东方绿舟 秋游英语作文(初二的水平)。。。。急~

作者&投稿:岑吴 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

东方east; the East; the Orient; a surname; eastward
东方east; the East; the Orient; a surname; eastward


译文 经过1小时30分钟的车程颠簸,我们终于来到了心中憧憬已久的东方绿舟。

After 1 hours and 30 minutes by car bumps, we finally got to the heart look forward to long already Oriental land.Not before, from the television and some of the information that the Oriental Green Boat Shanghai is the largest and the military, education, recreation, adventure in a comprehensive large-scale park. At the same time, it is also Shanghai's largest oxygen bar.Out of the car, we will be in front of the beautiful scenery attracted. Grand rockery waterfall runs a be full of excitement. The acoustic Huahua is like the music beat notes. In the water and rockery choice between hanging 4 Red Chinese characters ' Oriental Land '. We bought the tickets distributed to everyone and gave some of today's travel issues, we started today is full of passion and desire to travel.Just past the entrance, the first printed in your eyes is the number of statues, they are all countries and periods, the astronomical literature, history, politics of famous people, but I only know one person" Caesar" the great European medieval rulers. He once ruled much of Europe, that he let the empires of ancient Rome had a glorious civilization epic. Through these celebrities immediately, we came to the Military Park, just over the underground passage, is at present a huge building momentum by. Although it is only a model, but it 1 : 1 degree of simulation proves that our country has made its advanced technology. Yes. It is the legendary sea giant - aircraft carrier, first of all, we came to the water on the floor, which display a wide variety of military equipment, tanks, armored vehicles, aircraft, artillery, radar vehicle, torpedo, although the amount is not much but it is a classic of modern military weapons. And all 1 to 1 size out of manufacturing. Then we came to the water layer, which introduced from primitive to modern nuclear weapons deterrent weapons development history. Look at the content, mind constantly laments the scientific development to the rapid change in military weapons. Out of the bottom, we went to the water layer two, here is the national defense education exhibition hall, and placed inside the every kind of submarine, ships, tanks, aircraft, satellite model, in the lead up to the main deck of the channel, also placed a large submarine internal model, which detailed the submarine the working principle and the sailors rest work place. Then, we walked through the corridor stairs, come to accommodate hundreds of aircraft landing gear and the park 's main deck. Went on deck, it can let you take in everything in a glance of the net charge of oasis oasis beauty, it is the tallest buildings in. The main deck has 2 times the size of a football field, above the park every kind of fighter and helicopter model, although all models, but its height and size and really no difference. In the people's Bank of shuttle deck, also from time to time one or two bird landed on top of play, rest. In general the model I am deeply aware of, as long as a country's military strength, do not have which country will bully you.The aircraft carrier, we through the green, the flowers bloom, the bees in the flowers non-stop shuttle picking with honey. We stopped for a moment to enjoy this beautiful scenery and stay here in our group photo. We then went to brave the challenge area, experience a only in the television to see the full of excitement and adventure challenge. Challenges in project of traversing barrier, network in the shuttle, single-plank bridge, the air baffle. Each game is very dangerous, so we need to use 100% of the energy to face a challenge. We all decided to challenge yourself, whether it is success or failure, as long as we have challenged themselves can be. It is each of us in self challenge when maxim. After the challenge, we succeed. Challenges following the end of us toward a goal, highway. This is also our trip last station. But we had a little episode. When we go on the Chinese famous arch bridge of bridge, all of a sudden we found we are lost, in front of us appeared three harbour. We looked at the map, describing the direction, looking for should be the right of the bridge. Finally, through our wisdom and efforts, we successfully passed through the maze of green space, came to a bridge called" bridge". The bridge design is like a harp. The bridge deck to write some notes, although there is no way to sing the music, but we still for the imaginative design and amazing. Across the bridge, we finally arrived at the end station, highway. The avenue and the entrance as placed some of each national literature, astronomy, history, politics of famous people. Among them was the French leader Napoleon, China's first emperor Qin Shihuang, the famous Chinese historian Sima Qian, painting master Michelangelo, after the canon Xuan Zang made nine voyages to the western open up old masters, Chinese and European routes of the Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai Zheng He. They each one's mind, full of wisdom, they are all of which period, famous thinker, writer.A day, let us Yiyouweijin, and leave the wise Avenue, let us feel the depth of knowledge



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