英语高手请进 中文翻英文 不要翻译软体!!!

作者&投稿:木乖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英文翻中文 英文高手请进 不要翻译软体!!~



1. 对人际关系的大众观念和你的个人看法



1. How would you characterize Jules’s feeling about his daughter , Baby, and his behaviour as a father ?

2. How does the itinerant , impoverished life that Baby and Jules lead affect Baby’s self-esteem and her sense of her place in the world ?
Baby和Jules所过的那种居无定所的贫困生活对Baby 的自尊心及其自我身份的认知产生了怎样的影响?

3. How does the confessional quality of the first person narrative of Lullabies for Little Criminals impact your appreciation and understanding of the hardships Baby experiences ?
“Lullabies for Little Criminals”(应该是这篇文章名 没看过内容不敢给你乱翻)中运用的第一人称忏悔叙述方式对你鉴赏并理解Baby 所经过的苦难有何影响?

4. To what extend do you think Jules bears responsibility for Baby’s increasingly risky behaviour ?
你觉得Jules应该为Baby 越来越冒险的行为负多少责任?

5. How do Baby’s friendships with Linus Lucas , Theo, and Felix enable her to endure some of the difficulties of her childhood ?
Baby 和Linus Lucas , Theo, and Felix (都是人名)的友情是如何帮助她度过童年时期的困境的?
8. To what extent is Baby’s story in Lullabies for Little Criminals a tragedy ?
你认为Lullabies for Little Criminals 中Baby的故事在何种程度上说是悲剧?

9. After keeping silent for so long , why does Jules finally share information with Baby about her deceased mother , Manon Tremblay , and how do these details affect Baby ?
在沉默良久后,为什么Jules最终愿意告诉Baby她已故母亲Manon Tremblay的故事, 而这些信息又对Baby产生了什么影响?


the sentence below

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It's Sunday morning.

嘉善县15638225098: 英文高手请进 帮我修改英文文法 和翻译英文 (不要翻译软体) 谢谢!以下 拜托高手 帮我把中文部分 翻英文 帮我看我的句子通不通顺 帮我修改文法 (如果... -
郜炎伊班:[答案] The passage titled ”why things fall apart“ generally talked about the falling nations and their problems:over a billion people in these countries lived in danger.Some leaders losed control of their ...

嘉善县15638225098: 英文高手请进 要会英文喔 中文翻英文 不要翻译软体 (翻译软体 请滚) -
郜炎伊班: Dear fast food,Hi, I'm your faithful consumer, and I used to be a fan of you.I'm writing this letter because I hope that you coul...

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郜炎伊班: Jian Taoshu Dear Teacher:Because of my being late to affect your school, which I am deeply sorry. I must engage in deep introspection, adhere to the concept of a good time to ensure that never again commit such a mistake. Beg your pardon.望采纳

嘉善县15638225098: 中文翻英文 一定不要给我翻译软体翻的 英文高手请进来 给十分 -
郜炎伊班: 1.我相信每个学生通常会认真的想关於这些问题 为什麽我们一定要穿学校制服? 1. I believe that every student will usually seriously think about these questions why we must wear school uniform?为什麽不能穿自己想穿的衣服来学校? Why not to ...

嘉善县15638225098: 中文翻英文 英文高手请进 不要翻译软体 -
郜炎伊班: To a sad daughter 'this poem has more impact than the Simple man because I think to a sad daughter' authors Write the articles in comparative delicate and exquisite, emotional part describe very rich, when you read this poem after poem will find ...

嘉善县15638225098: 英语高手请进,一句英语翻译成中文 We would better make a good plan in the new term.特别是would better 我不太明白中文,望各位帮忙,谢谢 -
郜炎伊班:[答案] 我们最好在新学期制定新的计划. had/would better do sth.句型:最好做某事

嘉善县15638225098: 英语高手请进 翻译一段话(汉译英) 急! -
郜炎伊班: Until now,I haven't receive any information about the project,...

嘉善县15638225098: 中文译英文(英语高手请进)
郜炎伊班: Mother doesn't have me watch TV too long. 母亲,不让我长时间看电视. Please make sure to turn off the lights before you leave. 离开前请把灯关掉. Please put aside the books. 把书收起来.

嘉善县15638225098: 英语高手请进.帮我翻译一句话! -
郜炎伊班: 你问的应该是这句:"The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one." 这是《麦田里的守望者》里的一句,是原文.直译是一个不成熟的男人的标志是愿意为某个事业英勇的死去;一个成熟的男人的标志是愿意为某个事业卑微的活着.

嘉善县15638225098: 英语高手请进 能否帮我把这句话翻译成英文 -
郜炎伊班: People are coming and leaving in the crowded street.I have no idea whether I should leave or come.Maybe I am just a onlooker who pause here.

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