林俊杰 记得 歌词英文版 有谁能给我翻译下,或者英文版记得也行。三克油

作者&投稿:党育 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

俊杰自己的正式歌曲有4首(这里不算俊杰在参加活动或者在演唱会里唱得前辈们的经典英文歌),分别是[CriesInADistance][Now That She’s Gone][Down][endless road]。其中[Now That She’s Gone]的中文翻译在俊杰的第四张个人专辑[曹操]里有翻译的中文词。还有3首都对应有中文版本的旋律。楼主想要的是歌词的翻译吧。[CriesInADistance]的歌词翻译是:Cries in a distance
Can't stop the tremble
I'm just awaiting my turn

Hiding will never Save me forever
The guns gonna get me for sure

Dear God I pray why won't you be my friend
亲爱的上帝 我祈祷为何你不是我的朋友

Come to me and take my hand
Like mama would say
Everything will be okay

All I hear is 3 2 1
我听到的全是 3 2 1
The scream from the guns
And then 1by1
No one gets to run
Someone's dad or mom
Sister, brother and son

All I feel is 1 2 3
我感觉到的全是 1 2 3
My tears start to bleed
Smell of roses on my feet
I feel sore…
I fall…
I call…
I crawl…
缓缓的前行 [Now That She’s Gone]的歌词翻译是:Girl you know I miss you so(女孩,你知道我很想你)
I didn't know you had to go(我不知道你不得不走)
You've had enough of our distance baby(宝贝,我们之间的距离已十分遥远)
Before I had the chance to say(在我有机会表白之前)
I'm staying with you(我和你一起度过 )
For the rest of my life(我剩余的生命)
Don't keep telling me these words(别继续告诉我这些话
You don't know how much it hurts(你不知道它是多麼的使人痛心)
And I'll promise you eternity(我会承诺永远)
If you promise me your stay(如果你答应留下)
But now it's too late(但是现在已经太晚了)
I'm no longer the man that I was(我不再是以前的我)
I will go on without her(没有她我依然会继续下去)
Like a fool who's too sure(像一个自以为是的傻瓜)
I'm like a bird who's lost her wing(像一只失去翅膀的鸟儿)
A fire without its flame(一把火没有它的火焰)
I don't know how to be strong(当我的爱还在继续时)
When my love has to move on(我不知该如何坚强)
I am a song without a soul(我是一首没有灵魂的歌)
Now that she's gone(此刻,她已离开)
What's left of us is this song(留给我们的都在这首歌中)
This is our song without a soul(这是我们没有灵魂的旋律)
Now that you're gone(此刻,你已离开)
What's left of us in this song(留给我们的只有这首歌) [Down]的歌词翻译是:I can’t believe it Tell me I’m dreaming (我不能够相信它告诉我在做梦)
That we are still ‘’we’’? (我们还是我们吗)

It was amazing Said you were lucky (很惊讶你说你遇到我是幸运的)
That you found me

It was on a rainy day that we met (我们邂逅在一个大雨的日子)
You didn’t have a place to go (你没有什么地方可去)
I said we just met so lets go slow but no (我说)
You just told me to keep you from the cold (你告诉不要让你在寒冷中)

Sorry I can’t take it (对不起我做不到)
Why did u fake it Why did we kiss (为什么你要假装 为什么我们吻了)

And I’m just down(我)
You left me with a note without a sound (你留下一张字条就走了没有留下一句话)
I figured I must have been such a child (我想我就是像一孩子)
You’ll never know how much I’ve been around (你从来不知道)
How my heart just frowns (我的心情怎么不好!)

If u are down (如果你是)
I’ll be your teddy bear , I’ll be your clown (我是你的泰迪熊,我是你的小丑)
I’ll take you round and round and (我会在你我周围)
If you don’t mind I could be your standing ground (如果你不介意我守护在你身边)
Even if that means I’d drown (即使那意味着我必须沉溺)

And baby that’ll my one last vow (宝贝那就是我最后的誓言)
[endless road]的歌词翻译是:The truth is tearing up my heart
I can't recognize this place
the endless road without a stop sign
没有休止符的 无尽的道路
cant even find a stranger this time
# why am i still holding back my tears
in this loneliness there's nothing to fear
every chord still seems so wander
how we could be together
everytime i ask if this would be the last
why am i still talking to myself
hoping you will have the keys to my cell
every song might calm the weather
but it just draws me deeper
how do i get out of this
i think i never will...
a crystal forming in the eye
maybe this will be the last
the winding path down my face
till i begin to taste the bitterness inside
当我开始品尝内在的苦涩...... 我翻译的不是很准确,如果有什么不对的请楼主指出。

Who remember, who said that love me forever, 谁还记得,是谁先说永远的爱我, The previous word is our wounds. 前的一句话是我们以后的伤口. Too long not to remember, which was gentle, 过了太久没人记得,当初哪些温柔, You and I hand in hand, that we should walk to the end. 我和你手牵手,说要一起走到最后. We all have forgotten this way long. 我们都忘了这条路走了多久. The mind is clear one day, one day it would stop. 心中是清楚的有一天,有一天都会停的. Let the time to speak the truth, even though I will be afraid. 让时间说真话,虽然我也会害怕. After dark, we don't know who will have. 在天黑了以后,我们都不知道会不会有以后. Who remember, who said that love me forever, 谁还记得,是谁先说永远的爱我, The previous word is our wounds 以前的一句话是我们以后的伤口. Too long not to remember, which was gentle, 过了太久没人记得,当初哪些温柔, You and I hand in hand, that we should walk to the end. 我和你手牵手,说要一起走到最后. We are all tired, but no way to go back. 我们都累了,却没办法往回走. Two hearts are confused. How to say, how to say do not save. 两颗心都迷惑.怎么说,怎么说都没有救. Darling why, maybe you do not know. 亲爱的为什么,也许你也不懂. Two people in love, waiting for the other to say to the separated reason. 两个相爱的人,等着对方先说想分开的理由 Who still remember when love start to change, 谁还记得爱情开始变化的时候, I and you see a different sky. 我和你的眼中看见了不同的天空. Go too far, finally got to the fork. 走得太远,终于走到分岔路的路口. Is it right? You and I want to use two opposite dream. 是不是你和我要用两个相反的梦. Who does not remember who said love forever, .谁不记得是谁先说永远的爱, Too long not to remember, which was gentle. 谁不记得是谁先说永远的爱, You and I hand in hand, that we should walk to the end. 我和你手牵手,说要一起走到最后. You and I hand in hand, that we should walk to the end. 我和你手牵手,说要一起走到最后. Remember 记得 赞同 采纳吧。。。。。。。


Who remember, who said that love me forever, 谁还记得,是谁先说永远的爱我,
The previous word is our wounds. 前的一句话是我们以后的伤口.
Too long not to remember, which was gentle, 过了太久没人记得,当初哪些温柔,
You and I hand in hand, that we should walk to the end. 我和你手牵手,说要一起走到最后.
We all have forgotten this way long. 我们都忘了这条路走了多久.
The mind is clear one day, one day it would stop. 心中是清楚的有一天,有一天都会停的.
Let the time to speak the truth, even though I will be afraid. 让时间说真话,虽然我也会害怕.
After dark, we don't know who will have. 在天黑了以后,我们都不知道会不会有以后.
Who remember, who said that love me forever, 谁还记得,是谁先说永远的爱我,
The previous word is our wounds 以前的一句话是我们以后的伤口.
Too long not to remember, which was gentle, 过了太久没人记得,当初哪些温柔,
You and I hand in hand, that we should walk to the end. 我和你手牵手,说要一起走到最后.
We are all tired, but no way to go back. 我们都累了,却没办法往回走.
Two hearts are confused. How to say, how to say do not save. 两颗心都迷惑.怎么说,怎么说都没有救.
Darling why, maybe you do not know. 亲爱的为什么,也许你也不懂.
Two people in love, waiting for the other to say to the separated reason. 两个相爱的人,等着对方先说想分开的理由
Who still remember when love start to change, 谁还记得爱情开始变化的时候,
I and you see a different sky. 我和你的眼中看见了不同的天空.
Go too far, finally got to the fork. 走得太远,终于走到分岔路的路口.
Is it right? You and I want to use two opposite dream. 是不是你和我要用两个相反的梦.
Who does not remember who said love forever, .谁不记得是谁先说永远的爱,
Too long not to remember, which was gentle. 谁不记得是谁先说永远的爱,
You and I hand in hand, that we should walk to the end. 我和你手牵手,说要一起走到最后.
You and I hand in hand, that we should walk to the end. 我和你手牵手,说要一起走到最后.
Remember 记得

Who remembered that who said that love me forever
The previous word is our wounds
Too long not remember those gentle
You and me together hand in hand to come to the final
We all have forgotten this way long
The mind is clear one day one day to be able to stop
Let the time to speak the truth even though I also fear
After dark we don't know who will have
We were tired but can't go back
Two hearts puzzled how to say how to say do not save
Honey why you may not understand
Two in love waiting for the other to say to the separated reason
Who still remember when love start to change
I and you see a different sky
Go too far finally got to the fork
Is it right? You and I must have two opposite dream

Who remembered that who said that love me forever
The previous word is our wounds
Too long not remember those gentle
You and me together hand in hand to come to the final
We all have forgotten this way long
The mind is clear one day one day to be able to stop
Let the time to speak the truth even though I also fear
After dark we don't know who will have
We were tired but can't go back
Two hearts puzzled how to say how to say do not save
Honey why you may not understand
Two in love waiting for the other to say to the separated reason
Who still remember when love start to change
I and you see a different sky
Go too far finally got to the fork
Is it right? You and I must have two opposite dream

北流市15197412961: 求 林俊杰唱的 {记得}的英文歌词 带翻译的最好(一句歌词 一句翻译) -
村是宝宝: Who remember, who said that love me forever, 谁还记得,是谁先说永远的爱我, The previous word is our wounds. 前的一句话是我们以后的伤口. Too long not to remember, which was gentle, 过了太久没人记得,当初哪些温柔, You and I ...

北流市15197412961: 哪位大大能用英文写出JJ的《江南》歌词~? -
村是宝宝: 江南英文版叫《The Riversouth 》.歌名:《The Riversouth 》演唱:林俊杰 作曲:林俊杰 歌词:Clingy wind as it flowEntangling you to a nostalgic dreamSlender drizzle as it dropDropping to our fading worldI turn around and see you sitting...

北流市15197412961: 谁知道JJ林俊杰在2004年音乐不断歌友会上抱着吉他唱的那首英文歌叫什么名字?还有歌词?~ -
村是宝宝: 你自己慢慢找吧,我不知道你要的是那一首 林俊杰-《Endless Road》英文版 the truth is tearing up my heart i cant recognize this place the endless road withe truth is tearing up my heart i cant recognize this place the endless road without ...

北流市15197412961: 林俊杰的英文歌名的歌 -
村是宝宝: 以下是JJ林俊杰的英文名而且歌词也是英文的歌曲:1.ENDLESS ROAD(《害怕》的英文版)2.now that she's gone3.Down(《熟能生巧》的英文版)4.CRIES IN A DISTANCE(《ALWAYS ONLINE》的英文版)5.Still Moving Under Gunfire(《X...

北流市15197412961: 求一首林俊杰唱的一首英文歌,只知道英文中间有( )in( )这个词!
村是宝宝: cries in a distance噻,,

北流市15197412961: 请问林俊杰是不是有一首always online有英文版,去哪找.... -
村是宝宝: Always Online的英文版叫做Cries in a distance,歌词如下:Cries in a distance - 林俊杰在远处哭泣 Can't stop the tremble 止不住的颤抖 I'm j...

北流市15197412961: 《翅膀》的英文歌词是什么? -
村是宝宝: This lyrics from the Internet Jj Lin - wingsThe same airport different world The same coffee taste different And I also have less See plane across the sky is missing You gave me wings and I know this is not sad Again, we are never tired of high You ...

北流市15197412961: 有一首英文歌曲,我记得歌词有一句是我们和他们不一样,我们能走到最 -
村是宝宝: 记得 - 张惠妹 词:易家扬 曲:林俊杰 谁还记得是谁先说永远的爱我 以前的一句话 是我们以后的伤口 过了太久 没人记得当初那些温柔 我和你手牵手 说要一起走到最后 我们都忘了 这条路走了多久 心中是清楚的 有一天 有一天都会停的 让时间说...

北流市15197412961: 好象是林俊杰的一首歌,被翻唱成英文 -
村是宝宝: 1. ENDLESS ROAD(《害怕》的英文版)2.now that she's gone3.Down(《熟能生巧》的英文版)4.CRIES IN A DISTANCE(《ALWAYS ONLINE》的英文版)5.Still Moving Under Gunfire(《X》的英文版) 翻唱的就这些,我帮你找找

北流市15197412961: 谁知道林俊杰有那些英文歌?? -
村是宝宝: 林俊杰-《Endless Road》英文版 the truth is tearing up my heart i cant recognize this place the endless road withe truth is tearing up my heart i cant recognize this place the endless road without a stop sign cant even find a stranger this time why am ...

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