
作者&投稿:钱科 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The Poodle is a breed of dog. The Standard Poodle is regarded as the second most intelligent breed of dog after the Border Collie, and before the German Shepherd Dog.The poodle breed is found officially in toy, miniature, and standard sizes, with many coat colors. Originally bred as a type of water dog, the poodle is skillful in many dog sports, including agility, obedience, tracking, and even herding. Poodles have taken top honors in many conformation shows, including "Best in Show" at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in 1991 and 2002, and at the World Dog Show in 2007 and 2010.


Poodles are retrievers or gun dogs, and can still be seen in that role most of the time. The poodle is believed to have originated in Germany, where it is known as the Pudel. The English word "poodle" comes from the Low German pudel or puddeln, meaning to splash in the water. The breed was standardized in France, where it was commonly used as a water retriever.

The American Kennel Club states that the large, or Standard, Poodle is the oldest of the three varieties and that the dog gained special fame as a water worker. So widely was it used as retriever that it was bred with a moisture-resistant coat to further facilitate progress in swimming. All of the Poodle's ancestors were acknowledged to be good swimmers, although one member of the family, the truffle dog (which may have been of Toy or Miniature size), it is said, never went near the water. Truffle hunting was widely practiced in England, and later in Spain and Germany, where the edible fungus has always been considered a delicacy. For scenting and digging up the fungus, the smaller dogs were favored, since they did less damage to the truffles with their feet than the larger kinds. So it is rumored that a terrier was crossed with the Poodle to produce the ideal truffle hunter.

Despite the standard poodle's claim to greater age than the other varieties, there is some evidence to show that the smaller types developed only a short time after the breed assumed the general type by which it is recognized today. The smallest, or Toy variety, was developed in England in the 18th century, when the Havanese became popular there. This was a sleeve dog attributed to the West Indies from whence it traveled to Spain and then to England. The continent had known the poodle long before it came to England. Drawings by the German artist, Albrecht Durer, establish the breed in the 15th and 16th centuries. It was the principal pet dog of the later 18th century in Spain, as shown by the paintings of the Spanish artist Francisco Goya. France had toy poodles as pampered favorites during the reign of Louis XVI at about the same period.


Otherwise notable is this breed's keen sense for instinctual behavior. In particular, marking and hunting drives are more readily observable than in most other breeds. Even Toys will point birds. Classified as highly energetic, poodles can also get bored fairly easily and have been known to get creative about finding mischief. Poodles like to be in the center of things and are easily trained to do astonishing tricks involving both brains and agility. They have performed in circuses for centuries, beginning in Europe, and have been part of the Ringling Circus in its various forms from its inception. The Grimaldis, the famous British clowns Kenneth and Audrey Austin, "developed a stronger circus act" with a clever poodle named 'Twinkle,' the success of which allowed them to continue performing even as octogenarians."

Poodles are extremely people-oriented dogs and generally eager to please. Standard poodles in particular tend to be good with children. Poodles are adaptable and easy to train, but sometimes their intelligence can make them obstinate and stubborn. Like most dogs, they appreciate daily exercise, such as a walk or a play session. Most are fairly agile and athletic.

Toy poodles will play ball and love to fetch. Play time is vital, but one must be sure that they get plenty of rest following long play periods and that fresh water is available at all times.

Poodles are very easy to housebreak. Whether going outside or being trained on a pad, they learn quickly where to defecate. They are still animals, however, and they need time to understand what is desired of them. It may take a while, but poodles are quite smart and learn more quickly than most dogs.

I have a lovely Tactic dog. I like it very much, it has a brown curly hair, look at its eyes, watery, twinkle, like two stars shining jewel, it also has a black nose, plus the small ears, is really beautiful!《自创》
望采纳 谢谢

泰迪犬英文名称:Teddy dog


The Teddy dog is actually a beauty model for poodles. The VIP is a French variety, and it looks very lovely. Once used as a waterbird. In 19th Century and 20th Century, the species reached its peak for hunting, performance and companionship. They are divided into four groups according to their size: the most popular ones are smaller ones: Mini poodles and Toy Poodles. Among them, the toy poodle is the smallest body shape. It is active, active, alert, intelligent, likes to go out and adaptable. 

The poodle is an excellent pet dog without hair removal. The tidy is a cube shaped structure, with the head trimmed mostly oval or round. The ratio of shoulder height to body length is mostly 9:11 (body length slightly larger than shoulder height). After birth, most of the tail is broken. Curly hair。 It is divided into two types: toy body (adult shoulder height not more than 25 cm) teacup body (adult shoulder height not more than 18 cm).

The Toy Poodle is a lively, sensitive, playful, loyal, energetic, happy and loving dog who becomes attached not just to one person but to the entire family. He is a wonderful family companion who doesn't like to be left alone for hours. He is very human-oriented, and will turn mischievous and destructive if he is ignored or neglected. He's an extremely easy dog to train, and loves to learn tricks and games or participate in dog sports like agility or obedience. He is eager to please you and quick to learn. He has a remarkable way of seeming to understand your words and expressions and exactly what you want. He is playful and fun-loving, and likes to play fetch and chase balls. He's a very high energy dog with lots of stamina, and he needs a great deal of exercise. He can walk with you for miles, or run madly around the house or yard. He needs a daily walk as well as outdoor play. Without enough exercise, he can become high-strung or nervous. But if you play and work with him, he is able to settle and snuggle contentedly with you on the sofa. He has wonderful swimming abilities and loves to play and splash in water! He can occasionally be demanding or jealous, and is an instinctively protective dog. He makes an outstanding watchdog, as he will bark energetically at the approach of a stranger. He can sometimes bark too much. He is shy with visitors and new people, but generally gets along well with other animals and pets. A caring and generally calm and good-tempered friend, he can be patient and playful with children, but should be supervised with very young children, as he can become nervous and nippy around them. He virtually doesn't shed, and so would be a good pet if you like your home clean and free of hair。I really love him.

The teddy bear is a stuffed toy bear for small children. It is an enduring, traditional form of stuffed animal, often serving the purpose of comforting upset children.
The Teddy is a breed of dog. Teddy is regarded as the second most intelligent breed of dog after the Border Collie.The poodle breed is found officially in toy, and standard sizes, with many coat colors. Originally bred as a type of water dog, the Teddy is skillful in many dog sports.
Teddy have taken top honors in many conformation shows, including "Best in Show" at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in 1991 and 2002, and at the World Dog Show in 2007 and 2010.

it seems that dog is the best animal friend of people in the world.dog is natually friendly to people.

1.A dog's nose and a maid's knees are always cold.(狗鼻子和少女膝盖总是凉的。) 2.Before you hit the dog, look at the master.(打狗看主人。这一句是中文成语翻成英文。因为打一个人的狗,你就得罪了它的主人。If you beat a dog, you insult his master.)

3.When the dog is beaten, the lion is tamed.(狮子驯,狗挨捶。在中文中,有一句很像的成语:“高鸟尽,良弓藏;狡兔死,走狗烹。”也可以简单地说“兔死狗烹”,翻成英文是After the cunning hare is killed,the hound is boiled.这里hound是猎犬,hare是野兔。hare的多数也是hare,有一种游戏叫hare and hounds,装兔的一边撤纸一边跑,装狗的在后面追。还有一句英文是Run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.意思是跟兔子跑又跟狗迫,表示一个人骑墙滑头,两边讨好,两边都不得罪。)

4.He who has a mind to beat a dog,will easily find a stick.(想打狗的,不愁找不到棒子。)

5.Every dog has his day.是成语,但说成Every dog has its day and every cat its night.更有意思(每条狗都有它得意的一天,每只猫都有它得意的一晚上)。

6.The more I see of men,the more I admire dogs.(我看到的人愈多,我愈欣赏狗。)狗的特色是忠心,尤其不因为主人倒霉就做打落水狗的事。打落水狗是人干的事,不是狗干的事。这句英文的意思是人不如狗。说这句话的是法国名女人罗兰夫人(Madame Roland)。她后来被老同志害死了。

7.He that sleeps with dogs, must rise with fleas.(跟狗躺下的就要跟跳蚤起来。这句有点中文“近朱者赤,近墨者黑”的意思,劝人交朋友要小心。)(你养小狗要注意替它们捉跳蚤,并问清楚该怎么给它们洗澡。)

8.Dog won't eat dog,but men will eat each other up like cannibals.(狗不吃狗,但人吃人,cannibal是吃人肉的野蛮人,但文明人也“吃人”,吃法不同就是了。)

The Toy Poodle is a lively, sensitive, playful, loyal, energetic, happy and loving dog who becomes attached not just to one person but to the entire family. He is a wonderful family companion who doesn't like to be left alone for hours. He is very human-oriented, and will turn mischievous and destructive if he is ignored or neglected. He's an extremely easy dog to train, and loves to learn tricks and games or participate in dog sports like agility or obedience. He is eager to please you and quick to learn. He has a remarkable way of seeming to understand your words and expressions and exactly what you want. He is playful and fun-loving, and likes to play fetch and chase balls. He's a very high energy dog with lots of stamina, and he needs a great deal of exercise. He can walk with you for miles, or run madly around the house or yard. He needs a daily walk as well as outdoor play. Without enough exercise, he can become high-strung or nervous. But if you play and work with him, he is able to settle and snuggle contentedly with you on the sofa. He has wonderful swimming abilities and loves to play and splash in water! He can occasionally be demanding or jealous, and is an instinctively protective dog. He makes an outstanding watchdog, as he will bark energetically at the approach of a stranger. He can sometimes bark too much. He is shy with visitors and new people, but generally gets along well with other animals and pets. A caring and generally calm and good-tempered friend, he can be patient and playful with children, but should be supervised with very young children, as he can become nervous and nippy around them. He virtually doesn't shed, and so would be a good pet if you like your home clean and free of hair.

泰迪和比熊都是属于贵宾犬 泰迪和比熊都是这两种狗的造型的名字 最大的区别就是泰迪多为棕色 比熊多为白色


泰 迪狗肉吃多了好不好


宠物:Ranny,我的一只卷毛狗 职业典范:拉易、济科、塞纳 敬佩的人:善于沟通的人 开心的事:踢球 麻烦的事:近视 害怕的事:饥饿恋家:巴西利亚的家 征服:成为出色的职业球员 破灭:没有成为u-20的冠军 梦想:拥有自己的孩子、带领巴西国奥队获得北京奥运会冠军、成为第二个马尔蒂尼人生观点爱:我爱很多的事物,但是爱的...



一般是选择在第一个星期内 可以用自行车的气芯来套在狗狗尾巴的三分之一处



昌都地区13286671779: 泰迪狗英文介绍
无榕双藤: 泰迪犬英文名称:Teddy dog<br>泰迪狗的相关简介:<br>The Teddy dog is actually a beauty model for poodles. The VIP is a French variety, and it looks very lovely. Once used as a waterbird. In 19th Century and 20th Century, the species reached ...

昌都地区13286671779: 我喜欢我的泰迪狗(英语作文)有翻译 -
无榕双藤: 我喜欢我的泰迪狗 我有一只可爱的泰迪狗.我很喜欢它,它有着一身棕色的卷毛,再看它的眼睛,水汪汪的,一闪一闪像两颗发亮的宝石,它还有有一只黑色的鼻子,再加上那小耳朵,真是漂亮极了! I have a lovely Tactic dog. I like it very much, it has a brown curly hair, look at its eyes, watery, twinkle, like two stars shining jewel, it also has a black nose, plus the small ears, is really beautiful!《自创》 望采纳 谢谢

昌都地区13286671779: 泰迪犬的英文资料150个单词,要快! -
无榕双藤: Teddy dog usually refers to a Poodle.Teddy is beauty and modeling of a poodle name, does not exist in this breed.Poddle originated in Europe, which country is the specific dispute. Poddle is famous for hunting in the water. It is a wise and ...

昌都地区13286671779: 泰迪犬叫什么英文名字好 -
无榕双藤: 1. Cola 可乐 2. Coffee咖啡 3. Lucy幸运 4. Jack杰克 5. Coco扣扣 泰迪犬 泰迪犬其实是贵宾犬的一种美容造型.贵宾是法国品种,样子非常可爱.一度被用作猎水鸟.19世纪和20世纪该品种达到其发展的顶峰,用作打猎、表演和陪伴.根据体型...

昌都地区13286671779: 泰迪犬的英文怎么拼写? -
无榕双藤: Teddy bear 泰迪熊 别名巧克力贵宾 英文名为 Chocolate Poodle

昌都地区13286671779: 英文介绍红贵宾犬(泰迪熊)
无榕双藤: The Toy Poodle is a lively, sensitive, playful, loyal, energetic, happy and loving dog who becomes attached not just to one person but to the entire family. He is a wonderful family companion who doesn't like to be left alone for hours. He is very human-...

昌都地区13286671779: 泰迪犬的生活习惯 -
无榕双藤: 贵宾/富贵犬/泰迪的详细介绍~!贵宾犬/贵妇犬/贵宾/贵妇/泰迪/poodle档案 全名: 贵宾犬/贵妇犬 简称: 贵宾/贵妇/泰迪 英文名: poodle 类型: 中型犬 分类: 伴侣犬 枪猎犬 比赛犬 肩高: 20-38厘米 体重: 4-8公斤 【英文名】Poodle 【历史】...

昌都地区13286671779: 泰迪狗 的 介绍 -
无榕双藤: 泰迪熊犬(Teddy Bear),其实就是是玩具贵宾犬.泰迪熊犬与贵宾犬的区别与联系 首先,我们要弄清楚泰迪熊犬与贵宾犬的逻辑关系: 1 贵宾指的是狗种.2 泰迪是指毛的美容方式.相对的是运动式,欧洲大陆式. 所以说泰迪是贵宾狗...

昌都地区13286671779: 贵宾泰迪犬的英文是什么,是toy poodle 还是teddy bear?哪个更准确
无榕双藤: teddy bear不是泰迪熊么!个人认为是toy poodle ~

昌都地区13286671779: 用英文写泰迪狗的外貌 100字 -
无榕双藤: Poodle this kind of dog has bown furs just like a toy teddy bear's,but sometimes they have those brown and reddish color, their fur usually are really curly. You always need to take care of poodle's hair, becauses they are really easy to hurt.They always ...

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