
作者&投稿:戊饲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Teacher: Today I should teach the eighth lesson

Student: Today I should attend the eighth lesson

If you think you are not qualified enough, please don't attend graduate school at Tsinghua.
What does he want to do with my personal information?

1. 在中国,你可以把你的卡那有字的一面向著你要递给的人。
2. 他试过一次,曾体验“头脑清醒”的感觉,即如现在世界人口的三分之一那样地开始新的一天。
3. 你正经历从一个小女孩成长成少女,体内有一种所谓“激素”的物质,不仅影响你的身体也影响及你的思维。
4. 我认为你和那群男孩一起时,应该再尝试放松一下。
5. 对你来说,这将是一个新的历险,我最好的忠告是好好地放松和去享受一下。


1. This is a picture of my father and mother and I, thank my parents for giving me life, for they gave me a lot of love, I love them.
2. On the photo is my good friend! Thank them for their play with me, when I am in trouble to help me, and I think they are very happy together!
3. Thanks to my teacher, my classmates, they taught me many!
4. I like football, like swimming, like playing the piano, like English and so on... I am a happy little boy!

1.This is a picture of my father and mother and I, thank my parents for giving me life, for they gave me a lot of love, I love them
2.On the photo is my good friend! Thank them for their play with me, when I am in trouble to help me, and I think they are very happy together!
3.Thanks to my teacher, my classmates, they taught me many!
4.I like football, like swimming, like playing the piano, like English and so on ... I am a happy little boy!

1, the photo is my father and mother and I thank my parents for giving me life, for they gave me a lot of love, I love them
2, the photo is my friend! Thank them play with, for their difficult time I have to help me, and I am very happy with them!
1.This is a picture of my father and mother and I, thank my parents for giving me life, for they gave me a lot of love, I love them
2.On the photo is my good friend! Thank them for their play with me, when I am in trouble to help me, and I think they are very happy together!
3.Thanks to my teacher, my classmates, they taught me many!
4.I like football, like swimming, like playing the piano, like English and so on ... I am a happy little boy!

1, photo is my father's mother and I, thank my parents give me life, and thank them for me a lot of love, I love them
2, on the photograph is my good friend! Thank them to accompany me to play, thank them in I have a difficult time to help me, and they together I feel very happy!
3, thank my dear teacher, thank my classmate, they taught me a lot!
4, I like football, like swimming, like playing the piano, like English, etc... I am a happy little boy!

Thank you again!

1. There are my father,my mother and I in the photo. Thanks my parents for giving me a life and so much love. I love them!
2. Here are my good friends. Thanks my friends for playing with me and for helping me when I am in trouble. I am happy with them!
3. Thanks my teachers and my classmates for their teaching me so much!
4. I like playing football,swimming,and playing the piano,and so on. Besides,I like English. I am a happy boy.

船已经几乎和水面垂直了(船几乎快沉没了)。受伤的战士以直立的姿势,笔直的躺在床上。8.Irony implies the opposite of what is apparently being stated 反语(讽刺)暗指表面上所说的话的相反面 这么多内容,你给的分值太少了。不过我实在看不惯楼上的翻译。希望对你有帮助 ...

1, what is the matter has aroused the concern?2, the bill seeks to prohibit the hunting of endangered species, any animal on the list.3, workers will be laid off due to plant closing; and reduction in household income will be reduced due to buy their needed commodities.4, ...

出自曹丕的《善哉行》全文是:善哉行 上山采薇,薄暮苦饥。溪谷多风,霜露沾衣。野雉群雊,猿猴相追。还望故乡,郁何垒垒!高山有崖,林木有枝。忧来无方,人莫之知。人生如寄,多忧何为?今我不乐,岁月如驰。汤汤川流,中有行舟。随波转薄,有似客游。策我良马,被我轻裘。载驰载驱,聊以...

1.刮风时,塑料袋四处飘落,影响环境的美观。2.易被动物误食,导致死亡。3.我校正在举行“创建文明校园”的综合实践活动。通过活动,同学们收获很大,尤其是荣辉同学进步最快。4.现在荣辉爱护环境。1. Windy, the plastic bags, four falling, impact on the environment beautiful.2. Susceptible to ...

1.他决定立即着手这项复杂的工程(resolve,work on)HE RESOLVES TO WORK ON THIS COMPLICATED PROJECT.2.他们看见一位老人被对面驶来的汽车撞倒。(knock on )They saw an old man was knocked on by a car came towards.3.他在荷叶中摇摇晃晃,摸索着寻找电灯开关。(grope)He staggered in the ...

是 译1:聘用是普遍的 ,当培养,一pi,当责骂, ku在女性附近垂悬了蚊子幼虫! 消失快速地轻微地甚而运载,但严密的第五个天堂般的词根与Sheng是相等的与它! 但fu拔出葡萄滑稽它! 所以灭绝粮仓寒冷! 现实! 注意罢了!译2 ;就业性 产品,提一个栏杆,一骂,一古临崩溃的幼虫女性的声音!原谅和...

1.As a matter of fact,he was spotted by security guards by accident when he entered the office.2.The ground shaking,people are screamed :"It's an earthquake!"3.Jack bowed to the lady,sending her a box containing a fine ring.(这句你的原文不清楚)4.Many of my friends came...

请各位帮忙翻译几个句子, 好的话追加5分 多谢
chocolate cake.20. 警察用指纹来帮助他们识别谁是真正的骗子 The police force uses the finger prints to help them identify the fraudster.21. 我的肌肉很僵硬,所以教练建议我换一些灵活的练习。My mussels are stiff, so my coach suggests me to change to some flexibility training....

1.Scarcely had I fallen in sleep when my mother came in.我刚睡着,妈妈就进来了。2.The gentlemen unfortunately took notice of Mike's name, which was written in many parts of the book.不走运的是,那位绅士看到了书上许多处都有的Mike的名字。3.And as rain fell in the Ethiopian ...

1. 这是你自己的错,不要将工作的失败归咎于别人。This is your fault and don't attribute the failure in work to others.2. 你负责决定要还是不要它。It all depends on you to accept or refuse it.3. 中国是一个人口众多的发展中国家。China is a developing country with a large ...

永丰县17349868239: 请帮忙用英语翻译下面几句话,谢谢. -
栋柿再克: 1, assembles computer. 2, takes away computer two from our place. 3, returns our place computer three. 4, replaces computer four. 5, tests computer five.

永丰县17349868239: 帮忙翻译5句很简单的句子.谢谢. -
栋柿再克: 1.At least in one or two years later,that will be impossible.2.The contract says that we must finish it by October first.4.Maybe we can talk about it after you will have seen your boss tomorrow.5.He is uncertain taht whether we can fulfill the contract in such a short time.

永丰县17349868239: 请帮忙一句一句地翻译以下得句子.谢谢!
栋柿再克: ①Yesterday he must have finished the task ②Ask older person is impolite ③He gave me a lot of help ④We We haven't concluded ⑤We can speak out freely

永丰县17349868239: 请帮忙用英语翻译以下句子!十分感谢! -
栋柿再克: 1.Do not try to figure out all the love angle, in my case, there are many things more important than love 2.Struggle with the failure of the right talent

永丰县17349868239: 请帮忙翻译两个英语句子,谢谢. -
栋柿再克: 1.Please believe he said speech, because he has received the good education, is born in the command respect family, his manner is more importantly reliable.2.Is startled...

永丰县17349868239: 请帮我翻译几个简单句子,谢谢感激不尽
栋柿再克: Today Open mailbox .. to receive your e-mail, very pleased, can not describe in words" "In China, it is difficult to hear your voice. Are there any ways you can learn the latest song?" "I remember seeing on TV before you attend an activity in ...

永丰县17349868239: 请帮忙翻译以下英文句子,谢谢!
栋柿再克:有一个拼写错误应该是disappoint 译文:对于我来说,我讨厌让那些女孩失望...因此,我不愿再去伤害任何女孩...因此,我几乎不给任何女孩任何机会...因为我不想让她们再受到伤害...并且我将祝福你.

永丰县17349868239: 请帮忙翻译以下几个句子,谢谢!
栋柿再克: I am very sorry to hear that he has failure for many times. Though he loose the satisefe of the boss,he still suppose cheerfui Through adventure he meet some people who are very interesting.

永丰县17349868239: 请帮忙翻译下列短句,谢谢!
栋柿再克: test not satisfied me,feelings is going down.cheer me up, learn from the lesson, make a conclusion

永丰县17349868239: 请帮忙翻译如下英语句子.谢谢! -
栋柿再克: 1.我当然会……可是没有人是完美的……我不想在未来做出让你失望的承诺2.我努力了……但是睡眠质量相比起床的时间更重要.3.从很久以前开始,我就已经在其他公司做过第二和第三换班工作,因此午夜上班没什么大不了的.

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