
作者&投稿:满狠 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
描述折线图的英语作文关于million gbp~








Recently we made a survey of the people on physical training.From the result,we can draw the conclusion that 35% people have take sports during their space time.While the rest have never.
There are some reasons.Firstly,about 13% people are unable to do physical training because they don’t know how to do it or it is not convenient for them to go to the training place which is far from their houses.Secondly,some people,about 34.9%,say that there are not facilities.The main reason is people lack of time,which takes up half of the people.
However,it is important to do physical training because it can not only build up our bodies but only protect us from illness.Action should be taken by the government.Such as,providing people some training places and facilities.Above all,people should save time to do sports.

Recently we made a survey of the people on physical training.From the result,we can draw the conclusion that 35% people have take sports during their space time.While the rest have never.
There are some reasons.Firstly,about 13% people are unable to do physical training because they don’t know how to do it or it is not convenient for them to go to the training place which is far from their houses.Secondly,some people,about 34.9%,say that there are not facilities.The main reason is people lack of time,which takes up half of the people.
However,it is important to do physical training because it can not only build up our bodies but only protect us from illness.Action should be taken by the government.Such as,providing people some training places and facilities.Above all,people should save time to do sports.

s the bar chart shows, the number of people below the poverty line decreased dramatically during the years of 1978 to 1997. Asearly as 1978, about 250 million people were under the poverty line.Then seven years later, the number became three fifths that of 1978.And arriving in the year 1997, the number was reduced to 50 millions.
Several factors contribute to the sharp decrease of the below-poverty population. The reform and opening following 1978 enabled the peasants to become much better off. And with the development of Chinese economy, that policy also improved city dwellers lives greatly.

这个学期我学了很多知识有:写一篇好作文、折线统计图、乘除法、商不变的规律 、写各种美术字、唱歌、什么是自信、认识大数、给课文分段、写主要内容、乘法的分配律、结合律、交换律…… 我很感谢所有教过我的老师们,教给了我们那么多知识。 老师,谢谢你们传授给我知识,我不会辜负你们对我们的希望,我一定会好好...



3、经历用复式折线统计图表示相关数据的过程,能进行简单的分析和交流;能按要求完成相关的折线统计图。 数学思考: 1、在认识等式、方程,探等过程中,发展抽象思维,增强符号感。 2、在认识公倍数、公因数等过程中,培养良好的思维品质。 3、在认识分数意义过程中,发展合情推理与演绎推理能力,不断增强数感。 4、在...

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五.根据图中孩的自我介绍,将信息卡补充完整。(1×5=5分)Hello. My name is Jon, J-o-n, ...十二、习作。 在这个学期里,你一定上了很多的课。哪一节课是你难忘,请以一节———课为题,写下...⑷、小明期中检测,语数平均97分,加上自然三科平均97.5分,小明自然考了多少分? ⑸、某专业户养鸡鸭...


本单元学习的主要内容有:1格表示多个单位的条形统计图,复式条形统计图以及简单的折线统计图。 二、学情分析 四年级学生已经从中年级迈向高年级,他们的思维已经开始由具体形象思维过渡到抽象思维,对周围事物的认识较以前上升了一个层次,已经会用归纳概括的方法认识事物及解决问题,学生已经具备了初步的数学知识,为学好...

5、小明到6千米远的西湖去玩,请根据下面折线统计图回答: (1)小明在西湖玩了多少时间 (2)如果从出发起一直走不休息,几点几分可达到西湖 (3)求出返回时小明骑自行车的速度 五年级数学第十册期末考试试卷 成绩: 一 、填空:20% 1. 2. 5小时=( )小时( )分 5060平方分米=( )平方米 2. 24的约数有( )...


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