英文高手请进 请帮我把一些句子翻英文!不要翻译软体 因为这对我很重要!

作者&投稿:钦怨 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
中文翻英文 禁止翻译软体 ! 英文高手请帮我把以下句子翻英文~


Family is a system;the relationships between family members form a syntrophic network, which means,if one changes,other relationships change accordingly.

Learn to forgive: itshould be good fortune for all family members to be together with each other inthis world; no one was born withthe aim of making her or his families angry. When you calm down and with a mature lookupon your own family, you might have some more compassion as well as inclusive.
It is not easy to forgive overnight as it takes time and patience, however,it you may obtain apriceless family affection in return.

To resolve theconflict, eliminate pain, or still being deadlocked, accumulate resentment? Infact, it depends on you. Let family becomes a power our life rather than aresistance.

In a dysfunctionalfamily, everyone must comply with parents' thoughts and actions
In a dysfunctionalfamily, each member has experienced a kind of emotional struggle of survival ofthe fittest.
People learn toforgive and move forward line when they explore the injury they suffered in thepast.
Unhealthy family fullof shame and self-deprecating atmosphere and each family member defendthemselves by the use of rigid fixation so that they can avoid touching unpresentablefeelings.
In a pathologicalfamily, everyone play their role with a defensive mood, which is a method of remainingsurface affinity.

终于翻译好啦 希望对你有帮助。

Wow .. i could really believe what's going on here .. i got graduated , and heading for Cegep.
For the four years passed in Centennial , lots of things happened , and lots of friends supporting me , thank you , all of you. And teachers from Centennial , no matter which subject you're teaching.
(都用的 lots of ,不要觉得是重复,应为我感觉你这个是口头演讲,说起来比较雅韵)

Congratulations for graduating here.
And i hope you guys can all go to your favorite school
May the happiness be with you


wow,i could hardly believe that i have graduated, and i'm going to cegep!
Having stutied in Centennial for four years,
a lot of things happened during this time,but there're still many good friends backing me.
Thank you, my friends.
Thank you ,every teacher in Centennial, no matter which subject you teach.
Congratulations for all of you on your graduation.
After graduated,i hope everyone could live a happy life ,going to you favarite senior high school
毕竟是毕业演讲,可以稍带带点文学色彩,感谢的时候要有感情点,这其实也是学了四年大家心里都深有感触的,只是看能不能用英文表达出来了,我自作主张加了个my friends 我觉得这个地方同位语可能更方便表达。

It's really unbelievable that I have graduated,and I'm going to Cegep.
It has been four years since I was in these school.A lot of things happened during these four years, and many of my good friends stood up for me all the time. Thank all of you here,and the same thanks will be given to all the teachers here in Centennial, no matter which subject you are teaching.
Congratulate all of us for graduation.
I hope all of us will be happy after graduation and can go to our dreaming senior high schools.

环县18384637871: 英语高手请进帮忙翻译几个句子
卫朋欣普: 1 我们以前在这里见过 we have met each other here before 2 我妈妈不喜欢我随便给人电话号码 所以我不方便接电话 my mom asks me not to tell my phone number to others, so i am not convenient to answer the phone. 3 你不会中文我们学习起...

环县18384637871: 英语高手请进.翻译句子: 1.你在英语上有困难吗? - __ - you - ____ - _____ - _____ - ____ - English? 2.今天他的姐姐和妈妈都不在家. - __ - his sister - _____... -
卫朋欣普:[答案] 翻译句子: 1.你在英语上有困难吗? Do you have trouble in learning English? 2.今天他的姐姐和妈妈都不在家. Neither his sister nor mum is at home. 注释:neither…nor…两者都不

环县18384637871: 英文高手请进 帮我修改英文文法 和翻译英文 (不要翻译软体) 谢谢!以下 拜托高手 帮我把中文部分 翻英文 帮我看我的句子通不通顺 帮我修改文法 (如果... -
卫朋欣普:[答案] The passage titled ”why things fall apart“ generally talked about the falling nations and their problems:over a billion people in these countries lived in danger.Some leaders losed control of their ...

环县18384637871: 英语翻译高手请进!翻译句子!(急!!我在线等!!) -
卫朋欣普: 1、If time permits, we will go swimming. 2、She likes eating sweets before sleep so much, that she is putting on weight 3、Mr. Lu xun make a contribution to Chinese modern literature . 4、The chemical factory lies in the suburb of the city. 5、...

环县18384637871: 外贸英语高手请进,请帮忙把以下句子,翻译成英文!谢谢 -
卫朋欣普: 1.agreement2.On behalf of our principle, we are pleased to confirm your order on the terms and conditions listed below3.to release capital presure of both ends.4.to release seller's stock presure, the buyer must cooperate with the seller, and the ...

环县18384637871: 英语高手请进您好,我不在或正忙,如有事请打我手机或留言,我会尽快与您取的联系.请帮我把上面的话翻译成英文. -
卫朋欣普:[答案] Hello,I'm away or busy.You can leave your message or call my cellphone,I 'll contact with you as soon as possible.

环县18384637871: 帮我用英语翻译五个句子.英语高手进
卫朋欣普: 你好,可分别翻译为:What happened here/What's going on here?A teacher supervise our painting class.The museum became more attractive/inviting.Can you suggest a good way for us to make everyone send us the money?The most important is our education must be served for whom.满意速速采纳,谢谢合作!

环县18384637871: 高手请进,帮我把句子翻译成英语!
卫朋欣普: To the whole world, you may be one person, but to me, you are my whole world.

环县18384637871: 英语高手们请进!帮我解答一下这九句破英语句子!中译英,1.他阿姨干什么的?她是一个工程师.2.这个女服务员每天工作很努力吗?是的.3.当你在做回家... -
卫朋欣普:[答案] 1.他阿姨干什么的?她是一个工程师.-> What's his aunt?She is an Engineer.2.这个女服务员每天工作很努力吗?是的.-> Does this waitress work hard every day?Yes,she does.3.当你在做回家作业时,不要听音乐.-> Don'...

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