 二、听音,选择。 1.What day is it today ? It’s Tuesday. 2. What do you have today? We have Cinese . 3. What day is it today ? It’s Sunday . 4.What do you have on Mondays ? We have math and Moral Education . 5. What do you have on Fridays ? We have music and English . 6. What do you do on week ends? I often play computers . 7. What do you do on Saturdays ? I do my home work at home . 8. What do you do on Sundays ? I write the letters . 9。We have math on Mondays and Fridays . 10。 We have English on Wednesdays and Saturdays . 三、听写。 1.What day is it today ? It’s Monday . What do you have on tuesdays? We have math English and music on wednesdays.
2.What do you do on Saturdays? I wacth TV on Sundays . What about you? I do my home work. too.
PEP 小学英语第五册单元练习题 第三单元
听力部分 一、听音、判断。(10 分) 1、豆腐、青豆( ) 2、鸡肉、白菜( ) 3、茄子和豆腐( ) 4、羊肉和土豆( ) 5、猪肉和白菜( ) 6、西红柿和蛋( ) 7、酸的( ) 8、甜的 ( )9、有益健康的( ) 10、新鲜的( ) 二、听音、编号再连线。 (18 分) ( )土豆 cabbage ¥2.00 ( )猪肉 tofu ¥1.00 ( )豆腐 toamto ¥3.00 ( )茄子 pork ¥5.00 ( )白菜 green beans ¥4.00 ( )鱼 mutton ¥11.00 ( )青豆 eggplant ¥3.00 ( )西红柿 potato ¥1.00 ( )羊肉 fish ¥8.00 三、听音,选择。 (10 分) 1、( )A.鸡肉和鱼 B、茄子和豆腐 2、( )A、羊肉和面包 3、( )A、白菜、胡萝卜和羊肉 B、白菜、青豆和羊肉 4、( )A、鱼和青豆 B、鸡和青豆 5、A、茄子 B、西红柿 6、( )A、茄子和羊肉 B、茄子和豆腐 7、( )A、甜的 B、咸的 8、( )A、有益健康的 B、好吃的 9、( )A、酸的 B、好吃的 10、A、咸的 B、 好吃的 四、听音,填表。 (15) Mon Tue Wed Thu
part Write part 一、将下列字母重新排列成单词,并写出意思。 (12 分) o k r p ______( ) u o t t m n______( ) o t u f ______( ) o o p t t a ______( ) o r u s ______( ) l s a y t _____( ) s y t t a_____( ) a e g r p _____( ) u i r t f ______( ) i s h f ____( ) o r f _____( ) a a g e c b b_______( ) 二、将下列单词重新排列成句子。(18 分) What have lunch do today you for ___________________________________________ 2. I eggplant tomatoes about and you What have ______________________________________________________ 3.dinner What you for would like Amy ______________________________________________ 4.is Here school our menu__________________________ 5.your What’s fruit apples like I favourite ___________________________________________________ 6. grapes don’t because they’re I like sour _____________________________________________ 三、将下列单词分类写在相应的横线上。(12’) window coat floor goat yelllow fruit road slow snow flower flow frorn grow ow window ____________________________________ oa road ____________________________________ fr fruit ________________________________________ fl floor _______________________________________
四、read the story and tick or cross.(5’) Baby: Mom, I’m hungry ! Mother: What would you like for dinner ? Baby: I’d like some cakes . Mother : Here are some cakes . Would you like some cupcakes ?They’re sweet. Baby: No, I don’t. I don’t like cupcakes . Mother: What’s your favourite cake? Baby(climbs up the tree and points at the moon in the river)I like that cake! Mother : Oh, dear ! 1) The baby monkey would like some cakes for dinner . ( ) 2)The baby monkey likes cupcakes.( ) 3) The cupcakes are sweet . ( )
4) Cupcakes are the mother monkey’s favourite food . ( 5) The baby monkey wants to eat the moon. ( ) 五、Read and answer the questions。 1.What’s your favourite food ? Why ? ________________________________________________ 2. What’s your favourite class ? Why ? _______________________________________________ 3. What’s your favourite animal?_________________ 4. What’s your favourite book?__________________________
5. What’s your favourite colour ?_________________________
附:听力部分内容: 一、Listen and tick. 1. What do you have for lunch? I have tofu and green beans. 2. What do you have for dinner ? I have chicken and fish . 3. What do yo
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住方得力:[答案] ABBCCC my throat is sore how does amy feel you look sad today i have a toothache i failed my math test 错对错对

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住方得力:[答案] 五年级期中考试卷(B卷)英语试题综合检测 60分钟100分听力部分一、Listen and match.听录音,连线.(10分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. running walking swinging drinking water sleepingclimbing swimming fig...

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住方得力: PEP五年级英语上册期中试卷 (时间:40分钟 满分:100分) 题号 笔试形式 总分 评卷人 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 得分 一、 根据汉语提示,选择恰当的字母或字母组合,补全单词.(12分)( ) 1. b_ _ akf _ _ t(早餐) A. ri, as B. re, as C.re,es( ) 2. pr_ ...

射阳县19458468956: 请各位仁兄仁姐们帮小弟一个忙,帮我收集几份小学五年级英语(PEP)的试卷,拜托,万分感激. -
住方得力: http://teacher.32o.cn/Soft/xxsj/yysj/200701/126.htm这个是期末试卷,你用右键的迅雷就能下载了,是压缩包http://www.jpcai.com/kaoshi/class004/kaoshi_9747.html 五年级英语期末试卷http://www.jpcai.com/kaoshi/class004/kaoshi_9688.html PEP...

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住方得力:[答案] 五年级期中考试卷(B卷)英语试题综合检测 60分钟\x09100分听力部分一、Listen and match.听录音,连线.(10分)1. \x09 2. \x09 3. \x094. \x095. running \x09walking \x09swinging \x09drinking water ...

射阳县19458468956: 小学英语PEP五年级下册期中试题 -
住方得力: 五年级期中考试卷(B卷) 英语试题 综合检测 60分钟 100分 听力部分 一、Listen and match.听录音,连线.(10分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. running walking swinging drinking water sleeping climbing swimming fighting flying Jumping 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 二、Listen...

射阳县19458468956: 小学五年级英语PEP同步训练题目 -
住方得力: A:hello, how are you? B:i am fine, and you? A:me too, thanks.what does he have in the mornong? B: a piece of mooncale. Do you like it? A: yes, i do. I like it very much. how about you? B: no, it is not my favourite.

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