
作者&投稿:詹钩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



兰德尔:您好。今天我面试的经验谈了他的约书亚去日本学校。现在约书亚,什么时候你去上学吗?约书亚:八点钟。兰德尔:8时。ndall:8时。你自己,或一辆校车约书亚:没有,我有一组与me.Randall:让你去约书亚一组:UH - huh.Randall:现在什么样的事情哟


太复杂了 搞不定



If I become a golden flowers, for fun,长在树的高枝上,笑嘻嘻地在空中摇摆,The trees on the painted, grinning in the air swing,又在新叶上跳舞,妈妈,你会认识我吗?Again in leaves dance on, mom, you will know me?你要是叫道:"孩子,你在哪里呀?"If you call way: "kid, ...

自然灾害是指自然界中所发生的异常现象,它给人类社会所造成的危害往往是触目惊心的。例如地震、火山爆发、泥石流、海啸、台风、洪水等突发性灾害。而近几年,自然灾害的发生频率越来越高,给人民的生命财产造成了巨大的消极的影响。Nature disaster is the abnormal phenomenon,The hazard brought to humanki...

帮我翻译成英语一下谢谢! 大家好!我叫XXX我来自XXX地方。我家里有三...
Hello everybody ! My name is XXX I come from XXX. There are three people in my family, my father, my mother and I. My family is very warm and happy. My university is a university in XXX, XXX professional. After graduation from the University in his hometown of engaged in...

1. Excuse me,where's the nearest post office?打扰一下,请问最近的邮局在哪里?2.Could you tell me how can I get to the nearest post office?可以告诉我怎么去最近的邮局吗?3.Could you tell me the way to the nearest post office?可以告诉我去最近的邮局的路吗?4.Is there a ...

麻烦大家帮我翻译下摘要 急!!
Accounting required is true, accurate, complete, timely and compared. Authenticity is required for accounting information quality the first "principle. The accounting information authenticity of the social economic activities has a very important impact on government departments: for national ...

Wind, often encountered in daily life is the phenomenon of human scientific and technological knowledge as the continuous development of wind power resources, more and more widely used and how to measure wind speed and wind levels have become an important topic. Particularly in the ...

帮我翻译一下这些句子 谢谢啦!
1.A new film was on last Sunday.(be on:上演)一部新电影在上周日上演了.2.The film was over at nine last night.(be over:结束)这部电影在昨晚九点中结束了.3.One is in the middle,the other is in the front.(one...the other...:(表示两者中的)一个...另一个)一个在中间...

帮我翻译一下这些句子 谢谢啦!
我以前不知道那是关于什么的。9.He asked me if he could shoot a couple of shots with my basketball.他问我他能不能射几球篮球。10.I don't know where the rest of them are.我不知道剩下的在哪里。11.It seemed that this man could jump at least ten feet in the air.好像那个...

下关区19369196688: 帮我翻译一下啦(英文)
仇由垄富尔: My name is Ou Yangyin I'm twelvei was graduate from He Ping primary school

下关区19369196688: 帮我翻译一下啦~ -
仇由垄富尔: I'm in Class 4 , Grade 5 . I'm very happy I can be the English Star . I want to be a singer . 就这么完了,你自己再写写就行

下关区19369196688: 帮我翻译下~`
仇由垄富尔:写错英文啦:应该是My god,please help me. 我的上帝,请请帮帮我.我不想在哭了.

下关区19369196688: 帮我翻译下 -
仇由垄富尔: I am sorry, because you can never reach the national EMS, to other modes of transport prices more expensive, if you do not want to replace other modes of transport, I can return all your cos...

下关区19369196688: English高手快来帮我翻译下下啦!the city retain sections of walls and semi - bastions such as those of San Roque(圣罗克) and Santa Elena(圣埃伦娜), ... -
仇由垄富尔:[答案] 城市保留了墙和半堡垒的某些部分,如在两遍的圣罗克和圣埃伦娜.

下关区19369196688: 用英文帮我翻译下啦,谢谢~! -
仇由垄富尔: The young fellow is very intelligent, is also very diligent, is glad helps the human, has the very strong learning capability, the eloquence is good, the moral behavior is b...

下关区19369196688: 帮我翻译一下啦
仇由垄富尔: 我不会放弃你,直到你觉得是时间了放弃.

下关区19369196688: 帮我翻译一下啦~呵呵~
仇由垄富尔: 关节腔内清道夫 Intra-articular scavenger 催生和补充关节润滑液 Birth and additional joint lubrication fluid 修复磨损的关节软骨 Wear of articular cartilage repair

下关区19369196688: 帮我翻译一下这首诗,谢谢啦昨日祝融峰下见,乐退安贫知是分.汉语泠泠传好音,王霸昱思隐岩窦.桐英永巷骑新马,巴人远从荆山客.今朝幸倚文章守,优闲... -
仇由垄富尔:[答案] 不押韵的诗,意思也不连贯,一看就是藏头诗,你把第三列竖着读一下,就知道什么意思了

下关区19369196688: 帮我翻译一下英文
仇由垄富尔: learn early children's Mexico Argentina Australia Korean find out learn about all over the country in some aspects spare time be born wish you good luck frequent 形容词 frequently (副词) nationality advanced English love and hatrad written French much too difficult a little Portuguese

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