
作者&投稿:蔚时 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

this is bed


1、Teenager :Could I buy some drinks and snacks? 少年:我可以买些饮料和零食吗?
Mom: No, you can't buy.They are not good for your health.妈妈:不行。它们对健康不好。

2、Child: Could I invite my friends to a party? 小孩:我可以请我的同学来参加派对吗?
Mom:No,you can't have a party.You have to finish your homework first.妈妈:不行,你不能举行派对,你得先完成家庭作业

3、Mom:Could't you clean your room? 妈妈:你可以把你房间清理了吗?
Child:No,I can't. I have to prepare for my test.孩子:不能,我要准备我的考试

4、Teenager 1:Could I borrow some money? 少年1:我可以借点钱吗?
Teenager 2:No, you can't.I don't have any money with me.少年1:不能。我身上没带钱

1、Child: Could I go to the store? 小孩:我可以去商店吗?
Mom:Yes,you can.妈妈:是的,你可以去。

2、Teenager 1:Could I use your CD player?少年1:我可以用一下你的CD播放器吗?
Teenager 2:Yes,you can.少年2:是的,可以。

3、Mom:Could you take out the rubbish? 妈妈:你可以把垃圾倒了吗?
Child:Yes,I can. 孩子:好的,可以

4、Dad:Could you make your bed?爸爸:你可以把床铺理了吗?
Child:Yes,i can.孩子:可以。


1. We can play football on the play ground after class.
We can go to the park on Sunday.
2. We have to study hard.
We have to clean our classroom after school everyday.
3. We can't come to school late.
We can't play computer games in class.
4. We don't have to go to sleep so early.
We don't have to water the flowers everyday.

1, We can clean our rooms every day. We can live in a big city with our parents.

造句8:我喜欢语文,因为语文像是打开知识的钥匙,它陪着我徜徉在知识的海洋中。 造句9:高考语文毕竟不是作家比拼,应当重视语文基础知识,而且这样又可以有助于作文的提高,从而又反过来巩固基础。 造句10:从儿童心理发展过程来看,语文能力是一切能力的基础。儿童最先发展的是语言能力,然后才是逻辑分析能力,语文能力好,理...


回答:1、班主任亲自守在网吧门口,叫同学们不敢上前,真是一夫当关,万夫莫开啊 2、大丈夫一言既出,驷马难追,岂有翻悔之理? 3、这个故事的情节曲折生动,真是一波未平,一波又起层层推进,引人入胜。 4、大学生应该是最具备“天下兴亡,匹夫有责”意识的一群,然而或许是日益增长的就业压力抑制了他们指点...



6.如果语句中并无模棱两可之处,则不能作出与该语句的明显含义相悖的解释。 7.没有思想,再漂亮的语句也全无用处。 8.老师说我的作文语句通顺连贯。 9.课文中那些意味深长的语句,要反复阅读,。lishixinzhi。加深理解。 10.小学生作文,首先要做到内容具体,语句通畅。 11.我爱诵读《...



8.give sth to sb I will give apples to you.She will give apples to me.9.get sth from sb You can get help from him if you are in trouble.She get apples from her mother.10.be good at doing sth I am good at playing computer games.She is good at dancing.11.be good ...

一年级上册造句1 小兰平素不爱吃肉 今天怎么吃起肉来啦 2 说话不实 办事不牢 别人怎么信任他 3 作文时 写什么 怎么写 都要深思熟虑 想好了再动笔 4 在草原上骑马真洒脱 怎么跑都行 5 我分明看见他走过来了 怎么一转眼又不见了 6 大庭广众之下

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