以I want to be a 为题写一篇120词的初一知识作文

作者&投稿:兆米 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
以i want to be a writer为题写一篇80词左右的初一水平的英语作文,要语法正确,拜求。~

I want to be a writer
Everyone has a dream about their future,if you ask me what's my dream,I will tell you that I want to be a writer.I like reading very much since I was a child and enjoyed myself very much,then I want to write some stories to make other happy as the writers do.So I practice to write something in my free time,by doing that I feel very comfortable because sometimes I write some opinions about the life,the society,I think these will help me in the way of being a writer.

i want to be a teacher
I want to be a teacher.Stand on my point , it is a glorious ideal.
People know that teachers 'salary is not high ,but their work is too hard.And many parents do not like their children's teacher.Then why i want to be a teacher?
There is a good sentence which describe teacher :teacher is the greatest vocation in the world.Teacher's duty is to cultivate a generation.They pass their profund knowledge to the students.It is known that a generation will influence a nation's future.So we can know how important the teachers are.
i want to be a teacher to cultivate the next generation,to let them serve country, serve people better,then the world will be better and better

I want to be a teacher, when I grow up. Because I think the teacher is very interesting. I hope I can teach students to reason that bring them joy, if I really become a teacher. In addition, I also want to be a volunteer, to help those who need help the people in trouble. I think that helping others is a very happy thing! I hope I can achieve the aspirations of!


- -小子- -你很烂也
- -小子- -不晓得自个写
- -小子- -几年级的
- -小子- -别忒懒了
- -小子- -濂溪书院都木有去过?
- -小子- -你是不是汝城的
- -小子- -400字还木有筹够
- -小子- -算了不筹了
- -小子- -在那上学的
- -小子- -是男是女的
- -小子- -那个学校的
- -小子- -那个班的
- -小子- -报上姓名来
- -小子- -最后老子告诉你
- -小子- -以后写作文要自个写
- -小子- -要回答老子的问题
- -小子- -满400字了么
- -小子- -以上问题必须一一答出、不然.....嘿嘿
- -小子- -不答出的话、嘿嘿、你的脑袋就咔嚓了
- -小子- -限你在五天内答出、不然、、、
- -小子- -后果自负0.....0
- -小子- -记得老子说的话
- -小子- -别太嚣张了
- -小子- -泥某的、老子看你不顺眼就立马咔嚓你
- -小子- -哼~~~!!!!

I want to be a thiefe
to steal the unhappy memory of people.

I want to be a bubble,
to fly into the sky
as the first sunshine shines
when my prince wakes up
I break up with the shinings smiling

I want to be Sisyphus(西西弗)
roll the big stones up with my tears
when the sun goes up
and look the stones roll away with my sweaters.


I want to be a teacher when I grow up ,Beacuse I like children very much and I can make friends with them, First I will study very hard ,Then I will go to a college and study in a university,Finally I will be a teacher and teach my students patienly.If I become a teacher ,I will help my students when they get into troubles ,they will tell me everything about them ,I think that sounds great!

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酉迫甘草:[答案] I want to be a teacherI I ,want to be a teacher because I like students and eager to make my students to know more about knowledge from me ,i'm proud of it ! in my opinion ,teacher is the greatest position among all the working ,as a teacher ,I can teach ...

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酉迫甘草: I want to be a teacherI I ,want to be a teacher because I like students and eager to make my students to know more about knowledge from me ,i'm proud of it ! in my opinion ,teacher is the greatest position among all the working ,as a teacher ,I can ...

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萨尔图区17820639221: 以I want to be a 为题写一篇120词的初一知识作文 -
酉迫甘草: I want to be a teacher, when I grow up. Because I think the teacher is very interesting. I hope I can teach students to reason that bring them joy, if I really become a teacher. In addition, I also want to be a volunteer, to help those who need help the ...

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