
作者&投稿:众耐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Dear Jane,
Congratulations on your passing all the exams. I am delighted you have really made great progress in your two years of studying in China. We are proud of you and we all appreciate your help with our English.
It’s a pity that you have to go back soon, so a farewell party for you will be held in Room 302 in the Sun Club at 6:00 pm this Saturday evening. We sincerely hope you will come and I’m sure we will have a good time together. By the way, you may take Bus No. 332 in front of your hotel and it will take you directly to the club.
I wish you success and fulfillment in the years ahead.

Dear li hua,

Recently? We will hold a farewell party for you, hope you attend. Time: 6 on Saturday night. Location: THE room 302 from CLUB. Line: in your dwelling on the hotel gate of 322 buses. By the way, congratulations you pass the examination. Your study has improved a lot, we are all so proud of you. And thank you to help us learn English, we will wait for you, hope to see you soon.

Dear Jim,Here we sincerely invite you to attend the farewell party we will hold for you at 18:00pm on Saturday evening in Room 302 at the Sunshine Club.Congratulations to you on your passing the exam.You have made great progress in your ChDo come to atten


汉字“一”不是多音字,只有一个音[yī],组词为:一篇 、一同、一共 、一半 、专一、 一定 、一样 、一边 、一向 、一点、一条 、一起 、万一 一 拼音:yī,注音:一,部首:一部,部外笔画:0画,总笔画:1画 释义:1、数名,最小的正整数(在钞票和单据上常用大写“壹”代)。2、纯...

“一”音yī,(在钞票和单据上常用大写“壹”代),汉字的基本笔画,也可单独成为汉字,基本释义是最小的正整数。读音为yī,其他音为变音。yī “一”字独用、作为词或句子的最后一个字使用时,读本调第一声(阴平),如“一九”、“统一”、“一一得一”等。yí “一”字用在第四声(去声)字...


1(阿拉伯数字)①(阿拉伯数字 序号)⒈(阿拉伯数字 带点)⑴(阿拉伯数字 带括号)一(中文简体)一(中文简体 带括号)壹(中文繁体)Ⅰ(罗马数字)one(英文)在数学中 1,阿拉伯数字。2,是0与2之间的自然数。3,奇数 。4,倒数第二小的正整数。5,既不是素数,也不是合数。6,任何数除以1...


1、1最基本的定义是,属于一个阿拉伯数字,一个自然数,是最小的正整数,也是介于0和2之间的整数,是最小的正奇数。1是一个有理数,是一位数,也是单数。1既不是质数也不是合数。1的n次方(n∈R)都等于1,1的平方根也是1。2、“1”作网络用语时,代表“可以” “是”“赞同”“准备好了”...


1的英语是one。One是一个英文单词,名词,代词,限定词,形容词,数词。名词时翻译为“一;一美元纸币;(One) (印、马、美)温(人名)”。做代词时翻译为“一个人;任何人,人们(表泛指);那个人;(特指的)那种人”。做限定词时翻译为“一个(强调某人或某事);一个(用于比较相似的人...

1=00000001 2=00000010 3=00000011 4=00000100 5=00000101 6=00000110 7=00000111 8=00001000 9=00001001 十进制整数转换为二进制整数采用"除2取余,逆序排列"法。具体做法是:用2整除十进制整数,可以得到一个商和余数;再用2去除商,又会得到一个商和余数。如此进行,直到商为小于1时为止,然后把...

阿拉伯数字【1】的中文汉字是【一】,【一】不是多音字,只有 yī 一种读音。国家有效发明专利《多元汉字与图形符号输入法及其键盘》(多元码)在附带的《通用规范汉字多元码表》文本查找栏输入 g 打出【一】字,即见如下截图:由此可见,【一】字是第0001号通用规范汉字,只有一个读音,在第6版《...

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