汉译英 汉译英

作者&投稿:地宰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The first customer marketing; how to effectively overcome the rival, in an invincible position to consider from a long-term point of view; focus on market research, collect and analyze large amounts of information, this is the only way in the environment and the market changes have great uncertainty of the case to make the right decision; actively promote the reform, and the degree of the effect is proportional; decision making in change, the decision makers should have a strong ability to have, like entrepreneurs insight, recognition and decision making. Put A in

He is not convenient because the legs and walk slowly

When your brother came back from the United Kingdom

Let's go for a spin this afternoon to drive it

Today, he got up late

Weekend, the students are very happy life

Do not cry, you go to bed

Began to rain

She has become a small table to Rouqie

It seems to me that this is a good plan

We would like to leave next week for three days

Please teaspoon of honey into three

At the end of the street you can find the library

Apple is how you do the milkshake?

Give me two pieces of bread

Yesterday, you see a shark aquarium in it?

In your next rest day, you want to drive my car?

That sounds like birds singing in the

1.你上个周末干什么了 ? 我在周六上午看电影了
1. What did you do last weekend? I watched a movie last Saturday.

2. How was your weekend, Tony? Not so good.

3. What did you do last weekend? He cleaned up the room and pepared for the math exam.

4. How did the children spend their weekend?

5. The weekend was very interesting for most of the children.

6.在周日下午 我看了一本有关历史的书
6. I read a book about history on Sunday afternoon.

7. Yesterday I asked 10 students from No.3 Middle School about what they did last weekend.

8. My aunt cooks for me.

1.What did you do last weekend? - I went to see a movie last Saturday.
2.How's your weekend, Tony? - Not pretty good.
3.What did you do last weekend? - He cleaned up his room and prepared for the maths exam.
4.How did the kids spend their time on the weekend?
5.To most of the kids it was a funny weekend.
6.I read a book about history on Sunday afternoon.
7.Yesterday, I asked 10 students of NO.3 Middle School about what they did last weekend.
8.My aunt cooks for me.

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